/** Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ // This File has been auto-generated by SWIG and then modified using DALi Ruby Scripts //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // // This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org). // Version 3.0.9 // // Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify // the SWIG interface file instead. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace Dali { using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class Actor : Handle { private global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef swigCPtr; internal Actor(global::System.IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) { swigCPtr = new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(this, cPtr); } internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(Actor obj) { return (obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr; } ~Actor() { Dispose(); } public override void Dispose() { lock(this) { if (swigCPtr.Handle != global::System.IntPtr.Zero) { if (swigCMemOwn) { swigCMemOwn = false; NDalicPINVOKE.delete_Actor(swigCPtr); } swigCPtr = new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero); } global::System.GC.SuppressFinalize(this); base.Dispose(); } } /** * @brief Event arguments that passed via Touch signal * */ public class TouchEventArgs : EventArgs { private Actor _actor; private TouchData _touchData; /** * @brief Actor - is the actor that is being touched * */ public Actor Actor { get { return _actor; } set { _actor = value; } } /** * @brief TouchData - contains the information of touch points * */ public TouchData TouchData { get { return _touchData; } set { _touchData = value; } } } /** * @brief Event arguments that passed via Hover signal * */ public class HoverEventArgs : EventArgs { private Actor _actor; private HoverEvent _hoverEvent; /** * @brief Actor - is the actor that is being hovered * */ public Actor Actor { get { return _actor; } set { _actor = value; } } /** * @brief HoverEvent - contains touch points that represent the points * that are currently being hovered or the points where a hover has stopped * */ public HoverEvent HoverEvent { get { return _hoverEvent; } set { _hoverEvent = value; } } } /** * @brief Event arguments that passed via Wheel signal * */ public class WheelEventArgs : EventArgs { private Actor _actor; private WheelEvent _wheelEvent; /** * @brief Actor - is the actor that is being wheeled * */ public Actor Actor { get { return _actor; } set { _actor = value; } } /** * @brief WheelEvent - store a wheel rolling type : MOUSE_WHEEL or CUSTOM_WHEEL * */ public WheelEvent WheelEvent { get { return _wheelEvent; } set { _wheelEvent = value; } } } /** * @brief Event arguments that passed via OnStage signal * */ public class OnStageEventArgs : EventArgs { private Actor _actor; /** * @brief Actor - is the actor that is being connected to the stage * */ public Actor Actor { get { return _actor; } set { _actor = value; } } } /** * @brief Event arguments that passed via OffStage signal * */ public class OffStageEventArgs : EventArgs { private Actor _actor; /** * @brief Actor - is the actor that is being disconnected from the stage * */ public Actor Actor { get { return _actor; } set { _actor = value; } } } /** * @brief Event arguments that passed via OnRelayout signal * */ public class OnRelayoutEventArgs : EventArgs { private Actor _actor; /** * @brief Actor - is the actor that is being resized upon relayout * */ public Actor Actor { get { return _actor; } set { _actor = value; } } } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] private delegate bool TouchCallbackDelegate(IntPtr actor, IntPtr touchData); private DaliEventHandlerWithReturnType _actorTouchDataEventHandler; private TouchCallbackDelegate _actorTouchDataCallbackDelegate; [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] private delegate bool HoverEventCallbackDelegate(IntPtr actor, IntPtr hoverEvent); private DaliEventHandlerWithReturnType _actorHoverEventHandler; private HoverEventCallbackDelegate _actorHoverEventCallbackDelegate; [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] private delegate bool WheelEventCallbackDelegate(IntPtr actor, IntPtr wheelEvent); private DaliEventHandlerWithReturnType _actorWheelEventHandler; private WheelEventCallbackDelegate _actorWheelEventCallbackDelegate; [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] private delegate void OnStageEventCallbackDelegate(IntPtr actor); private DaliEventHandler _actorOnStageEventHandler; private OnStageEventCallbackDelegate _actorOnStageEventCallbackDelegate; [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] private delegate void OffStageEventCallbackDelegate(IntPtr actor); private DaliEventHandler _actorOffStageEventHandler; private OffStageEventCallbackDelegate _actorOffStageEventCallbackDelegate; [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] private delegate void