/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Dali; namespace MyCSharpExample { class Example { [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] delegate void CallbackDelegate(IntPtr data); [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] delegate void ActorCallbackDelegate(IntPtr data); private Dali.Application _application; private ScrollView _scrollView; private ScrollBar _scrollBar; public Example(Dali.Application application) { _application = application; _application.Initialized += new Dali.AUIApplicationInitEventHandler(Initialize); } public void Initialize(object source, AUIApplicationInitEventArgs e) { CreateScrollView(); } private void CreateScrollView() { Stage stage = Stage.GetCurrent(); stage.BackgroundColor = NDalic.WHITE; // Create a scroll view _scrollView = new ScrollView(); Vector2 stageSize = stage.Size; _scrollView.Size = new Vector3(stageSize.x, stageSize.y, 0.0f); _scrollView.ParentOrigin = NDalic.ParentOriginCenter; _scrollView.AnchorPoint = NDalic.AnchorPointCenter; stage.Add(_scrollView); // Add actors to a scroll view with 3 pages int pageRows = 1; int pageColumns = 3; for(int pageRow = 0; pageRow < pageRows; pageRow++) { for(int pageColumn = 0; pageColumn < pageColumns; pageColumn++) { View pageActor = new View(); pageActor.SetResizePolicy(ResizePolicyType.FILL_TO_PARENT, DimensionType.ALL_DIMENSIONS); pageActor.ParentOrigin = NDalic.ParentOriginCenter; pageActor.AnchorPoint = NDalic.AnchorPointCenter; pageActor.Position = new Vector3(pageColumn * stageSize.x, pageRow * stageSize.y, 0.0f); // Add images in a 3x4 grid layout for each page int imageRows = 4; int imageColumns = 3; float margin = 10.0f; Vector3 imageSize = new Vector3((stageSize.x / imageColumns) - margin, (stageSize.y / imageRows) - margin, 0.0f); for(int row = 0; row < imageRows; row++) { for(int column = 0; column < imageColumns;column++) { int imageId = (row * imageColumns + column) % 2 + 1; ImageView imageView = new ImageView("images/image-" + imageId + ".jpg"); imageView.ParentOrigin = NDalic.ParentOriginCenter; imageView.AnchorPoint = NDalic.AnchorPointCenter; imageView.Size = imageSize; imageView.Position = new Vector3( margin * 0.5f + (imageSize.x + margin) * column - stageSize.x * 0.5f + imageSize.x * 0.5f, margin * 0.5f + (imageSize.y + margin) * row - stageSize.y * 0.5f + imageSize.y * 0.5f, 0.0f ); pageActor.Add(imageView); } } _scrollView.Add(pageActor); } } _scrollView.SetAxisAutoLock(true); // Set scroll view to have 3 pages in X axis and allow page snapping, // and also disable scrolling in Y axis. RulerPtr scrollRulerX = new RulerPtr(new FixedRuler(stageSize.width)); RulerPtr scrollRulerY = new RulerPtr(new DefaultRuler()); scrollRulerX.SetDomain(new RulerDomain(0.0f, stageSize.width * pageColumns, true)); scrollRulerY.Disable(); _scrollView.SetRulerX(scrollRulerX); _scrollView.SetRulerY(scrollRulerY); // Create a horizontal scroll bar in the bottom of scroll view (which is optional) _scrollBar = new ScrollBar(); _scrollBar.ParentOrigin = NDalic.ParentOriginBottomLeft; _scrollBar.AnchorPoint = NDalic.AnchorPointTopLeft; _scrollBar.SetResizePolicy(ResizePolicyType.FIT_TO_CHILDREN, DimensionType.WIDTH); _scrollBar.SetResizePolicy(ResizePolicyType.FILL_TO_PARENT, DimensionType.HEIGHT); _scrollBar.Orientation = new Quaternion( new Radian( new Degree( 270.0f ) ), Vector3.ZAXIS ); _scrollBar.SetScrollDirection(ScrollBar.Direction.Horizontal); _scrollView.Add(_scrollBar); // Connect to the OnRelayout signal _scrollView.OnRelayoutEvent += new Dali.View.OnRelayoutEventHandler(OnScrollViewRelayout); } private void OnScrollViewRelayout(object source, View.OnRelayoutEventArgs e) { // Set the correct scroll bar size after size negotiation of scroll view is done _scrollBar.Size = new Vector3(0.0f, _scrollView.GetRelayoutSize(DimensionType.WIDTH), 0.0f); } public void MainLoop() { _application.MainLoop (); } /// /// The main entry point for the application. /// [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { Example example = new Example(Application.NewApplication()); example.MainLoop (); } } }