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4 <title>Chapter&#160;42.&#160;Boost.Jam : 3.1.19</title>
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25 <div class="chapter">
26 <div class="titlepage"><div>
27 <div><h2 class="title">
28 <a name="jam"></a>Chapter&#160;42.&#160;Boost.Jam : 3.1.19</h2></div>
29 <div><div class="authorgroup">
30 <div class="author"><h3 class="author">
31 <span class="firstname">Rene</span> <span class="surname">Rivera</span>
32 </h3></div>
33 <div class="author"><h3 class="author">
34 <span class="firstname">David</span> <span class="surname">Abrahams</span>
35 </h3></div>
36 <div class="author"><h3 class="author">
37 <span class="firstname">Vladimir</span> <span class="surname">Prus</span>
38 </h3></div>
39 </div></div>
40 <div><p class="copyright">Copyright &#169; 2003-2007 Rene Rivera, David Abrahams, Vladimir Prus</p></div>
41 <div><div class="legalnotice">
42 <a name=""></a><p>
43         Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
44         file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="" target="_top"></a>)
45       </p>
46 </div></div>
47 </div></div>
48 <div class="toc">
49 <p><b>Table of Contents</b></p>
50 <dl class="toc">
51 <dt><span class="section"><a href="jam.html#jam.building">Building B2</a></span></dt>
52 <dt><span class="section"><a href="jam/language.html">Language</a></span></dt>
53 <dd><dl>
54 <dt><span class="section"><a href="jam/language.html#jam.language.lexical">Lexical Features</a></span></dt>
55 <dt><span class="section"><a href="jam/">Targets</a></span></dt>
56 <dt><span class="section"><a href="jam/language.html#jam.language.rules">Rules</a></span></dt>
57 <dt><span class="section"><a href="jam/language.html#jam.language.flow_of_control">Flow-of-Control</a></span></dt>
58 <dt><span class="section"><a href="jam/language.html#jam.language.variables">Variables</a></span></dt>
59 <dt><span class="section"><a href="jam/language.html#jam.language.modules">Modules</a></span></dt>
60 </dl></dd>
61 <dt><span class="section"><a href="jam/miscellaneous.html">Miscellaneous</a></span></dt>
62 <dd><dl>
63 <dt><span class="section"><a href="jam/miscellaneous.html#jam.miscellaneous.diagnostics">Diagnostics</a></span></dt>
64 <dt><span class="section"><a href="jam/miscellaneous.html#jam.miscellaneous.bugs__limitations">Bugs, Limitations</a></span></dt>
65 <dt><span class="section"><a href="jam/miscellaneous.html#jam.miscellaneous.fundamentals">Fundamentals</a></span></dt>
66 </dl></dd>
67 <dt><span class="section"><a href="jam/history.html">History</a></span></dt>
68 </dl>
69 </div>
70 <div class="section">
71 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
72 <a name="jam.building"></a><a class="link" href="jam.html#jam.building" title="Building B2">Building B2</a>
73 </h2></div></div></div>
74 <p>
75       Installing <code class="literal">B2</code> after building it is simply a matter of copying
76       the generated executables someplace in your <code class="literal">PATH</code>. For building
77       the executables there are a set of <code class="literal">build</code> bootstrap scripts
78       to accomodate particular environments. The scripts take one optional argument,
79       the name of the toolset to build with. When the toolset is not given an attempt
80       is made to detect an available toolset and use that. The build scripts accept
81       these arguments:
82     </p>
83 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="emphasis"><em>build</em></span> [<span class="emphasis"><em>toolset</em></span>]
84 </pre>
85 <p>
86       Running the scripts without arguments will give you the best chance of success.
87       On Windows platforms from a command console do:
88     </p>
89 <pre class="programlisting">cd <span class="emphasis"><em>jam source location</em></span>
90 .\build.bat
91 </pre>
92 <p>
93       On Unix type platforms do:
94     </p>
95 <pre class="programlisting">cd <span class="emphasis"><em>jam source location</em></span>
96 sh ./
97 </pre>
98 <p>
99       For the Boost.Jam source included with the Boost distribution the <span class="emphasis"><em>jam
100       source location</em></span> is <code class="literal">BOOST_ROOT/tools/build/v2/engine</code>.
