/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Dali; namespace MyCSharpExample { class Example { [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] delegate void CallbackDelegate(IntPtr appPtr); // void, void delgate private Dali.Application _application; public Example(Dali.Application application) { _application = application; Console.WriteLine( "InitSignal connection count = " + _application.InitSignal().GetConnectionCount() ); _application.Initialized += new Dali.AUIApplicationInitEventHandler(Initialize); Console.WriteLine( "InitSignal connection count = " + _application.InitSignal().GetConnectionCount() ); } public void Initialize(object source, AUIApplicationInitEventArgs e) { Handle handle = new Handle(); int myPropertyIndex = handle.RegisterProperty("myProperty", new Property.Value(10.0f), Property.AccessMode.READ_WRITE); float myProperty = 0.0f; handle.GetProperty(myPropertyIndex).Get(ref myProperty); Console.WriteLine( "myProperty value: " + myProperty ); int myPropertyIndex2 = handle.RegisterProperty("myProperty2", new Property.Value(new Vector2(5.0f, 5.0f)), Property.AccessMode.READ_WRITE); Vector2 myProperty2 = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); handle.GetProperty(myPropertyIndex2).Get(myProperty2); Console.WriteLine( "myProperty2 value: " + myProperty2.x + ", " + myProperty2.y ); Actor actor = new Actor(); actor.Size = new Vector3(200.0f, 200.0f, 0.0f); actor.Name = "MyActor"; actor.Color = new Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f); Console.WriteLine("Actor id: {0}", actor.GetId()); Console.WriteLine("Actor size: " + actor.Size.x + ", " + actor.Size.y); Console.WriteLine("Actor name: " + actor.Name); Stage stage = Stage.GetCurrent(); stage.BackgroundColor = NDalic.WHITE ; Vector2 stageSize = stage.Size; Console.WriteLine("Stage size: " + stageSize.x + ", " + stageSize.y); stage.Add(actor); TextLabel text = new TextLabel("Hello Mono World"); text.ParentOrigin = NDalic.ParentOriginCenter; text.AnchorPoint = NDalic.AnchorPointCenter; text.HorizontalAlignment = "CENTER"; stage.Add(text); Console.WriteLine( "Text label text: " + text.Text ); Console.WriteLine( "Text label point size: " + text.PointSize ); text.PointSize = 32.0f; Console.WriteLine( "Text label new point size: " + text.PointSize ); using (RectInteger ri = new RectInteger(02,05,20,30)) { Console.WriteLine( " Created " + ri ); Console.WriteLine( " IsEmpty() = " + ri.IsEmpty() ); Console.WriteLine( " Left = " + ri.Left() ); Console.WriteLine( " Right = " + ri.Right() ); Console.WriteLine( " Top = " + ri.Top() ); Console.WriteLine( " Bottom = " + ri.Bottom() ); Console.WriteLine( " Area = " + ri.Area() ); } Console.WriteLine( " *************************" ); using (RectInteger ri2 = new RectInteger(02,05,20,30)) { Console.WriteLine( " Created " + ri2 ); ri2.Set(1,1,40,40); Console.WriteLine( " IsEmpty() = " + ri2.IsEmpty() ); Console.WriteLine( " Left = " + ri2.Left() ); Console.WriteLine( " Right = " + ri2.Right() ); Console.WriteLine( " Top = " + ri2.Top() ); Console.WriteLine( " Bottom = " + ri2.Bottom() ); Console.WriteLine( " Area = " + ri2.Area() ); } Console.WriteLine( " *************************" ); using (RectDouble rd = new RectDouble(02,05,20.5,30.5)) { Console.WriteLine( " Created " + rd ); Console.WriteLine( " IsEmpty() = " + rd.IsEmpty() ); Console.WriteLine( " Left = " + rd.Left() ); Console.WriteLine( " Right = " + rd.Right() ); Console.WriteLine( " Top = " + rd.Top() ); Console.WriteLine( " Bottom = " + rd.Bottom() ); Console.WriteLine( " Area = " + rd.Area() ); } Console.WriteLine( " *************************" ); RectDouble rd2 = new RectDouble(); rd2.x = 10; rd2.y = 10; rd2.width = 20; rd2.height = 20; Console.WriteLine( " Created " + rd2 ); Console.WriteLine( " IsEmpty() = " + rd2.IsEmpty() ); Console.WriteLine( " Left = " + rd2.Left() ); Console.WriteLine( " Right = " + rd2.Right() ); Console.WriteLine( " Top = " + rd2.Top() ); Console.WriteLine( " Bottom = " + rd2.Bottom() ); Console.WriteLine( " Area = " + rd2.Area() ); Console.WriteLine( " *************************" ); Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(100, 50); Console.WriteLine( " Created " + vector2 ); Console.WriteLine( " Vector2 x = " + vector2.x + ", y = " + vector2.y ); vector2 += new Vector2(20, 20); Console.WriteLine( " Vector2 x = " + vector2[0] + ", y = " + vector2[1] ); vector2.x += 10; vector2.y += 10; Console.WriteLine( " Vector2 width = " + vector2.width + ", height = " + vector2.height ); vector2 += new Vector2(15, 15); Console.WriteLine( " Vector2 width = " + vector2[0] + ", height = " + vector2[1] ); Console.WriteLine( " *************************" ); Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(20, 100, 50); Console.WriteLine( " Created " + vector3 ); Console.WriteLine( " Vector3 x = " + vector3.x + ", y = " + vector3.y + ", z = " + vector3.z ); vector3 += new Vector3(20, 20, 20); Console.WriteLine( " Vector3 x = " + vector3[0] + ", y = " + vector3[1] + ", z = " + vector3[2] ); vector3.x += 10; vector3.y += 10; vector3.z += 10; Console.WriteLine( " Vector3 width = " + vector3.width + ", height = " + vector3.height + ", depth = " + vector3.depth ); Vector3 parentOrigin = NDalic.ParentOriginBottomRight; Console.WriteLine( " parentOrigin x = " + parentOrigin.x + ", y = " + parentOrigin.y + ", z = " + parentOrigin.z ); Console.WriteLine( " *************************" ); Vector4 vector4 = new Vector4(20, 100, 50, 200); Console.WriteLine( " Created " + vector4 ); Console.WriteLine( " Vector4 x = " + vector4.x + ", y = " + vector4.y + ", z = " + vector4.z + ", w = " + vector4.w ); vector4 += new Vector4(20, 20, 20, 20); Console.WriteLine( " Vector4 x = " + vector4[0] + ", y = " + vector4[1] + ", z = " + vector4[2] + ", w = " + vector4[3] ); vector4.x += 10; vector4.y += 10; vector4.z += 10; vector4.w += 10; Console.WriteLine( " Vector4 r = " + vector4.r + ", g = " + vector4.g + ", b = " + vector4.b + ", a = " + vector4.a ); } public void MainLoop() { _application.MainLoop (); } /// /// The main entry point for the application. /// [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine ("Hello Mono World"); Example example = new Example(Application.NewApplication()); example.MainLoop (); } } }