2018-01-03 Segwongpio: enhance the interrupted callback thread safty 41/165641/1
2018-01-03 Segwongpio: do not join if the thread is null 36/165636/2
2018-01-02 kibak.yoonpio: free the memory allocated by system_info_get_platf... 96/165596/2
2018-01-02 kibak.yoonpio: return error when open is failed 95/165595/1
2017-12-20 Segwoninterface: add return type EINVAL in CHECK_ERROR 52/164452/4 accepted/tizen/unified/20171221.071344 submit/tizen/20171220.125854 submit/tizen/20171221.025332
2017-12-19 Segwonspi: exclude the positive value in the ioctl error... 51/164451/1
2017-12-18 Segwongpio: add interrupted callback 92/164192/5
2017-12-18 Segwongpio: enhance exception handling in interface function 94/163994/4
2017-12-18 Segwongpio: set initially edge_mode and direction in handle 85/163985/6
2017-12-08 Segwongdbus: communicate via gdbus when close 40/163240/3
2017-12-04 Segwontest: fix to wrong number of i2c bus 41/162541/2
2017-11-17 Segwonuart: flush the uart buffer when setting the flow control 31/160531/2
2017-11-16 Segwoni2c: try to call ioctl() to test i2c-stub when read... 26/160526/1
2017-11-16 Segwon[6/6] fd passing: replace to interface functions 23/160523/4
2017-11-16 Segwongpio: unuse pin in gpio handle 09/160509/1
2017-11-16 Segwonerror: return a recongnizable error value 89/160489/1
2017-11-16 Segwoninterface: remove unused constants defined from #define 49/160449/1
2017-11-16 Segwoninterface: fix the CHECK_ERROR macro to receive various... 45/160445/1
2017-11-16 Segwoninterface: do not use the 'strlen' and 'strncmp' 27/160427/2
2017-11-16 Segwonpackaging: expose only peripheral_io.h(API) at devel rpm 09/160409/2
2017-11-16 Segwoncoding style: cannot put parameter in function defined... 08/160408/1
2017-11-16 Segwoninterface: do not close request to daemon by gdbus. 02/160402/1
2017-11-16 Segwoninterface: remove +1 length when writing a char array 95/160395/1
2017-11-16 Segwonspi: fix a build error due to missed before patch 92/160392/1
2017-11-15 Segwoni2c: replace 'i2c_smbus_ioctl()' with another functions. 81/160281/1
2017-11-15 Segwoninterface: do not check if fd is negative 74/160274/1
2017-11-15 Segwonlog: change file name "peripheral_common.h" to "periphe... 67/160267/2
2017-11-15 Segwonincluding: remove unnecessary header files 58/160258/2
2017-11-15 Segwonhandle: change file name 'peripheral_internal.h' to... 42/160242/2
2017-11-15 Segwonincluding : move the '#include' duplicate written to... 32/160232/2
2017-11-15 Segwongdbus: change 'peripheral_gdbus.h' file name to 'periph... 21/160221/2
2017-11-15 Segwongdbus: add check error in gdbus functions 45/160145/4
2017-11-15 Segwongdbus: refactor gdbus proxy functions 34/160134/5
2017-11-14 Segwon[5/6] fd passing: remove unnecessary gdbus functions. 10/160110/2
2017-11-14 Segwon[4/6] fd passing: get file descriptor list from daemon... 99/160099/2
2017-11-14 Segwongdbus: move gdbus files to top level gdbus folder 56/160056/1
2017-11-14 Segwoninterface: use the CHECK_ERROR macro for error set... 22/160022/3
2017-11-14 Segwoni2c: remove unused interface function that peripheral_i... 77/159977/3
2017-11-14 Segwoninterface: change the type of parameters in interface... 75/159975/4
2017-11-14 Segwoninterface: unuse the enum types defined in the interface 71/159971/4
2017-11-14 Segwonuart: remove unused interface function that peripheral_... 70/159970/1
2017-11-14 Segwoninterface: add prefix 'peripheral_interface' to file... 68/159968/3
2017-11-13 Segwon[3/6] fd passing: use fd directly without opening it 65/159865/1
2017-11-13 Segwon[2/6] fd passing: add member variable for file descript... 11/159811/5
2017-11-13 Segwoninterface: move interface header files to top level... 05/159805/3
2017-11-13 Segwon[1/6] fd passing: move interface code from daemon. 79/159779/3
2017-11-07 Segwoncmake: fixed to wrong variable name for include file. 43/159143/1
2017-11-07 Segwoncmake: fixed to refer to duplicate source files. 41/159141/1
2017-10-27 Segwonutc: added the local utc module. 77/157877/2
2017-10-25 Segwondoc: changed the word 'device' to the correct meaning. 71/157571/2 accepted/tizen/unified/20171026.074723 submit/tizen/20171026.022104
2017-10-16 kibak.yoonpio: check if return value of system_info_get_platform_... 37/155837/3 accepted/tizen/unified/20171017.071211 submit/tizen/20171016.114740