101     </p>
102 <p>
103       If the scripts fail to detect an appropriate toolset to build with your particular
104       toolset may not be auto-detectable. In that case, you can specify the toolset
105       as the first argument, this assumes that the toolset is readily available in
106       the <code class="literal">PATH</code>.
107     </p>
108 <div class="note"><table border="0" summary="Note">
109 <tr>
110 <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Note]" src="../../doc/src/images/note.png"></td>
111 <th align="left">Note</th>
112 </tr>
113 <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
114         The toolset used to build Boost.Jam is independent of the toolsets used for
115         Boost.Build. Only one version of Boost.Jam is needed to use Boost.Build.
116       </p></td></tr>
117 </table></div>
118 <p>
119       The supported toolsets, and whether they are auto-detected, are:
120     </p>
121 <div class="table">
122 <a name="jam.building.t0"></a><p class="title"><b>Table&#160;42.1.&#160;Supported Toolsets</b></p>
123 <div class="table-contents"><table class="table" summary="Supported Toolsets">
124 <colgroup>
125 <col>
126 <col>
127 <col>
128 <col>
129 </colgroup>
130 <thead><tr>
131 <th>
132               <p>
133                 Script
134               </p>
135             </th>
136 <th>
137               <p>
138                 Platform
139               </p>
140             </th>
141 <th>
142               <p>
143                 Toolset
144               </p>
145             </th>
146 <th>
147               <p>
148                 Detection and Notes
149               </p>
150             </th>
151 </tr></thead>
152 <tbody>
153 <tr>
154 <td>
155               <p>
156                 <code class="literal">build.bat</code>
157               </p>
158             </td>
159 <td>
160               <p>
161                 Windows NT, 2000, and XP
162               </p>
163             </td>
164 <td>
165               <p>
166                 </p>
167 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
168 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">borland</code></a></td></tr>
169 <tr><td>
170 <a href="" target="_top">Borland</a> C++Builder (BCC 5.5)</td></tr>
171 </table>
172 <p>
173               </p>
174             </td>
175 <td>
176               <p>
177                 </p>
178 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
179 <li class="listitem">Common install location: "<code class="literal">C:\Borland\BCC55</code>"</li>
180 <li class="listitem">
181 <code class="literal">BCC32.EXE</code>
182                 in <code class="literal">PATH</code>
183 </li>
184 </ul></div>
185 <p>
186               </p>
187             </td>
188 </tr>
189 <tr>
190 <td>
191             </td>
192 <td>
193             </td>
194 <td>
195               <p>
196                 </p>
197 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
198 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">como</code></a></td></tr>
199 <tr><td>Comeau
200                 Computing C/C++</td></tr>
201 </table>
202 <p>
203               </p>
204             </td>
205 <td>
206             </td>
207 </tr>
208 <tr>
209 <td>
210             </td>
211 <td>
212             </td>
213 <td>
214               <p>
215                 </p>
216 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
217 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">gcc</code></a></td></tr>
218 <tr><td>GNU
219                 GCC</td></tr>
220 </table>
221 <p>
222               </p>
223             </td>
224 <td>
225             </td>
226 </tr>
227 <tr>
228 <td>
229             </td>
230 <td>
231             </td>
232 <td>
233               <p>
234                 </p>
235 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
236 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">gcc-nocygwin</code></a></td></tr>
237 <tr><td>GNU
238                 GCC</td></tr>
239 </table>
240 <p>
241               </p>
242             </td>
243 <td>
244             </td>
245 </tr>
246 <tr>
247 <td>
248             </td>
249 <td>
250             </td>
251 <td>
252               <p>
253                 </p>
254 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
255 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">intel-win32</code></a></td></tr>
256 <tr><td>Intel
257                 C++ Compiler for Windows</td></tr>
258 </table>
259 <p>
260               </p>
261             </td>
262 <td>
263               <p>
264                 </p>
265 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">