OnRelayoutEventCallbackDelegate(IntPtr actor); private DaliEventHandler _actorOnRelayoutEventHandler; private OnRelayoutEventCallbackDelegate _actorOnRelayoutEventCallbackDelegate; /** * @brief Event for Touched signal which can be used to subscribe/unsubscribe the event handler * (in the type of TouchEventHandler-DaliEventHandlerWithReturnType) * provided by the user. Touched signal is emitted when touch input is received. */ public event DaliEventHandlerWithReturnType Touched { add { lock(this) { // Restricted to only one listener if (_actorTouchDataEventHandler == null) { _actorTouchDataEventHandler += value; _actorTouchDataCallbackDelegate = new TouchCallbackDelegate(OnTouch); this.TouchSignal().Connect(_actorTouchDataCallbackDelegate); } } } remove { lock(this) { if (_actorTouchDataEventHandler != null) { this.TouchSignal().Disconnect(_actorTouchDataCallbackDelegate); } _actorTouchDataEventHandler -= value; } } } // Callback for Actor TouchSignal private bool OnTouch(IntPtr actor, IntPtr touchData) { TouchEventArgs e = new TouchEventArgs(); // Populate all members of "e" (TouchEventArgs) with real data e.Actor = Actor.GetActorFromPtr(actor); e.TouchData = Dali.TouchData.GetTouchDataFromPtr(touchData); if (_actorTouchDataEventHandler != null) { //here we send all data to user event handlers return _actorTouchDataEventHandler(this, e, true); } return false; } /** * @brief Event for Hovered signal which can be used to subscribe/unsubscribe the event handler * (in the type of HoverEventHandler-DaliEventHandlerWithReturnType) * provided by the user. Hovered signal is emitted when hover input is received. */ public event DaliEventHandlerWithReturnType Hovered { add { lock(this) { // Restricted to only one listener if (_actorHoverEventHandler == null) { _actorHoverEventHandler += value; _actorHoverEventCallbackDelegate = new HoverEventCallbackDelegate(OnHoverEvent); this.HoveredSignal().Connect(_actorHoverEventCallbackDelegate); } } } remove { lock(this) { if (_actorHoverEventHandler != null) { this.HoveredSignal().Disconnect(_actorHoverEventCallbackDelegate); } _actorHoverEventHandler -= value; } } } // Callback for Actor Hover signal private bool OnHoverEvent(IntPtr actor, IntPtr hoverEvent) { HoverEventArgs e = new HoverEventArgs(); // Populate all members of "e" (HoverEventArgs) with real data e.Actor = Actor.GetActorFromPtr(actor); e.HoverEvent = Dali.HoverEvent.GetHoverEventFromPtr(hoverEvent); if (_actorHoverEventHandler != null) { //here we send all data to user event handlers return _actorHoverEventHandler(this, e, true); } return false; } /** * @brief Event for WheelMoved signal which can be used to subscribe/unsubscribe the event handler * (in the type of WheelEventHandler-DaliEventHandlerWithReturnType) * provided by the user. WheelMoved signal is emitted when wheel event is received. */ public event DaliEventHandlerWithReturnType WheelMoved { add { lock(this) { // Restricted to only one listener if (_actorWheelEventHandler == null) { _actorWheelEventHandler += value; _actorWheelEventCallbackDelegate = new WheelEventCallbackDelegate(OnWheelEvent); this.WheelEventSignal().Connect(_actorWheelEventCallbackDelegate); } } } remove { lock(this) { if (_actorWheelEventHandler != null) { this.WheelEventSignal().Disconnect(_actorWheelEventCallbackDelegate); } _actorWheelEventHandler -= value; } } } // Callback for Actor Wheel signal private bool OnWheelEvent(IntPtr actor, IntPtr wheelEvent) { WheelEventArgs e = new WheelEventArgs(); // Populate all members of "e" (WheelEventArgs) with real data e.Actor = Actor.GetActorFromPtr(actor); e.WheelEvent = Dali.WheelEvent.GetWheelEventFromPtr(wheelEvent); if (_actorWheelEventHandler != null) { //here we send all data to user event handlers return _actorWheelEventHandler(this, e, true); } return false; } /** * @brief Event for OnStage signal which can be used to subscribe/unsubscribe the event handler * (in the type of OnStageEventHandler) provided by the user. * OnStage signal is emitted after the actor has been connected to the stage. */ public event DaliEventHandler OnStageEvent { add { lock(this) { // Restricted to only one listener if (_actorOnStageEventHandler == null) { _actorOnStageEventHandler += value; _actorOnStageEventCallbackDelegate = new OnStageEventCallbackDelegate(OnStage); this.OnStageSignal().Connect(_actorOnStageEventCallbackDelegate); } } } remove { lock(this) { if (_actorOnStageEventHandler != null) { this.OnStageSignal().Disconnect(_actorOnStageEventCallbackDelegate); } _actorOnStageEventHandler -= value; } } } // Callback for Actor OnStage signal private void OnStage(IntPtr data) { OnStageEventArgs e = new OnStageEventArgs(); // Populate all members of "e" (OnStageEventArgs) with real data e.Actor = Actor.GetActorFromPtr(data); if (_actorOnStageEventHandler != null) { //here we send all data to user event handlers _actorOnStageEventHandler(this, e); } } /** * @brief Event for OffStage signal