2017-10-10 kibak.yoongpio: fix the bug that interrupted callback is not... 59/154559/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20171010.163342 submit/tizen/20171010.131453
2017-09-27 Segwondoc: fixed an invalid feature key name. 71/152971/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20170928.150139 submit/tizen/20170928.055419
2017-09-27 Segwonapi: add feature invalid check. 77/152877/1 submit/tizen/20170927.094753
2017-09-26 kibak.yoonversion up 0.1.0 49/152349/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20170926.165623 submit/tizen/20170926.023501
2017-09-26 Segwonapi: added parameter check statement. 66/151566/4
2017-09-26 Segwonnaming: added static keword at static variable. 61/151461/4
2017-09-26 Segwonapi: sync functions name with changed apis name. 58/151458/6
2017-09-26 Segwonadc: the adc interface is not supported. 07/151407/3
2017-09-25 Segwonapi: modified with new API set. 93/145993/16
2017-09-21 Segwontest: remove console local test app. 92/151392/1
2017-09-12 jino.choFix Security Svace issue 06/149406/2 accepted/tizen/unified/20170918.093916 submit/tizen/20170915.102550
2017-08-16 Hyeongsik MinAdd PIE option to peripheral-io-test 14/144414/1 accepted/tizen/4.0/unified/20170828.223711 accepted/tizen/unified/20170818.001002 submit/tizen/20170817.014135 submit/tizen_4.0/20170828.100002
2017-08-01 Hyeongsik MinAdd awk as a BuildRequries 01/141501/1
2017-07-21 Hyeongsik MinAdd MMA7455 sample dirver codes 50/139150/6
2017-07-13 jino.choUpdate package version to 0.0.5 15/138615/1 accepted/tizen/4.0/unified/20170816.012433 accepted/tizen/unified/20170717.021134 submit/tizen/20170713.044725 submit/tizen/20170714.030511 submit/tizen_4.0/20170811.094300
2017-07-13 jino.choAdd test code for HC-SR04 ultrasonic raging module 88/138588/1
2017-07-13 jino.choAdd a struct for gpio interrupt information 89/138389/3
2017-06-15 Hyeongsik MinImprove preset test(I2C, PWM) 49/134049/2
2017-06-14 Hyeongsik MinAdd log messages to API function 84/133784/2
2017-06-13 Hyeongsik MinRemove unnecessary EOL in log message 45/133645/2 accepted/tizen/unified/20170613.194839 submit/tizen/20170613.105843
2017-06-13 jino.choAdd API for the adc device 65/133265/4
2017-06-08 Hyeongsik MinReplace error code from ENODEV with ENXIO 10/132910/1
2017-06-08 jino.choFix type mismatch issue 82/132882/1
2017-06-01 Hyeongsik MinUpdate package version to 0.0.4 26/132126/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20170602.054034 submit/tizen/20170602.034029
2017-06-01 Hyeongsik MinImprove I2C test by using new APIs 78/132078/3
2017-06-01 Hyeongsik MinAdd new APIs for I2C smbus transaction 64/132064/3
2017-05-31 jino.choAdd APIs and functions for the spi device 06/131106/10
2017-05-31 Hyeongsik MinImprove MMA7455 Accelerometer test(I2C) 94/131694/4
2017-05-31 Hyeongsik MinFix leak issue after reading byte array 75/131675/2
2017-05-31 Hyeongsik MinAdd i2c_write_byte, i2c_read_byte API 47/131547/4
2017-05-29 Hyeongsik MinAdd sub menu for preset test 92/131492/1
2017-05-26 Hyeongsik MinAdd preset test for MMA7455 accel. sensor 33/131133/2
2017-05-26 jino.choAdd description for pwm APIs 18/129918/2
2017-05-25 Sungguk NaChange argument of gpio gdbus method 09/131109/1
2017-05-25 Hyeongsik MinAdd GPIO unit test 71/130871/7
2017-05-25 Sungguk NaAdditional fix to handle reference count of proxy 19/131019/2
2017-05-22 Hyeongsik MinFix reference counting bug 86/130486/1
2017-05-22 Hyeongsik MinFix possible memory leak in peripheral_pwm_close 00/130200/2
2017-05-18 jino.choReplace checking validation of the pwm device and channel 99/129899/1
2017-05-18 jino.choAdd pwm set_polarity & get_polarity functions 98/129898/1
2017-05-18 jino.choModify peripheral_gdbus_pwm.c 00/129800/1
2017-05-18 jino.choFix gdbus error log 96/129796/2
2017-05-18 jino.choCheck validation of pwm handle in the peripheral_pwm_cl... 85/129785/2
2017-05-18 jino.choRemove unused defines 84/129784/2
2017-05-18 jino.choTest function for uart API 59/128959/5
2017-05-17 jino.choChange data type for parameter to a boolean 64/129564/1
2017-05-16 jino.choChange argument of pwm gdbus method 68/129468/3
2017-05-16 jino.choChange parameter name dev to pwm 67/129467/2
2017-05-16 jino.choRearrange the order of pwm API functions 66/129466/2