266 <code class="literal">ICL.EXE</code> in <code class="literal">PATH</code>
267 </li></ul></div>
268 <p>
269               </p>
270             </td>
271 </tr>
272 <tr>
273 <td>
274             </td>
275 <td>
276             </td>
277 <td>
278               <p>
279                 </p>
280 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
281 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">metrowerks</code></a></td></tr>
282 <tr><td>MetroWerks
283                 CodeWarrior C/C++ 7.x, 8.x, 9.x</td></tr>
284 </table>
285 <p>
286               </p>
287             </td>
288 <td>
289               <p>
290                 </p>
291 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
292 <li class="listitem">
293 <code class="literal">CWFolder</code> variable configured</li>
294 <li class="listitem">
295 <code class="literal">MWCC.EXE</code>
296                 in <code class="literal">PATH</code>
297 </li>
298 </ul></div>
299 <p>
300               </p>
301             </td>
302 </tr>
303 <tr>
304 <td>
305             </td>
306 <td>
307             </td>
308 <td>
309               <p>
310                 </p>
311 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
312 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">mingw</code></a></td></tr>
313 <tr><td>GNU
314                 <a href="" target="_top">GCC</a> as the <a href="" target="_top">MinGW</a>
315                 configuration</td></tr>
316 </table>
317 <p>
318               </p>
319             </td>
320 <td>
321               <p>
322                 </p>
323 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">Common install location: "<code class="literal">C:\MinGW</code>"</li></ul></div>
324 <p>
325               </p>
326             </td>
327 </tr>
328 <tr>
329 <td>
330             </td>
331 <td>
332             </td>
333 <td>
334               <p>
335                 </p>
336 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
337 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">msvc</code></a></td></tr>
338 <tr><td>Microsoft
339                 Visual C++ 6.x</td></tr>
340 </table>
341 <p>
342               </p>
343             </td>
344 <td>
345               <p>
346                 </p>
347 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
348 <li class="listitem">
349 <code class="literal">VCVARS32.BAT</code> already configured</li>
350 <li class="listitem">
351 <code class="literal">%MSVCDir%</code>
352                 is present in environment</li>
353 <li class="listitem">Common install locations: "<code class="literal">%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft
354                 Visual Studio</code>", "<code class="literal">%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft
355                 Visual C++</code>"</li>
356 <li class="listitem">
357 <code class="literal">CL.EXE</code> in <code class="literal">PATH</code>
358 </li>
359 </ul></div>
360 <p>
361               </p>
362             </td>
363 </tr>
364 <tr>
365 <td>
366             </td>
367 <td>
368             </td>
369 <td>
370               <p>
371                 </p>
372 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
373 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">vc7</code></a></td></tr>
374 <tr><td>Microsoft
375                 Visual C++ 7.x</td></tr>
376 </table>
377 <p>
378               </p>
379             </td>
380 <td>
381               <p>
382                 </p>
383 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
384 <li class="listitem">
385 <code class="literal">VCVARS32.BAT</code> or <code class="literal">VSVARS32.BAT</code>
386                 already configured</li>
387 <li class="listitem">
388 <code class="literal">%VS71COMNTOOLS%</code> is present in
389                 environment</li>
390 <li class="listitem">
391 <code class="literal">%VCINSTALLDIR%</code> is present in environment</li>
392 <li class="listitem">Common
393                 install locations: "<code class="literal">%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual
394                 Studio .NET</code>", "<code class="literal">%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft
395                 Visual Studio .NET 2003</code>"</li>
396 <li class="listitem">
397 <code class="literal">CL.EXE</code>
398                 in <code class="literal">PATH</code>
399 </li>
400 </ul></div>
401 <p>
402               </p>
403             </td>
404 </tr>
405 <tr>
406 <td>
407             </td>
408 <td>
409             </td>
410 <td>
411               <p>
412                 </p>