which can be used to subscribe/unsubscribe the event handler * (in the type of OffStageEventHandler) provided by the user. * OffStage signal is emitted after the actor has been disconnected from the stage. */ public event DaliEventHandler OffStageEvent { add { lock(this) { // Restricted to only one listener if (_actorOffStageEventHandler == null) { _actorOffStageEventHandler += value; _actorOffStageEventCallbackDelegate = new OffStageEventCallbackDelegate(OffStage); this.OnStageSignal().Connect(_actorOffStageEventCallbackDelegate); } } } remove { lock(this) { if (_actorOffStageEventHandler != null) { this.OnStageSignal().Disconnect(_actorOffStageEventCallbackDelegate); } _actorOffStageEventHandler -= value; } } } // Callback for Actor OffStage signal private void OffStage(IntPtr data) { OffStageEventArgs e = new OffStageEventArgs(); // Populate all members of "e" (OffStageEventArgs) with real data e.Actor = Actor.GetActorFromPtr(data); if (_actorOffStageEventHandler != null) { //here we send all data to user event handlers _actorOffStageEventHandler(this, e); } } /** * @brief Event for OnRelayout signal which can be used to subscribe/unsubscribe the event handler * (in the type of OnRelayoutEventHandler) provided by the user. * OnRelayout signal is emitted after the size has been set on the actor during relayout. */ public event DaliEventHandler OnRelayoutEvent { add { lock(this) { // Restricted to only one listener if (_actorOnRelayoutEventHandler == null) { _actorOnRelayoutEventHandler += value; _actorOnRelayoutEventCallbackDelegate = new OnRelayoutEventCallbackDelegate(OnRelayout); this.OnRelayoutSignal().Connect(_actorOnRelayoutEventCallbackDelegate); } } } remove { lock(this) { if (_actorOnRelayoutEventHandler != null) { this.OnRelayoutSignal().Disconnect(_actorOnRelayoutEventCallbackDelegate); } _actorOnRelayoutEventHandler -= value; } } } // Callback for Actor OnRelayout signal private void OnRelayout(IntPtr data) { OnRelayoutEventArgs e = new OnRelayoutEventArgs(); // Populate all members of "e" (OnRelayoutEventArgs) with real data e.Actor = Actor.GetActorFromPtr(data); if (_actorOnRelayoutEventHandler != null) { //here we send all data to user event handlers _actorOnRelayoutEventHandler(this, e); } } public static Actor GetActorFromPtr(global::System.IntPtr cPtr) { Actor ret = new Actor(cPtr, false); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public IntPtr GetPtrfromActor () { return (IntPtr)swigCPtr; } public Actor Parent { get { Actor parent = GetParent(); return parent; } } public bool Vibility { get { bool visibility = IsVisible(); return visibility; } } public float Opacity { set { SetOpacity(value); } } public float CurrentOpacity { get { float ret = GetCurrentOpacity(); return ret; } } public bool StateFocusEnable { set { SetKeyboardFocusable(value); } get { bool focusable = IsKeyboardFocusable(); return focusable; } } public class Property : global::System.IDisposable { private global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef swigCPtr; protected bool swigCMemOwn; internal Property(global::System.IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) { swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn; swigCPtr = new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(this, cPtr); } internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(Property obj) { return (obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr; } ~Property() { Dispose(); } public virtual void Dispose() { lock(this) { if (swigCPtr.Handle != global::System.IntPtr.Zero) { if (swigCMemOwn) { swigCMemOwn = false; NDalicPINVOKE.delete_Actor_Property(swigCPtr); } swigCPtr = new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero); } global::System.GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } } public Property() : this(NDalicPINVOKE.new_Actor_Property(), true) { if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public static readonly int PARENT_ORIGIN = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_PARENT_ORIGIN_get(); public static readonly int PARENT_ORIGIN_X = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_PARENT_ORIGIN_X_get(); public static readonly int PARENT_ORIGIN_Y = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_PARENT_ORIGIN_Y_get(); public static readonly int PARENT_ORIGIN_Z = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_PARENT_ORIGIN_Z_get(); public static readonly int ANCHOR_POINT = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_ANCHOR_POINT_get(); public static readonly int ANCHOR_POINT_X = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_ANCHOR_POINT_X_get(); public static readonly int ANCHOR_POINT_Y = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_ANCHOR_POINT_Y_get(); public static readonly int ANCHOR_POINT_Z = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_ANCHOR_POINT_Z_get(); public static readonly int SIZE = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_SIZE_get(); public