10 years agoTextView - Fix for text view processor. Was not creating text-actors in some cases...
Victor Cebollada [Mon, 3 Mar 2014 14:58:40 +0000 (14:58 +0000)]
TextView - Fix for text view processor. Was not creating text-actors in some cases after a new-line character or if a line started by a white space.

[Issue#] P140228-02847
[Problem] Some characters are not displayed or displayed in the line above.
[Cause] Wrong logic. Some text-actors were not created.
[Solution] Fix the logic.

Change-Id: I0e25bbb7e676f0b7eec10a5dcba1224aab2f653d

10 years ago(AutomatedTests) Fixed failing TET case in FocusManager
Adeel Kazmi [Mon, 3 Mar 2014 11:46:55 +0000 (11:46 +0000)]
(AutomatedTests) Fixed failing TET case in FocusManager

[Issue#]   N/A
[Problem]  Accidentally broken in last change (wrong name added).
[Cause]    N/A
[Solution] Changed to corrent property name.

10 years agoControls no longer have property names.
Adeel Kazmi [Fri, 28 Feb 2014 18:26:27 +0000 (18:26 +0000)]
Controls no longer have property names.

[Issue#]   N/A
[Problem]  May change these so should be removed from CAPI for now.
[Cause]    N/A
[Solution] N/A

Change-Id: I9a54fc5e509595a3b18258d0da0bf4117eb93b68

10 years ago(ScrollComponent) Removing unneeded public-api versions of ScrollComponents
Julien Heanley [Tue, 14 Jan 2014 09:36:52 +0000 (09:36 +0000)]
(ScrollComponent) Removing unneeded public-api versions of ScrollComponents

[Issue#]   N/A
[Problem]  N/A
[Cause]    N/A
[Solution] N/A

Change-Id: I33f5d4cc11ac85e6989cad71bce08936e96e3838

10 years ago(TextInput) Removing deprecated Margin and Handle flip API
Agnelo Vaz [Thu, 27 Feb 2014 12:19:23 +0000 (12:19 +0000)]
(TextInput) Removing deprecated Margin and Handle flip API

[Issue#] N/A
[Problem] N/A
[Cause] N/A
[Solution] Removing:

  /* @deprecated, use SetBoundingRectangle instead. */
  void SetSelectionHandleFlipMargin( const Vector4& margin );

  /* @deprecated, use GetBoundingRectangle instead. */
  const Vector4& GetSelectionHandleFlipMargin();

  /* @deprecated, handles always flip. Use SetBoundingRectangle */
  void EnableSelectionHandleFlip( bool toggle );

  /* @deprecated, handles always flip. Use SetBoundingRectangle */
  bool IsSelectionHandleFlipEnabled();

[Verification] Build Repo

10 years ago[SRUK] Initial copy from Tizen 2.2 version
Paul Wisbey [Mon, 3 Mar 2014 19:04:23 +0000 (19:04 +0000)]
[SRUK] Initial copy from Tizen 2.2 version

Signed-off-by: Paul Wisbey <>
Change-Id: I1088d752201827b02c6b83015c00ff158f58e2ad

10 years agoInitial empty repository
Sehong Na [Sun, 16 Feb 2014 23:49:11 +0000 (15:49 -0800)]
Initial empty repository