413 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
414 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">vc8</code>
415                 and <code class="literal">vc9</code></a></td></tr>
416 <tr><td>Microsoft Visual C++ 8.x and 9.x</td></tr>
417 </table>
418 <p>
419               </p>
420             </td>
421 <td>
422               <p>
423                 Detection: </p>
424 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
425 <li class="listitem">
426 <code class="literal">VCVARSALL.BAT</code> already configured</li>
427 <li class="listitem">
428 <code class="literal">%VS90COMNTOOLS%</code>
429                 is present in environment</li>
430 <li class="listitem">Common install location: "<code class="literal">%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft
431                 Visual Studio 9</code>"</li>
432 <li class="listitem">
433 <code class="literal">%VS80COMNTOOLS%</code>
434                 is present in environment</li>
435 <li class="listitem">Common install location: "<code class="literal">%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft
436                 Visual Studio 8</code>"</li>
437 <li class="listitem">
438 <code class="literal">CL.EXE</code> in <code class="literal">PATH</code>
439 </li>
440 </ul></div>
441 <p>
442               </p>
443               <p>
444                 Notes: </p>
445 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">If <code class="literal">VCVARSALL.BAT</code> is called to set up the
446                 toolset, it is passed all the extra arguments, see below for what
447                 those arguments are. This can be used to build, for example, a Win64
448                 specific version of <code class="literal">b2</code>. Consult the VisualStudio
449                 documentation for what the possible argument values to the <code class="literal">VCVARSALL.BAT</code>
450                 are.</li></ul></div>
451 <p>
452   </p>
453             </td>
454 </tr>
455 <tr>
456 <td>
457               <p>
458                 <code class="literal"></code>
459               </p>
460             </td>
461 <td>
462               <p>
463                 Unix, Linux, Cygwin, etc.
464               </p>
465             </td>
466 <td>
467               <p>
468                 </p>
469 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
470 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">acc</code></a></td></tr>
471 <tr><td>HP-UX
472                 aCC</td></tr>
473 </table>
474 <p>
475               </p>
476             </td>
477 <td>
478               <p>
479                 </p>
480 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
481 <li class="listitem">
482 <code class="literal">aCC</code> in <code class="literal">PATH</code>
483 </li>
484 <li class="listitem">
485 <code class="literal">uname</code>
486                 is "HP-UX"</li>
487 </ul></div>
488 <p>
489               </p>
490             </td>
491 </tr>
492 <tr>
493 <td>
494             </td>
495 <td>
496             </td>
497 <td>
498               <p>
499                 </p>
500 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
501 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">como</code></a></td></tr>
502 <tr><td>Comeau
503                 Computing C/C++</td></tr>
504 </table>
505 <p>
506               </p>
507             </td>
508 <td>
509               <p>
510                 </p>
511 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">como in <code class="literal">PATH</code>
512 </li></ul></div>
513 <p>
514               </p>
515             </td>
516 </tr>
517 <tr>
518 <td>
519             </td>
520 <td>
521             </td>
522 <td>
523               <p>
524                 </p>
525 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
526 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">gcc</code></a></td></tr>
527 <tr><td>GNU
528                 GCC</td></tr>
529 </table>
530 <p>
531               </p>
532             </td>
533 <td>
534               <p>
535                 </p>
536 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">gcc in <code class="literal">PATH</code>
537 </li></ul></div>
538 <p>
539               </p>
540             </td>
541 </tr>
542 <tr>
543 <td>
544             </td>
545 <td>
546             </td>
547 <td>
548               <p>
549                 </p>
550 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
551 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">intel-linux</code></a></td></tr>
552 <tr><td>Intel
553                 C++ for Linux</td></tr>
554 </table>
555 <p>
