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23 <tr><td colspan="5" class="shortcuts">
24 <a href="#gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.synopsis" class="shortcut">Top</a>
25                    | 
26                   <a href="#gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.description" class="shortcut">Description</a>
27                    | 
28                   <a href="#gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.object-hierarchy" class="shortcut">Object Hierarchy</a>
29                    | 
30                   <a href="#gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.implemented-interfaces" class="shortcut">Implemented Interfaces</a>
31                    | 
32                   <a href="" class="shortcut">Properties</a>
33 </td></tr>
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35 <div class="refentry">
36 <a name="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink"></a><div class="titlepage"></div>
37 <div class="refnamediv"><table width="100%"><tr>
38 <td valign="top">
39 <h2><span class="refentrytitle"><a name="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.top_of_page"></a>xvimagesink</span></h2>
40 <p>xvimagesink — A Xv based videosink</p>
41 </td>
42 <td valign="top" align="right"></td>
43 </tr></table></div>
44 <div class="refsynopsisdiv">
45 <a name="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.synopsis"></a><h2>Synopsis</h2>
46 <a name="GstXvImageSink"></a><pre class="synopsis">struct              <a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink-struct" title="struct GstXvImageSink">GstXvImageSink</a>;
47 </pre>
48 </div>
49 <div class="refsect1">
50 <a name="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.object-hierarchy"></a><h2>Object Hierarchy</h2>
51 <pre class="synopsis">
52   <a href="">GObject</a>
53    +----<a href="">GstObject</a>
54          +----<a href="">GstElement</a>
55                +----<a href="">GstBaseSink</a>
56                      +----<a href="">GstVideoSink</a>
57                            +----GstXvImageSink
58 </pre>
59 </div>
60 <div class="refsect1">
61 <a name="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.implemented-interfaces"></a><h2>Implemented Interfaces</h2>
62 <p>
63 GstXvImageSink implements
64  <a href="">GstImplementsInterface</a>,  <a href="">GstNavigation</a>,  <a href="">GstXOverlay</a>,  <a href="">GstColorBalance</a> and  <a href="">GstPropertyProbe</a>.</p>
65 </div>
66 <div class="refsect1">
67 <a name=""></a><h2>Properties</h2>
68 <pre class="synopsis">
69   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--brightness" title='The "brightness" property'>brightness</a>"               <a href=""><span class="type">gint</span></a>                  : Read / Write
70   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--contrast" title='The "contrast" property'>contrast</a>"                 <a href=""><span class="type">gint</span></a>                  : Read / Write
71   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--display" title='The "display" property'>display</a>"                  <a href=""><span class="type">gchar</span></a>*                : Read / Write
72   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--hue" title='The "hue" property'>hue</a>"                      <a href=""><span class="type">gint</span></a>                  : Read / Write
73   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--pixel-aspect-ratio" title='The "pixel-aspect-ratio" property'>pixel-aspect-ratio</a>"       <a href=""><span class="type">gchar</span></a>*                : Read / Write
74   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--saturation" title='The "saturation" property'>saturation</a>"               <a href=""><span class="type">gint</span></a>                  : Read / Write
75   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--synchronous" title='The "synchronous" property'>synchronous</a>"              <a href=""><span class="type">gboolean</span></a>              : Read / Write
76   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--force-aspect-ratio" title='The "force-aspect-ratio" property'>force-aspect-ratio</a>"       <a href=""><span class="type">gboolean</span></a>              : Read / Write
77   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--device" title='The "device" property'>device</a>"                   <a href=""><span class="type">gchar</span></a>*                : Read / Write
78   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--device-name" title='The "device-name" property'>device-name</a>"              <a href=""><span class="type">gchar</span></a>*                : Read
79   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--handle-events" title='The "handle-events" property'>handle-events</a>"            <a href=""><span class="type">gboolean</span></a>              : Read / Write
80   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--double-buffer" title='The "double-buffer" property'>double-buffer</a>"            <a href=""><span class="type">gboolean</span></a>              : Read / Write
81   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--handle-expose" title='The "handle-expose" property'>handle-expose</a>"            <a href=""><span class="type">gboolean</span></a>              : Read / Write
82   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--autopaint-colorkey" title='The "autopaint-colorkey" property'>autopaint-colorkey</a>"       <a href=""><span class="type">gboolean</span></a>              : Read / Write
83   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--colorkey" title='The "colorkey" property'>colorkey</a>"                 <a href=""><span class="type">gint</span></a>                  : Read / Write
84   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--draw-borders" title='The "draw-borders" property'>draw-borders</a>"             <a href=""><span class="type">gboolean</span></a>              : Read / Write
85   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--window-height" title='The "window-height" property'>window-height</a>"            <a href=""><span class="type">guint64</span></a>               : Read
86   "<a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--window-width" title='The "window-width" property'>window-width</a>"             <a href=""><span class="type">guint64</span></a>               : Read
87 </pre>
88 </div>
89 <div class="refsect1">
90 <a name="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.description"></a><h2>Description</h2>
91 <p>
92 XvImageSink renders video frames to a drawable (XWindow) on a local display
93 using the XVideo extension. Rendering to a remote display is theorically
94 possible but i doubt that the XVideo extension is actually available when
95 connecting to a remote display. This element can receive a Window ID from the
96 application through the XOverlay interface and will then render video frames
97 in this drawable. If no Window ID was provided by the application, the
98 element will create its own internal window and render into it.
