[platform/upstream/openssh.git] / mdoc2man.awk
1 #!/usr/bin/awk
2 #
3 # $Id: mdoc2man.awk,v 1.9 2009/10/24 00:52:42 dtucker Exp $
4 #
5 # Version history:
6 #  v4+ Adapted for OpenSSH Portable (see cvs Id and history)
7 #  v3, I put the program under a proper license
8 #      Dan Nelson <> added .An, .Aq and fixed a typo
9 #  v2, fixed to work on GNU awk --posix and MacOS X
10 #  v1, first attempt, didn't work on MacOS X
11 #
12 # Copyright (c) 2003 Peter Stuge <>
13 #
14 # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
15 # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
16 # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
17 #
27 BEGIN {
28   optlist=0
29   oldoptlist=0
30   nospace=0
31   synopsis=0
32   reference=0
33   block=0
34   ext=0
35   extopt=0
36   literal=0
37   prenl=0
38   breakw=0
39   line=""
40 }
42 function wtail() {
43   retval=""
44   while(w<nwords) {
45     if(length(retval))
46       retval=retval OFS
47     retval=retval words[++w]
48   }
49   return retval
50 }
52 function add(str) {
53   for(;prenl;prenl--)
54     line=line "\n"
55   line=line str
56 }
58 ! /^\./ {
59   for(;prenl;prenl--)
60     print ""
61   print
62   if(literal)
63     print ".br"
64   next
65 }
67 /^\.\\"/ { next }
69 {
70   option=0
71   parens=0
72   angles=0
73   sub("^\\.","")
74   nwords=split($0,words)
75   for(w=1;w<=nwords;w++) {
76     skip=0
77     if(match(words[w],"^Li|Pf$")) {
78       skip=1
79     } else if(match(words[w],"^Xo$")) {
80       skip=1
81       ext=1
82       if(length(line)&&!(match(line," $")||prenl))
83         add(OFS)
84     } else if(match(words[w],"^Xc$")) {
85       skip=1
86       ext=0
87       if(!extopt)
88         prenl++
89       w=nwords
90     } else if(match(words[w],"^Bd$")) {
91       skip=1
92       if(match(words[w+1],"-literal")) {
93         literal=1
94         prenl++
95         w=nwords
96       }
97     } else if(match(words[w],"^Ed$")) {
98       skip=1
99       literal=0
100     } else if(match(words[w],"^Ns$")) {
101       skip=1
102       if(!nospace)
103         nospace=1
104       sub(" $","",line)
105     } else if(match(words[w],"^No$")) {
106       skip=1
107       sub(" $","",line)
108       add(words[++w])
109     } else if(match(words[w],"^Dq$")) {
110       skip=1
111       add("``")
112       add(words[++w])
113       while(w<nwords&&!match(words[w+1],"^[\\.,]"))
114         add(OFS words[++w])
115       add("''")
116       if(!nospace&&match(words[w+1],"^[\\.,]"))
117         nospace=1
118     } else if(match(words[w],"^Sq|Ql$")) {
119       skip=1
120       add("`" words[++w] "'")
121       if(!nospace&&match(words[w+1],"^[\\.,]"))
122         nospace=1
123     } else if(match(words[w],"^Oo$")) {
124       skip=1
125       extopt=1
126       if(!nospace)
127         nospace=1
128       add("[")
129     } else if(match(words[w],"^Oc$")) {
130       skip=1
131       extopt=0
132       add("]")
133     }
134     if(!skip) {
135       if(!nospace&&length(line)&&!(match(line," $")||prenl))
136         add(OFS)
137       if(nospace==1)
138         nospace=0
139     }
140     if(match(words[w],"^Dd$")) {
141       if(match(words[w+1],"^\\$Mdocdate:")) {
142         w++;
143         if(match(words[w+4],"^\\$$")) {
144           words[w+4] = ""
145         }
146       }
147       date=wtail()
148       next
149     } else if(match(words[w],"^Dt$")) {
150       id=wtail()
151       next
152     } else if(match(words[w],"^Ux$")) {
153       add("UNIX")
154       skip=1
155     } else if(match(words[w],"^Ox$")) {
156       add("OpenBSD")
157       skip=1
158     } else if(match(words[w],"^Os$")) {
159       add(".TH " id " \"" date "\" \"" wtail() "\"")
160     } else if(match(words[w],"^Sh$")) {
161       add(".SH")
162       synopsis=match(words[w+1],"SYNOPSIS")
163     } else if(match(words[w],"^Xr$")) {
164       add("\\fB" words[++w] "\\fP(" words[++w] ")" words[++w])
165     } else if(match(words[w],"^Rs$")) {
166       split("",refauthors)
167       nrefauthors=0
168       reftitle=""
169       refissue=""
170       refdate=""
171       refopt=""
172       refreport=""
173       reference=1
174       next
175     } else if(match(words[w],"^Re$")) {
176       prenl++
177       for(i=nrefauthors-1;i>0;i--) {
178         add(refauthors[i])
179         if(i>1)
180           add(", ")
181       }
182       if(nrefauthors>1)
183         add(" and ")
184       if(nrefauthors>0)
185         add(refauthors[0] ", ")
186       add("\\fI" reftitle "\\fP")
187       if(length(refissue))
188         add(", " refissue)
189       if(length(refreport)) {
190         add(", " refreport)
191       }
192       if(length(refdate))
193         add(", " refdate)
194       if(length(refopt))
195         add(", " refopt)
196       add(".")
