1 This is GStreamer Bad Plug-insĀ 0.10.5, "Expedition to Lake Pahoe"
5 * New plugin - realdec for decoding Real streams using binary libs
6 * New plugin - MythTV source
7 * New plugin - appsrc (for application data insertion)
8 * New plugin - VMnc VMware capture decoder
9 * New plugin - JACK audio output
10 * New plugin - interleave/deinterleave
11 * New plugin - RTP manager
12 * New plugin - Bayer to RGB converter
13 * New plugin - ReplayGain support
14 * New plugin - DirectShow win32 input support
15 * New plugin - videosignal/videoanalyse
16 * LADSPA plugin improvements
17 * IIR equaliser ported to 0.10 (iirequalizer)
18 * libsndfile output ported to 0.10
19 * mpegvideoparse ported to 0.10 and improved
20 * switch element ported to 0.10
21 * VCD source element ported to 0.10
22 * AMR-WB support fixes
23 * MIDI renderer plugin based on timidity
24 * Windows and OS/X output plugins moved to the Good module
25 * qtdemux, wavpack and videocrop plugins moved to the Good module
26 * Many other bug fixes and improvements
27 * Parallel installability with 0.8.x series
28 * Threadsafe design and API
30 Bugs fixed since 0.10.4:
32 * 152403 : [mpeg/DVB] Integrating externaly developped DVB source el...
33 * 333307 : AmrWB Plugin
34 * 345633 : [nassink] port to 0.10
35 * 354174 : [PATCH] add REAL support by using the proprietary drivers
36 * 354451 : [mythtvsrc] Plugin for MythTV source
37 * 357055 : Tremor (ivorbis) plug-in is unable to decode vorbis strea...
38 * 374773 : [qtdemux] [PLUGIN-MOVE] Move from -bad to good
39 * 375264 : [neonhttpsrc] add seek support
40 * 376591 : configure.ac looks for wrong symbols for FAAD support
41 * 382184 : Port interleave and deinterleave to 0.10 for audio channe...
42 * 388050 : [neonhttpsrc] code simplifications
43 * 392112 : [rfbsrc] doesn't build with MinGW
44 * 393622 : Not building real plugin, only works on 32bit x86 platforms.
45 * 395536 : [wavpackenc] Trivial cleanup
46 * 395597 : Deinterleave fails to negotiate with alsasrc when using D...
47 * 400555 : dts-in-wav: only 2 channel recognised
48 * 402470 : [osxvideosink] video sink for MacOSX
49 * 412077 : [speed] can't initially set speed > 1
50 * 412710 : [replaygain] Add playback elements
51 * 413818 : [neonhttpsrc] errors out on redirects
52 * 421110 : New x264enc plugin
53 * 421598 : [wavpack] Add support for non-8*n depths and don't play a...
54 * 423283 : [qtdemux] timestamps of outgoing h264 packets are wrong
55 * 423741 : [amrwb] use external shared libamrwb
56 * 430594 : Unable to compile gst-plugins-bad CVS
57 * 430598 : [realvideodec] dll functions not available on MinGW
58 * 430664 : name conflict for " rtpbin " element
59 * 437260 : CFLAGS are poinsoned by the OpenGL test
60 * 437403 : gst-plugins-bad uses #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 instead of #ifdef ...
61 * 437539 : Compilation of DirectDraw and DirectSound plugins using m...
62 * 439405 : YUV not working in GL image sink.
63 * 439910 : [switch] Warning in a debug function (Mingw)
64 * 439911 : [qtdemux] Warning in a debug function (MinGW)
65 * 439914 : [directdraw] Warnings when using MinGW
66 * 440466 : [PLUGIN-MOVE] osxvideo
67 * 440774 : [sdl] sdlvideosink has ill-formatted element details
68 * 442689 : [neon] Property-related cleanups of neonhttpsrc
69 * 445189 : PLUGIN-MOVE - Move Windows sinks to -good
70 * 348973 : New plugins: MVE muxer/demuxer
71 * 391971 : Fix build with gcc-2.x
72 * 392313 : [directdrawsink] dist and add to gst-plugins-bad
73 * 392638 : [directsoundsink] dist and add to gst-plugins-bad
74 * 392856 : [qtdemux] plugin must link against zlib (error with MinGW)
75 * 403572 : Port equaliser element to 0.10
76 * 352605 : [PLUGIN-MOVE] move wavpack to -good
77 * 426972 : Specific set of H.264 files cannot be played
78 * 434101 : [gsm] doesn't link against libgstbase-0.10
82 * V4L2 source element moved to Good plugins
83 * Many improvements in Quicktime playback
84 * Xvid encoding and decoding improvements
86 * New element: alsaspdifsink for IEC958 output
87 * Spectrum FFT analysis element ported
88 * New element: h264parse. H.264 Parser
89 * Fixes in bz2 support
90 * New element: theoraexpdec. Libtheoraexp based Theora decoder
91 * New element: wavpackenc. Wavpack decoder
92 * Improvements in the libneon based http source
93 * gstfilter ported to 0.10
94 * mpeg2enc ported to 0.10
95 * New element: nsfdec. NSF decoder
96 * New element: spcdec. libopenspc based SPC decoder
97 * videocrop ported/re-written from 0.8
98 * cdaudio element ported to 0.10
99 * New element: rganalysis. ReplayGain analysis element
100 * New element: dvbsrc. DVB source element (disabled by default)
101 * deinterlace (Simple deinterlacer) ported from 0.8
102 * New element: nuvdemux. NUV video demuxer
103 * Fixes in the DirectDraw output elements
104 * New elements: multifilesrc, multifilesink
105 * y4mencode ported from 0.8
106 * rfbsrc, librfb based capture source ported from 0.8
107 * New element: jackaudiosink. JACK audio output element
108 * Many other fixes and improvements
110 Bugs fixed since 0.10.3:
112 * 379261 : crash in Movie Player: Trying to play a partial...