99 </p>
100 <p>
101 </p>
102 <div class="refsect2">
103 <a name="idp16288528"></a><h3>Scaling</h3>
104 <p>
105 The XVideo extension, when it's available, handles hardware accelerated
106 scaling of video frames. This means that the element will just accept
107 incoming video frames no matter their geometry and will then put them to the
108 drawable scaling them on the fly. Using the <a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--force-aspect-ratio" title='The "force-aspect-ratio" property'><span class="type">"force-aspect-ratio"</span></a>
109 property it is possible to enforce scaling with a constant aspect ratio,
110 which means drawing black borders around the video frame.
111 </p>
112 </div>
113 <p>
114 </p>
115 <hr>
116 <div class="refsect2">
117 <a name="idp16291104"></a><h3>Events</h3>
118 <p>
119 XvImageSink creates a thread to handle events coming from the drawable. There
120 are several kind of events that can be grouped in 2 big categories: input
121 events and window state related events. Input events will be translated to
122 navigation events and pushed upstream for other elements to react on them.
123 This includes events such as pointer moves, key press/release, clicks etc...
124 Other events are used to handle the drawable appearance even when the data
125 is not flowing (GST_STATE_PAUSED). That means that even when the element is
126 paused, it will receive expose events from the drawable and draw the latest
127 frame with correct borders/aspect-ratio.
128 </p>
129 </div>
130 <p>
131 </p>
132 <hr>
133 <div class="refsect2">
134 <a name="idp16293088"></a><h3>Pixel aspect ratio</h3>
135 <p>
136 When changing state to GST_STATE_READY, XvImageSink will open a connection to
137 the display specified in the <a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--display" title='The "display" property'><span class="type">"display"</span></a> property or the
138 default display if nothing specified. Once this connection is open it will
139 inspect the display configuration including the physical display geometry and
140 then calculate the pixel aspect ratio. When receiving video frames with a
141 different pixel aspect ratio, XvImageSink will use hardware scaling to
142 display the video frames correctly on display's pixel aspect ratio.
143 Sometimes the calculated pixel aspect ratio can be wrong, it is
144 then possible to enforce a specific pixel aspect ratio using the
145 <a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--pixel-aspect-ratio" title='The "pixel-aspect-ratio" property'><span class="type">"pixel-aspect-ratio"</span></a> property.
146 </p>
147 </div>
148 <p>
149 </p>
150 <hr>
151 <div class="refsect2">
152 <a name="idp16296736"></a><h3>Examples</h3>
153 <div class="informalexample">
154   <table class="listing_frame" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
155     <tbody>
156       <tr>
157         <td class="listing_lines" align="right"><pre>1</pre></td>
158         <td class="listing_code"><pre class="programlisting">gst<span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>launch <span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>v videotestsrc <span class="gtkdoc opt">!</span> xvimagesink</pre></td>
159       </tr>
160     </tbody>
161   </table>
162 </div>
163  A pipeline to test hardware scaling.
164 When the test video signal appears you can resize the window and see that
165 video frames are scaled through hardware (no extra CPU cost).
166 <div class="informalexample">
167   <table class="listing_frame" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
168     <tbody>
169       <tr>
170         <td class="listing_lines" align="right"><pre>1</pre></td>
171         <td class="listing_code"><pre class="programlisting">gst<span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>launch <span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>v videotestsrc <span class="gtkdoc opt">!</span> xvimagesink force<span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>aspect<span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>ratio<span class="gtkdoc opt">=</span><span class="keyword">true</span></pre></td>
172       </tr>
173     </tbody>
174   </table>
175 </div>
176  Same pipeline with <a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink--force-aspect-ratio" title='The "force-aspect-ratio" property'><span class="type">"force-aspect-ratio"</span></a> property set to true
177 You can observe the borders drawn around the scaled image respecting aspect
178 ratio.