556               </p>
557             </td>
558 <td>
559               <p>
560                 </p>
561 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
562 <li class="listitem">
563 <code class="literal">icc</code> in <code class="literal">PATH</code>
564 </li>
565 <li class="listitem">Common install locations:
566                 "<code class="literal">/opt/intel/cc/9.0</code>", "<code class="literal">/opt/intel_cc_80</code>",
567                 "<code class="literal">/opt/intel/compiler70</code>", "<code class="literal">/opt/intel/compiler60</code>",
568                 "<code class="literal">/opt/intel/compiler50</code>"</li>
569 </ul></div>
570 <p>
571               </p>
572             </td>
573 </tr>
574 <tr>
575 <td>
576             </td>
577 <td>
578             </td>
579 <td>
580               <p>
581                 </p>
582 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
583 <tr><td><code class="literal">kcc</code></td></tr>
584 <tr><td>Intel KAI C++</td></tr>
585 </table>
586 <p>
587               </p>
588             </td>
589 <td>
590               <p>
591                 </p>
592 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">
593 <code class="literal">KCC</code> in <code class="literal">PATH</code>
594 </li></ul></div>
595 <p>
596               </p>
597             </td>
598 </tr>
599 <tr>
600 <td>
601             </td>
602 <td>
603             </td>
604 <td>
605               <p>
606                 </p>
607 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
608 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">kylix</code></a></td></tr>
609 <tr><td>
610 <a href="" target="_top">Borland</a> C++Builder</td></tr>
611 </table>
612 <p>
613               </p>
614             </td>
615 <td>
616               <p>
617                 </p>
618 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">bc++ in PATH</li></ul></div>
619 <p>
620               </p>
621             </td>
622 </tr>
623 <tr>
624 <td>
625             </td>
626 <td>
627             </td>
628 <td>
629               <p>
630                 </p>
631 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
632 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">mipspro</code></a></td></tr>
633 <tr><td>SGI
634                 MIPSpro C</td></tr>
635 </table>
636 <p>
637               </p>
638             </td>
639 <td>
640               <p>
641                 </p>
642 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">
643 <code class="literal">uname</code> is "<code class="literal">IRIX</code>" or
644                 "<code class="literal">IRIX64</code>"</li></ul></div>
645 <p>
646               </p>
647             </td>
648 </tr>
649 <tr>
650 <td>
651             </td>
652 <td>
653             </td>
654 <td>
655               <p>
656                 </p>
657 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
658 <tr><td><code class="literal">sunpro</code></td></tr>
659 <tr><td>Sun Workshop 6 C++</td></tr>
660 </table>
661 <p>
662               </p>
663             </td>
664 <td>
665               <p>
666                 </p>
667 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">Standard install location: "<code class="literal">/opt/SUNWspro</code>"</li></ul></div>
668 <p>
669               </p>
670             </td>
671 </tr>
672 <tr>
673 <td>
674             </td>
675 <td>
676             </td>
677 <td>
678               <p>
679                 </p>
680 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
681 <tr><td><code class="literal">qcc</code></td></tr>
682 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top">QNX Neutrino</a></td></tr>
683 </table>
684 <p>
685               </p>
686             </td>
687 <td>
688               <p>
689                 </p>
690 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">
691 <code class="literal">uname</code> is "<code class="literal">QNX</code>" and
692                 <code class="literal">qcc</code> in <code class="literal">PATH</code>
693 </li></ul></div>
694 <p>
695               </p>
696             </td>
697 </tr>
698 <tr>
699 <td>
700             </td>
701 <td>
702             </td>
703 <td>
704               <p>
705                 </p>
706 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
707 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">true64cxx</code></a></td></tr>
708 <tr><td>Compaq
709                 C++ Compiler for True64 UNIX</td></tr>
710 </table>
711 <p>
712               </p>
713             </td>
714 <td>
715               <p>
716                 </p>
