OFONO DIALER USING EFL ********************** Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. ABOUT ===== Graphical User Interface for oFono using EFL (Enlightenment Foundation Libraries) to be used with Tizen platform. DEBUGGING ========= To help debug, the following environment variables could be set: EINA_LOG_LEVEL=4 toggles debug (level=4) of whole EFL EINA_LOG_LEVELS=dialer:4 toggles debug of dialer logging domain. EINA_LOG_ABORT=1 make it abort on critical errors. EINA_LOG_ABORT_LEVEL=2 make it also abort on errors. EINA_LOG_BACKTRACE=2 make it produce backtraces whenever a log level is reached. CONTACT DATABASE FOR DESKTOP TESTING ==================================== For desktop we're providing a placeholder infrastructure for contacts. It does not provide GUI to edit, but can show the basic information and use it. However a manual database must be created. To aid this task, a script is provided in data/scripts/ofono-efl-contacts-db-create.py that can be executed with a comma-separated-value (CSV) file as parameter. A sample CSV is provided at data/examples/contacts.csv. Please excute the following command from git checkout: ./data/scripts/ofono-efl-contacts-db-create.py \ ./data/examples/contacts.csv