179 <div class="informalexample">
180   <table class="listing_frame" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
181     <tbody>
182       <tr>
183         <td class="listing_lines" align="right"><pre>1</pre></td>
184         <td class="listing_code"><pre class="programlisting">gst<span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>launch <span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>v videotestsrc <span class="gtkdoc opt">!</span> navigationtest <span class="gtkdoc opt">!</span> xvimagesink</pre></td>
185       </tr>
186     </tbody>
187   </table>
188 </div>
189  A pipeline to test navigation events.
190 While moving the mouse pointer over the test signal you will see a black box
191 following the mouse pointer. If you press the mouse button somewhere on the
192 video and release it somewhere else a green box will appear where you pressed
193 the button and a red one where you released it. (The navigationtest element
194 is part of gst-plugins-good.) You can observe here that even if the images
195 are scaled through hardware the pointer coordinates are converted back to the
196 original video frame geometry so that the box can be drawn to the correct
197 position. This also handles borders correctly, limiting coordinates to the
198 image area
199 <div class="informalexample">
200   <table class="listing_frame" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
201     <tbody>
202       <tr>
203         <td class="listing_lines" align="right"><pre>1</pre></td>
204         <td class="listing_code"><pre class="programlisting">gst<span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>launch <span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>v videotestsrc <span class="gtkdoc opt">!</span> video<span class="gtkdoc opt">/</span>x<span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>raw<span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>yuv<span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span> pixel<span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>aspect<span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>ratio<span class="gtkdoc opt">=(</span>fraction<span class="gtkdoc opt">)</span><span class="number">4</span><span class="gtkdoc opt">/</span><span class="number">3</span> <span class="gtkdoc opt">!</span> xvimagesink</pre></td>
205       </tr>
206     </tbody>
207   </table>
208 </div>
209  This is faking a 4/3 pixel aspect ratio caps on video frames produced by
210 videotestsrc, in most cases the pixel aspect ratio of the display will be
211 1/1. This means that XvImageSink will have to do the scaling to convert
212 incoming frames to a size that will match the display pixel aspect ratio
213 (from 320x240 to 320x180 in this case). Note that you might have to escape
214 some characters for your shell like '\(fraction\)'.
215 <div class="informalexample">
216   <table class="listing_frame" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
217     <tbody>
218       <tr>
219         <td class="listing_lines" align="right"><pre>1</pre></td>
220         <td class="listing_code"><pre class="programlisting">gst<span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>launch <span class="gtkdoc opt">-</span>v videotestsrc <span class="gtkdoc opt">!</span> xvimagesink hue<span class="gtkdoc opt">=</span><span class="number">100</span> saturation<span class="gtkdoc opt">=-</span><span class="number">100</span> brightness<span class="gtkdoc opt">=</span><span class="number">100</span></pre></td>
221       </tr>
222     </tbody>
223   </table>
224 </div>
225  Demonstrates how to use the colorbalance interface.
226 </div>
227 <p>
228 </p>
229 <div class="refsynopsisdiv">
230 <h2>Synopsis</h2>
231 <div class="refsect2">
232 <a name="idp16304880"></a><h3>Element Information</h3>
233 <div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
234 <col align="left" valign="top">
235 <tbody>
236 <tr>
237 <td><p><span class="term">plugin</span></p></td>
238 <td>
239             <a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-plugin-xvimagesink.html#plugin-xvimagesink">xvimagesink</a>
240           </td>
241 </tr>
242 <tr>
243 <td><p><span class="term">author</span></p></td>
244 <td>Julien Moutte &lt;;</td>
245 </tr>
246 <tr>
247 <td><p><span class="term">class</span></p></td>
248 <td>Sink/Video</td>
249 </tr>
250 </tbody>
251 </table></div>
252 </div>
253 <hr>
254 <div class="refsect2">
255 <a name="idp16312336"></a><h3>Element Pads</h3>
256 <div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
257 <col align="left" valign="top">
258 <tbody>
259 <tr>
260 <td><p><span class="term">name</span></p></td>
261 <td>sink</td>
262 </tr>
263 <tr>
264 <td><p><span class="term">direction</span></p></td>
265 <td>sink</td>
266 </tr>
267 <tr>
268 <td><p><span class="term">presence</span></p></td>
269 <td>always</td>
270 </tr>
271 <tr>
272 <td><p><span class="term">details</span></p></td>
273 <td>video/x-raw-rgb, framerate=(fraction)[ 0/1, 2147483647/1 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]</td>
274 </tr>
275 <tr>
276 <td><p><span class="term"></span></p></td>
277 <td> video/x-raw-yuv, framerate=(fraction)[ 0/1, 2147483647/1 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]</td>
278 </tr>
279 </tbody>
280 </table></div>
281 </div>
282 </div>
283 <p>
284 </p>
285 </div>
286 <div class="refsect1">
287 <a name="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.details"></a><h2>Details</h2>
288 <div class="refsect2">
289 <a name="GstXvImageSink-struct"></a><h3>struct GstXvImageSink</h3>
290 <pre class="programlisting">struct GstXvImageSink;</pre>
291 <p>
292 The <a class="link" href="gst-plugins-base-plugins-xvimagesink.html#GstXvImageSink"><span class="type">GstXvImageSink</span></a> data structure.