717 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">
718 <code class="literal">uname</code> is "<code class="literal">OSF1</code>"</li></ul></div>
719 <p>
720               </p>
721             </td>
722 </tr>
723 <tr>
724 <td>
725             </td>
726 <td>
727             </td>
728 <td>
729               <p>
730                 </p>
731 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
732 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">vacpp</code></a></td></tr>
733 <tr><td>IBM
734                 VisualAge C++</td></tr>
735 </table>
736 <p>
737               </p>
738             </td>
739 <td>
740               <p>
741                 </p>
742 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">
743 <code class="literal">xlc</code> in <code class="literal">PATH</code>
744 </li></ul></div>
745 <p>
746               </p>
747             </td>
748 </tr>
749 <tr>
750 <td>
751             </td>
752 <td>
753               <p>
754                 MacOS X
755               </p>
756             </td>
757 <td>
758               <p>
759                 </p>
760 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
761 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">darwin</code></a></td></tr>
762 <tr><td>Apple
763                 MacOS X GCC</td></tr>
764 </table>
765 <p>
766               </p>
767             </td>
768 <td>
769               <p>
770                 </p>
771 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">
772 <code class="literal">uname</code> is "<code class="literal">Darwin</code>"</li></ul></div>
773 <p>
774               </p>
775             </td>
776 </tr>
777 <tr>
778 <td>
779             </td>
780 <td>
781               <p>
782                 Windows NT, 2000, and XP
783               </p>
784             </td>
785 <td>
786               <p>
787                 </p>
788 <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
789 <tr><td><a href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">mingw</code></a></td></tr>
790 <tr><td>GNU
791                 <a href="" target="_top">GCC</a> as the <a href="" target="_top">MinGW</a>
792                 configuration with the MSYS shell</td></tr>
793 </table>
794 <p>
795               </p>
796             </td>
797 <td>
798               <p>
799                 </p>
800 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem">Common install location: "<code class="literal">/mingw</code>"</li></ul></div>
801 <p>
802               </p>
803             </td>
804 </tr>
805 </tbody>
806 </table></div>
807 </div>
808 <br class="table-break"><p>
809       The built executables are placed in a subdirectory specific to your platform.
810       For example, in Linux running on an Intel x86 compatible chip, the executables
811       are placed in: "<code class="literal">bin.linuxx86</code>". The =b2[.exe]=
812       executable can be used to invoke Boost.Build.
813     </p>
814 <p>
815       The build scripts support additional invocation arguments for use by developers
816       of Boost.Jam and for additional setup of the toolset. The extra arguments come
817       after the toolset:
818     </p>
819 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
820 <li class="listitem">
821           Arguments not in the form of an option, before option arguments, are used
822           for extra setup to toolset configuration scripts.
823         </li>
824 <li class="listitem">
825           Arguments of the form "<code class="literal">--option</code>", which are
826           passed to the <code class="literal">build.jam</code> build script.
827         </li>
828 <li class="listitem">
829           Arguments not in the form of an option, after the options, which are targets
830           for the <code class="literal">build.jam</code> script.
831         </li>
832 </ul></div>
833 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="emphasis"><em>build</em></span> [<span class="emphasis"><em>toolset</em></span>] [<span class="emphasis"><em>setup</em></span>*] [--<span class="emphasis"><em>option</em></span>+ <span class="emphasis"><em>target</em></span>*]
834 </pre>
835 <p>
836       The arguments immediately after the toolset are passed directly to the setup
837       script of the toolset, if available and if it needs to be invoked. This allows
838       one to configure the toolset ass needed to do non-default builds of <code class="literal">b2</code>.
839       For example to build a Win64 version with <code class="literal">vc8</code>. See the toolset
840       descriptiona above for when particular toolsets support this.
