Fix SVace issues 41084 41135
[apps/native/ug-wifi-direct.git] / ug-wifidirect / po /
2015-08-13 Yu Jiung[ug-wifi-direct]Sync with Tizen 2.4 04/46004/1 accepted/tizen/mobile/20150817.024531 accepted/tizen/tv/20150817.024547 accepted/tizen/wearable/20150817.024606 submit/tizen/20150817.014403
2013-03-12 Jinkun JangTizen 2.1 base
2012-12-11 Kim GibyoungApplied changes from EFL and wifi-direct APIS
2012-11-13 sungsik jangapplied the new partition rule.
2012-09-03 sungsik jangfixed text bug 2.0alpha master 2.0_alpha submit/master/20120920.150954
2012-08-31 sungsik jangchanged to support multi-languages.
2012-08-22 sungsik jangtizen 2.0beta
2012-06-08 Kim Kibumapply FSL(Flora Software License)