293 </p>
294 <div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
295 <col align="left" valign="top">
296 <tbody></tbody>
297 </table></div>
298 </div>
299 </div>
300 <div class="refsect1">
301 <a name=""></a><h2>Property Details</h2>
302 <div class="refsect2">
303 <a name="GstXvImageSink--brightness"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"brightness"</code> property</h3>
304 <pre class="programlisting">  "brightness"               <a href=""><span class="type">gint</span></a>                  : Read / Write</pre>
305 <p>The brightness of the video.</p>
306 <p>Allowed values: [-1000,1000]</p>
307 <p>Default value: 0</p>
308 </div>
309 <hr>
310 <div class="refsect2">
311 <a name="GstXvImageSink--contrast"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"contrast"</code> property</h3>
312 <pre class="programlisting">  "contrast"                 <a href=""><span class="type">gint</span></a>                  : Read / Write</pre>
313 <p>The contrast of the video.</p>
314 <p>Allowed values: [-1000,1000]</p>
315 <p>Default value: 0</p>
316 </div>
317 <hr>
318 <div class="refsect2">
319 <a name="GstXvImageSink--display"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"display"</code> property</h3>
320 <pre class="programlisting">  "display"                  <a href=""><span class="type">gchar</span></a>*                : Read / Write</pre>
321 <p>X Display name.</p>
322 <p>Default value: NULL</p>
323 </div>
324 <hr>
325 <div class="refsect2">
326 <a name="GstXvImageSink--hue"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"hue"</code> property</h3>
327 <pre class="programlisting">  "hue"                      <a href=""><span class="type">gint</span></a>                  : Read / Write</pre>
328 <p>The hue of the video.</p>
329 <p>Allowed values: [-1000,1000]</p>
330 <p>Default value: 0</p>
331 </div>
332 <hr>
333 <div class="refsect2">
334 <a name="GstXvImageSink--pixel-aspect-ratio"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"pixel-aspect-ratio"</code> property</h3>
335 <pre class="programlisting">  "pixel-aspect-ratio"       <a href=""><span class="type">gchar</span></a>*                : Read / Write</pre>
336 <p>The pixel aspect ratio of the device.</p>
337 <p>Default value: "1/1"</p>
338 </div>
339 <hr>
340 <div class="refsect2">
341 <a name="GstXvImageSink--saturation"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"saturation"</code> property</h3>
342 <pre class="programlisting">  "saturation"               <a href=""><span class="type">gint</span></a>                  : Read / Write</pre>
343 <p>The saturation of the video.</p>
344 <p>Allowed values: [-1000,1000]</p>
345 <p>Default value: 0</p>
346 </div>
347 <hr>
348 <div class="refsect2">
349 <a name="GstXvImageSink--synchronous"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"synchronous"</code> property</h3>
350 <pre class="programlisting">  "synchronous"              <a href=""><span class="type">gboolean</span></a>              : Read / Write</pre>
351 <p>When enabled, runs the X display in synchronous mode. (used only for debugging).</p>
352 <p>Default value: FALSE</p>
353 </div>
354 <hr>
355 <div class="refsect2">
356 <a name="GstXvImageSink--force-aspect-ratio"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"force-aspect-ratio"</code> property</h3>
357 <pre class="programlisting">  "force-aspect-ratio"       <a href=""><span class="type">gboolean</span></a>              : Read / Write</pre>
358 <p>When enabled, scaling will respect original aspect ratio.</p>
359 <p>Default value: FALSE</p>
360 </div>
361 <hr>
362 <div class="refsect2">
363 <a name="GstXvImageSink--device"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"device"</code> property</h3>
364 <pre class="programlisting">  "device"                   <a href=""><span class="type">gchar</span></a>*                : Read / Write</pre>
365 <p>The number of the video adaptor.</p>
366 <p>Default value: "0"</p>
367 </div>
368 <hr>
369 <div class="refsect2">
370 <a name="GstXvImageSink--device-name"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"device-name"</code> property</h3>