841     </p>
842 <p>
843       The arguments starting with the "<code class="literal">--option</code>" forms
844       are passed to the <code class="literal">build.jam</code> script and are used to further
845       customize what gets built. Options and targets supported by the <code class="literal">build.jam</code>
846       script:
847     </p>
848 <div class="variablelist">
849 <p class="title"><b></b></p>
850 <dl class="variablelist">
851 <dt><span class="term"><div class="literallayout"><p><code class="literal">---</code></p></div></span></dt>
852 <dd><p>
853             Empty option when one wants to only specify a target.
854           </p></dd>
855 <dt><span class="term"><div class="literallayout"><p><code class="literal">--release</code></p></div></span></dt>
856 <dd><p>
857             The default, builds the optimized executable.
858           </p></dd>
859 <dt><span class="term"><div class="literallayout"><p><code class="literal">--debug</code></p></div></span></dt>
860 <dd><p>
861             Builds debugging versions of the executable. When built they are placed
862             in their own directory "<code class="literal">bin./platform/.debug</code>".
863           </p></dd>
864 <dt><span class="term"><div class="literallayout"><p><code class="literal">--grammar</code></p></div></span></dt>
865 <dd><p>
866             Normally the Jam language grammar parsing files are not regenerated.
867             This forces building of the grammar, although it may not force the regeneration
868             of the grammar parser. If the parser is out of date it will be regenerated
869             and subsequently built.
870           </p></dd>
871 <dt><span class="term"><div class="literallayout"><p><code class="literal">--with-python=<span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span></code></p></div></span></dt>
872 <dd><p>
873             Enables Python integration, given a path to the Python libraries.
874           </p></dd>
875 <dt><span class="term"><div class="literallayout"><p><code class="literal">--gc</code></p></div></span></dt>
876 <dd><p>
877             Enables use of the Boehm Garbage Collector. The build will look for the
878             Boehm-GC source in a "boehm_gc" subdirectory from the <code class="literal">b2</code>
879             sources.
880           </p></dd>
881 <dt><span class="term"><div class="literallayout"><p><code class="literal">--duma</code></p></div></span></dt>
882 <dd><p>
883             Enables use of the DUMA (Detect Uintended Memory Access) debugging memory
884             allocator. The build expects to find the DUMA source files in a "duma"
885             subdirectory from the <code class="literal">b2</code> sources.
886           </p></dd>
887 <dt><span class="term"><div class="literallayout"><p><code class="literal">--toolset-root=<span class="emphasis"><em>path</em></span></code></p></div></span></dt>
888 <dd><p>
889             Indicates where the toolset used to build is located. This option is
890             passed in by the bootstrap (<code class="literal">build.bat</code> or <code class="literal"></code>)
891             script.
892           </p></dd>
893 <dt><span class="term"><div class="literallayout"><p><code class="literal">--show-locate-target</code></p></div></span></dt>
894 <dd><p>
895             For information, prints out where it will put the built executable.
896           </p></dd>
897 <dt><span class="term"><div class="literallayout"><p><code class="literal">--noassert</code></p></div></span></dt>
898 <dd><p>
899             Disable debug assertions, even if building the debug version of the executable.
900           </p></dd>
901 <dt><span class="term"><div class="literallayout"><p><code class="literal">dist</code></p></div></span></dt>
902 <dd><p>
903             Generate packages (compressed archives) as appropriate for distribution
904             in the platform, if possible.
905           </p></dd>
906 <dt><span class="term"><div class="literallayout"><p><code class="literal">clean</code></p></div></span></dt>
907 <dd><p>
908             Remove all the built executables and objects.
909           </p></dd>
910 </dl>
911 </div>
912 </div>
913 </div>
914 <table xmlns:rev="" width="100%"><tr>
915 <td align="left"></td>
916 <td align="right"><div class="copyright-footer"></div></td>
917 </tr></table>
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919 <div class="spirit-nav">
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