113 * 151192 : [PATCH] nsf decoder
114 * 124580 : [jacksink] plugin needs a maintainer/love/to be updated
115 * 330632 : [qtdemux] MP3 stream in MP4 container not playable
116 * 335507 : [FAAD] blur_warhammer.mp4 movie doesn't transcode
117 * 339462 : [PATCH] xvid plugin to support more capabilities of XviD ...
118 * 340638 : New plugin: h264 parse element
119 * 341231 : [qtdemux] [faad] audio in some superman trailers doesn't ...
120 * 341461 : gst-plugins-bad missing -no-undefined again
121 * 341563 : [faad] fails to decode middle of file, should just skip o...
122 * 343031 : v4l2src caps negotion is faulty
123 * 343131 : [wavpack] add wavpack encoder
124 * 343184 : [mpeg2enc] ported to 0.10
125 * 343866 : cygwin fixes
126 * 344472 : [wavpackdec] should post audio codec tag and extract bitrate
127 * 344821 : [pitch] controllable properties
128 * 344944 : AAC Support crashes with some files
129 * 345182 : [neonhttpsrc] fails to compile with libneon 0.26.x
130 * 345336 : modplug plugin doesn't work on AMD64
131 * 345653 : [videocrop] port to 0.10, support all common formats
132 * 346853 : [PATCH] ported gstfilter elements to 0.10
133 * 347079 : [qtdemux] plugin doesn't decode Year
134 * 347443 : [wavpack] port parser/decoder to official API and random ...
135 * 347935 : [nsf] warning when building RPM
136 * 348220 : New libopenspc-based SPC playback plugin
137 * 348976 : [xviddec] crashes after invalid unit size warning
138 * 350399 : [qtdemux] extract multiple redirect locations and require...
139 * 350741 : [faac] Wrong bitrate set
140 * 351495 : [wavpackparse] add support for push-based mode
141 * 351557 : [wavpackparse] resync in push mode if sync was lost
142 * 357069 : [rganalysis] New element: ReplayGain analysis
143 * 357212 : [glimagesink] crashes if no DISPLAY
144 * 361260 : New element: nuvdemux
145 * 362626 : Fixes compiling with forte: warning clean up (part 5)
146 * 376106 : Port rfbsrc to gst 0.10
147 * 378613 : [qtdemux] non-working redirect ('alis' redirect reference...
148 * 382203 : ladspa element needs to be enabled
149 * 384294 : [modplug] returns position query results in attoseconds
150 * 385048 : [qtdemux] Crash on a mp4 file in qtdemux_parse_trak
151 * 385788 : [SECURITY] buffer overflows in modplug
152 * 387076 : [wavpack] Wrong include
153 * 387122 : [qtdemux] regression: crash in parse_trak
154 * 387160 : [qtdemux] posts buffering message which can cause hangs
155 * 351659 : [wavpackparse] fix resync in push mode, implement it in p...
156 * 351663 : [wavpackenc] doesn't set correct caps on source pad
157 * 352476 : [wavpack] documentation, unit tests, memleak fix
158 * 366523 : [directdraw] fix playback and vs8 fixes
159 * 369539 : [wavpackenc] More sensible values for GstEnums, don't sen...
160 * 384140 : [neonhttpsrc] id3demux autoplug loop streaming mp3 with I...
161 * 387137 : Regression: qtdemux paletted image handling
162 * 349916 : [gdp] raw audio saved in gdp, when depayloading complain...
163 * 346723 : gstneonhttpsrc fails for URL
164 * 347439 : [qtdemux] seeks poorly in files with slideshows
165 * 349204 : [gdp] raw audio saved in gdp does not depayload correctly
166 * 351825 : [qtdemux] doesn't set proper caps for RGB video
167 * 367696 : [qtdemux] No support for QuickTime Animation (RLE).
