# Note: This file used to generate gmarshal.[ch], but it doesn't any # longer; it is kept mainly for backward compatibility purposes. If # you find yourself in the need to add a marshaller in GObject, use # g_cclosure_marshal_generic() instead. # # Warning: The generated symbols are part of the GObject ABI. # standard VOID return marshallers VOID:VOID VOID:BOOLEAN VOID:CHAR VOID:UCHAR VOID:INT VOID:UINT VOID:LONG VOID:ULONG VOID:ENUM VOID:FLAGS VOID:FLOAT VOID:DOUBLE VOID:STRING VOID:PARAM VOID:BOXED VOID:POINTER VOID:OBJECT VOID:VARIANT # GRuntime specific marshallers VOID:UINT,POINTER BOOL:FLAGS STRING:OBJECT,POINTER BOOL:BOXED,BOXED