Eail 1.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enlightenment Accessibility Implementation Library An implementation of ATK interfaces library for Elementary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPILING AND INSTALLING: autoreconf -vi ./autogen.sh ./configure make -j4 (do this as root unless you are installing in your users directories): make install ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TESTING autoreconf -vi ./autogen.sh ./configure make -j4 (do this as root unless you are installing in your users directories): make install make check -j4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE FOR TIZEN To use on Tizen 2.2 you have to set proper ELM_MODULES variable: export ELM_MODULES="prefs>prefs_iface:access_output>access/api:datetime_input_ctxpopup>datetime/api:eail>eail/api" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE FOR EAIL-EXPLORER To build eail-explorer visual debugging tool use configure option: ./configure --enable-explorer Running EAIL-Explorer To run your application with the EAIL-Explorer tool just type "eail-explorer.sh" in the terminal and pass the path to the selected application as an argument: example: eail-explorer.sh elementary_test