197       reference=0
198     } else if(reference) {
199       if(match(words[w],"^%A$")) { refauthors[nrefauthors++]=wtail() }
200       if(match(words[w],"^%T$")) {
201         reftitle=wtail()
202         sub("^\"","",reftitle)
203         sub("\"$","",reftitle)
204       }
205       if(match(words[w],"^%N$")) { refissue=wtail() }
206       if(match(words[w],"^%D$")) { refdate=wtail() }
207       if(match(words[w],"^%O$")) { refopt=wtail() }
208       if(match(words[w],"^%R$")) { refreport=wtail() }
209     } else if(match(words[w],"^Nm$")) {
210       if(synopsis) {
211         add(".br")
212         prenl++
213       }
214       n=words[++w]
215       if(!length(name))
216         name=n
217       if(!length(n))
218         n=name
219       add("\\fB" n "\\fP")
220       if(!nospace&&match(words[w+1],"^[\\.,]"))
221         nospace=1
222     } else if(match(words[w],"^Nd$")) {
223       add("\\- " wtail())
224     } else if(match(words[w],"^Fl$")) {
225       add("\\fB\\-" words[++w] "\\fP")
226       if(!nospace&&match(words[w+1],"^[\\.,]"))
227         nospace=1
228     } else if(match(words[w],"^Ar$")) {
229       add("\\fI")
230       if(w==nwords)
231         add("file ...\\fP")
232       else {
233         add(words[++w] "\\fP")
234         while(match(words[w+1],"^\\|$"))
235           add(OFS words[++w] " \\fI" words[++w] "\\fP")
236       }
237       if(!nospace&&match(words[w+1],"^[\\.,]"))
238         nospace=1
239     } else if(match(words[w],"^Cm$")) {
240       add("\\fB" words[++w] "\\fP")
241       while(w<nwords&&match(words[w+1],"^[\\.,:;)]"))
242         add(words[++w])
243     } else if(match(words[w],"^Op$")) {
244       option=1
245       if(!nospace)
246         nospace=1
247       add("[")
248     } else if(match(words[w],"^Pp$")) {
249       prenl++
250     } else if(match(words[w],"^An$")) {
251       prenl++
252     } else if(match(words[w],"^Ss$")) {
253       add(".SS")
254     } else if(match(words[w],"^Pa$")&&!option) {
255       add("\\fI")
256       w++
257       if(match(words[w],"^\\."))
258         add("\\&")
259       add(words[w] "\\fP")
260       while(w<nwords&&match(words[w+1],"^[\\.,:;)]"))
261         add(words[++w])
262     } else if(match(words[w],"^Dv$")) {
263       add(".BR")
264     } else if(match(words[w],"^Em|Ev$")) {
265       add(".IR")
266     } else if(match(words[w],"^Pq$")) {
267       add("(")
268       nospace=1
269       parens=1
270     } else if(match(words[w],"^Aq$")) {
271       add("<")
272       nospace=1
273       angles=1
274     } else if(match(words[w],"^S[xy]$")) {
275       add(".B " wtail())
276     } else if(match(words[w],"^Ic$")) {
277       plain=1
278       add("\\fB")
279       while(w<nwords) {
280         w++
281         if(match(words[w],"^Op$")) {
282           w++
283           add("[")
284           words[nwords]=words[nwords] "]"
285         }
286         if(match(words[w],"^Ar$")) {
287           add("\\fI" words[++w] "\\fP")
288         } else if(match(words[w],"^[\\.,]")) {
289           sub(" $","",line)
290           if(plain) {
291             add("\\fP")
292             plain=0
293           }
294           add(words[w])
295         } else {
296           if(!plain) {
297             add("\\fB")
298             plain=1
299           }
300           add(words[w])
301         }
302         if(!nospace)
303           add(OFS)
304       }
305       sub(" $","",line)
306       if(plain)
307         add("\\fP")
308     } else if(match(words[w],"^Bl$")) {
309       oldoptlist=optlist
310       if(match(words[w+1],"-bullet"))
311         optlist=1
312       else if(match(words[w+1],"-enum")) {
313         optlist=2
314         enum=0
315       } else if(match(words[w+1],"-tag"))
316         optlist=3
317       else if(match(words[w+1],"-item"))
318         optlist=4
319       else if(match(words[w+1],"-bullet"))
320         optlist=1
321       w=nwords
322     } else if(match(words[w],"^El$")) {
323       optlist=oldoptlist
324     } else if(match(words[w],"^Bk$")) {
325       if(match(words[w+1],"-words")) {
326         w++
327         breakw=1
328       }
329     } else if(match(words[w],"^Ek$")) {
330       breakw=0
331     } else if(match(words[w],"^It$")&&optlist) {
332       if(optlist==1)
333         add(".IP \\(bu")
334       else if(optlist==2)
335         add(".IP " ++enum ".")
336       else if(optlist==3) {
337         add(".TP")
338         prenl++
339         if(match(words[w+1],"^Pa$|^Ev$")) {
340           add(".B")
341           w++
342         }
343       } else if(optlist==4)
344         add(".IP")
345     } else if(match(words[w],"^Sm$")) {
346       if(match(words[w+1],"off"))
347         nospace=2
348       else if(match(words[w+1],"on"))
349         nospace=0
350       w++
351     } else if(!skip) {
352       add(words[w])
353     }
354   }
355   if(match(line,"^\\.[^a-zA-Z]"))
356     sub("^\\.","",line)
357   if(parens)
358     add(")")
359   if(angles)
360     add(">")
361   if(option)
362     add("]")
363   if(ext&&!extopt&&!match(line," $"))
364     add(OFS)
365   if(!ext&&!extopt&&length(line)) {
366     print line
367     prenl=0
368     line=""
369   }
370 }