371 <pre class="programlisting">  "device-name"              <a href=""><span class="type">gchar</span></a>*                : Read</pre>
372 <p>The name of the video adaptor.</p>
373 <p>Default value: NULL</p>
374 </div>
375 <hr>
376 <div class="refsect2">
377 <a name="GstXvImageSink--handle-events"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"handle-events"</code> property</h3>
378 <pre class="programlisting">  "handle-events"            <a href=""><span class="type">gboolean</span></a>              : Read / Write</pre>
379 <p>When enabled, XEvents will be selected and handled.</p>
380 <p>Default value: TRUE</p>
381 </div>
382 <hr>
383 <div class="refsect2">
384 <a name="GstXvImageSink--double-buffer"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"double-buffer"</code> property</h3>
385 <pre class="programlisting">  "double-buffer"            <a href=""><span class="type">gboolean</span></a>              : Read / Write</pre>
386 <p>
387 Whether to double-buffer the output.
388 </p>
389 <p>Default value: TRUE</p>
390 <p class="since">Since 0.10.14</p>
391 </div>
392 <hr>
393 <div class="refsect2">
394 <a name="GstXvImageSink--handle-expose"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"handle-expose"</code> property</h3>
395 <pre class="programlisting">  "handle-expose"            <a href=""><span class="type">gboolean</span></a>              : Read / Write</pre>
396 <p>
397 When enabled, the current frame will always be drawn in response to X
398 Expose.
399 </p>
400 <p>Default value: TRUE</p>
401 <p class="since">Since 0.10.14</p>
402 </div>
403 <hr>
404 <div class="refsect2">
405 <a name="GstXvImageSink--autopaint-colorkey"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"autopaint-colorkey"</code> property</h3>
406 <pre class="programlisting">  "autopaint-colorkey"       <a href=""><span class="type">gboolean</span></a>              : Read / Write</pre>
407 <p>
408 Whether to autofill overlay with colorkey
409 </p>
410 <p>Default value: TRUE</p>
411 <p class="since">Since 0.10.21</p>
412 </div>
413 <hr>
414 <div class="refsect2">
415 <a name="GstXvImageSink--colorkey"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"colorkey"</code> property</h3>
416 <pre class="programlisting">  "colorkey"                 <a href=""><span class="type">gint</span></a>                  : Read / Write</pre>
417 <p>
418 Color to use for the overlay mask.
419 </p>
420 <p>Default value: 0</p>
421 <p class="since">Since 0.10.21</p>
422 </div>
423 <hr>
424 <div class="refsect2">
425 <a name="GstXvImageSink--draw-borders"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"draw-borders"</code> property</h3>
426 <pre class="programlisting">  "draw-borders"             <a href=""><span class="type">gboolean</span></a>              : Read / Write</pre>
427 <p>
428 Draw black borders when using GstXvImageSink:force-aspect-ratio to fill
429 unused parts of the video area.
430 </p>
431 <p>Default value: TRUE</p>
432 <p class="since">Since 0.10.21</p>
433 </div>
434 <hr>
435 <div class="refsect2">
436 <a name="GstXvImageSink--window-height"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"window-height"</code> property</h3>
437 <pre class="programlisting">  "window-height"            <a href=""><span class="type">guint64</span></a>               : Read</pre>
438 <p>
439 Actual height of the video window.
440 </p>
441 <p>Default value: 0</p>
442 <p class="since">Since 0.10.32</p>
443 </div>
444 <hr>
445 <div class="refsect2">
446 <a name="GstXvImageSink--window-width"></a><h3>The <code class="literal">"window-width"</code> property</h3>
447 <pre class="programlisting">  "window-width"             <a href=""><span class="type">guint64</span></a>               : Read</pre>
448 <p>
449 Actual width of the video window.
450 </p>
451 <p>Default value: 0</p>
452 <p class="since">Since 0.10.32</p>
453 </div>
454 </div>
455 </div>
456 <div class="footer">
457 <hr>
458           Generated by GTK-Doc V1.17</div>
459 </body>
460 </html>