Reset the name to NULL.
[platform/upstream/gstreamer.git] /
2001-07-01 Christian Schaller- Updated SPEC file.
2001-06-10 Christian Schaller- Updated the SPEC file as per Erik's wishes
2001-06-09 Christian Schaller- Added gstreamer-register to all plugins
2001-06-09 Christian Schaller- moved the visualisations plugins out
2001-06-09 Christian Schaller- Finally the SPEC file works again, now only polishing...
2001-06-09 Christian Schaller- More SPEC fixes, not perfect yet, but maybe it actual...
2001-06-09 Christian Schaller- More fixes to the SPEC file, still not verfied that...
2001-06-08 Christian Schaller- Added ALSA plugin (commented out since I don't have...
2001-06-08 Christian Schaller- Updated GStreamer SPEC which sorts out plugins into...
2001-06-02 Christian SchallerDoh, forgot to update the Changelog inside the SPEC...
2001-06-02 Christian SchallerSmall fix to group statement for GStreamer
2001-06-01 Christian Schaller- First batch of upgrades to the SPEC file, this one...
2001-05-25 Erik WalthinsenMerged from INCSCHED on 200505251!!! INCSCHED1-200105251
2001-04-15 Erik Walthinsenrun gstreamer-register on postinstall
2001-01-11 Erik Walthinsenupdated spec file to create -devel package too RELEASE-0_1_0-SLIPSTREAM
2001-01-02 Wim TaymansDatafiles in share should go in to RPM too
2000-01-31 Erik WalthinsenMore incremental updates. I can now successfully produ...
2000-01-31 Erik WalthinsenA bunch more changes to clean up build/`make dist`...