168 * 372243 : [PATCH] yuv4mpeg (v2) encoder ported to 0.10
169 * 380610 : [rganalysis] Incorrect event handling
170 * 383471 : cannot link 1 ch raw 24-bit PCM audio
171 * 344987 : [PATCH] [dvbsrc] [ts-tools] gstreamer 0.10 port
173 There was no 0.10.2 release
175 Changes since 0.10.1:
177 * FAAD/AAC decoder improvements
178 * Better QuickTime support
179 * Plugins ported from 0.8: modplug, v4l2src, Musicbrainz TRM
180 * New plugins: Xing muxer, libsoundtouch, AMR-WB, theora-exp
181 * Musepack decoder improved
182 * libneon based http input now supports iradio mode
183 * More uniform plugin descriptions
186 Bugs fixed since 0.10.1:
188 * 334700 : [qtdemux] Memory leaks
189 * 333307 : AmrWB Plugin
190 * 330317 : New xingmux element for writing Xing headers
191 * 304795 : [ximagesrc] port to 0.9 [PATCH]
192 * 154906 : [qtdemux] A/V Synch problem + crackling sound
193 * 167129 : [qtdemux] eats last chunk
194 * 173007 : [faad] Failed to decode buffer: Channel coupling not yet ...
195 * 302606 : [qtdemux] Movie playback too fast (quicktime mov, H.263 c...
196 * 321351 : extracted AAC output is played too slow
197 * 324082 : [qtdemux] [faad] playback issues with quicktime videos
198 * 327075 : [qtdemux] add support for palettized SMC videos
199 * 327355 : gst-plugins-bad CVS compilation breaks on gcc 4.1
200 * 331335 : New Element: libsoundtouch based pitch shifter
201 * 331909 : support for more fourccs in qtdemux
202 * 332066 : [qtdemux] doesn't extract Disc Number field from some files
203 * 332155 : Seeking problems in .mov files
204 * 332402 : quicktime file will not play
205 * 332598 : port modplug to 0.10
206 * 332892 : [faad] 'Negative scalefactor found' and 'Maximum number o...
207 * 333283 : [xviddec] Fix build with gcc 2.95
208 * 333501 : [patch] taglib element
209 * 334123 : [taglibmux] fixes for TPOS and TCOP
210 * 334417 : autogen.sh bit rot
211 * 334748 : [faad] doesn't take sampling rate from demuxer
212 * 335585 : xvidenc does not mark key-frame/delta-units
213 * 336898 : Port musicbrainz/trm plugin to 0.10
214 * 337263 : plugins need better/unified descriptions
215 * 338233 : theora-exp api out of sync
216 * 339041 : qtdemux : Floating point exception
217 * 339074 : Thumbnail generation fails on the following file
218 * 337436 : Sound is very jerky on this .mov file
219 * 338935 : [qtdemux] floating point exception parsing trac header
221 Changes since 0.10.0:
223 * Parallel installability with 0.8.x series
224 * Threadsafe design and API
225 * Lots of fixes for the QT/MOV demuxer, including restoring
226 the ability to play web streams, and more codecs supported
229 * DirectFB plugin updated
230 * New plugins ported to 0.10: swfdec, XVid, dtsdec, glimagesink
231 * New libneon based http source filter
232 * APE tag reader moved to gst-plugins-good module
234 Bugs fixed since 0.10.0:
236 * 303167 : Add bzip2 support
237 * 322973 : [wavpack] erroneous sampling rates range
238 * 326524 : Support for Indeo 3-encoded QuickTime files
239 * 327133 : [qtdemux] QuickTime with 8-bit audio
240 * 328854 : AAC+ stream not working with FAAD plugin
241 * 330089 : [bz2] Wrong mimetype and no typefinding
242 * 331302 : bz2 plugin source files lack copyright notices
243 * 331543 : crash on iTunes MPEG v4 AAC-LC files
244 * 331582 : [qtdemux] protect log statement against invalid memory access
246 Bugs fixed since 0.9.7:
248 * 322962 : wavpack plugins don't get built
257 * Fractional framerates
259 Bugs fixed since 0.9.5:
261 * 320532 : [faac] set output samplerate and number of channels
262 * 321903 : [qtdemux] does not know fourcc DX50, as produced by DivX 5
266 * Parallel installability with 0.8.x series
267 * Threadsafe design and API
268 * qtdemux supports custom genre tags
269 * tremor integer vorbis decoder ported
270 * directfb video sink ported (with examples and documentation!)
272 Bugs fixed since 0.9.4:
274 * 321241 : faad compile fix
276 Bugs fixed since 0.9.3:
278 * 317438 : [speed] fix 0.9 port
279 * 318659 : [faac] problem with float capabilities
280 * 318660 : [faac] missing unrefs
284 * ported gsm, tta, sdlvideosink