static readonly int SIZE_WIDTH = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_SIZE_WIDTH_get(); public static readonly int SIZE_HEIGHT = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_SIZE_HEIGHT_get(); public static readonly int SIZE_DEPTH = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_SIZE_DEPTH_get(); public static readonly int POSITION = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_POSITION_get(); public static readonly int POSITION_X = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_POSITION_X_get(); public static readonly int POSITION_Y = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_POSITION_Y_get(); public static readonly int POSITION_Z = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_POSITION_Z_get(); public static readonly int WORLD_POSITION = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_WORLD_POSITION_get(); public static readonly int WORLD_POSITION_X = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_WORLD_POSITION_X_get(); public static readonly int WORLD_POSITION_Y = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_WORLD_POSITION_Y_get(); public static readonly int WORLD_POSITION_Z = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_WORLD_POSITION_Z_get(); public static readonly int ORIENTATION = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_ORIENTATION_get(); public static readonly int WORLD_ORIENTATION = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_WORLD_ORIENTATION_get(); public static readonly int SCALE = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_SCALE_get(); public static readonly int SCALE_X = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_SCALE_X_get(); public static readonly int SCALE_Y = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_SCALE_Y_get(); public static readonly int SCALE_Z = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_SCALE_Z_get(); public static readonly int WORLD_SCALE = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_WORLD_SCALE_get(); public static readonly int VISIBLE = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_VISIBLE_get(); public static readonly int COLOR = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_COLOR_get(); public static readonly int COLOR_RED = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_COLOR_RED_get(); public static readonly int COLOR_GREEN = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_COLOR_GREEN_get(); public static readonly int COLOR_BLUE = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_COLOR_BLUE_get(); public static readonly int COLOR_ALPHA = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_COLOR_ALPHA_get(); public static readonly int WORLD_COLOR = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_WORLD_COLOR_get(); public static readonly int WORLD_MATRIX = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_WORLD_MATRIX_get(); public static readonly int NAME = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_NAME_get(); public static readonly int SENSITIVE = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_SENSITIVE_get(); public static readonly int LEAVE_REQUIRED = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_LEAVE_REQUIRED_get(); public static readonly int INHERIT_ORIENTATION = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_INHERIT_ORIENTATION_get(); public static readonly int INHERIT_SCALE = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_INHERIT_SCALE_get(); public static readonly int COLOR_MODE = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_COLOR_MODE_get(); public static readonly int POSITION_INHERITANCE = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_POSITION_INHERITANCE_get(); public static readonly int DRAW_MODE = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_DRAW_MODE_get(); public static readonly int SIZE_MODE_FACTOR = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_SIZE_MODE_FACTOR_get(); public static readonly int WIDTH_RESIZE_POLICY = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_WIDTH_RESIZE_POLICY_get(); public static readonly int HEIGHT_RESIZE_POLICY = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_HEIGHT_RESIZE_POLICY_get(); public static readonly int SIZE_SCALE_POLICY = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_SIZE_SCALE_POLICY_get(); public static readonly int WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT_get(); public static readonly int HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH_get(); public static readonly int PADDING = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_PADDING_get(); public static readonly int MINIMUM_SIZE = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_MINIMUM_SIZE_get(); public static readonly int MAXIMUM_SIZE = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_MAXIMUM_SIZE_get(); public static readonly int INHERIT_POSITION = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_INHERIT_POSITION_get(); public static readonly int CLIPPING_MODE = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_CLIPPING_MODE_get(); public static readonly int BATCH_PARENT = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Property_BATCH_PARENT_get(); } public Actor () : this (NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_New(), true) { if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public new static Actor DownCast(BaseHandle handle) { Actor ret = new Actor(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_DownCast(BaseHandle.getCPtr(handle)), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Actor(Actor copy) : this(NDalicPINVOKE.new_Actor__SWIG_1(Actor.getCPtr(copy)), true) { if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public Actor Assign(Actor rhs) { Actor ret = new Actor(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Assign(swigCPtr, Actor.getCPtr(rhs)), false); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public string GetName() { string ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetName(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetName(string name) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetName(swigCPtr, name); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public uint GetId() { uint ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetId(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public bool IsRoot() { bool ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_IsRoot(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public bool OnStage() { bool ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_OnStage(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public bool IsLayer() { bool ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_IsLayer(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Layer GetLayer() { Layer ret = new Layer(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetLayer(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void Add(Actor child) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Add(swigCPtr, Actor.getCPtr(child)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void Remove(Actor child) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Remove(swigCPtr, Actor.getCPtr(child)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void Unparent() { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_Unparent(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public uint GetChildCount() { uint ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetChildCount(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Actor GetChildAt(uint index) { Actor ret = new Actor(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetChildAt(swigCPtr, index), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Actor FindChildByName(string actorName) { Actor ret = new Actor(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_FindChildByName(swigCPtr, actorName), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Actor FindChildById(uint id) { Actor ret = new Actor(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_FindChildById(swigCPtr, id), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Actor GetParent() { Actor ret = new Actor(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetParent(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetParentOrigin(Vector3 origin) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetParentOrigin(swigCPtr, Vector3.getCPtr(origin)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public Vector3 GetCurrentParentOrigin() { Vector3 ret = new Vector3(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetCurrentParentOrigin(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetAnchorPoint(Vector3 anchorPoint) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetAnchorPoint(swigCPtr, Vector3.getCPtr(anchorPoint)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public Vector3 GetCurrentAnchorPoint() { Vector3 ret = new Vector3(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetCurrentAnchorPoint(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetSize(float width, float height) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetSize__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, width, height); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void SetSize(float width, float height, float depth) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetSize__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, width, height, depth); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void SetSize(Vector2 size) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetSize__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, Vector2.getCPtr(size)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void SetSize(Vector3 size) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetSize__SWIG_3(swigCPtr, Vector3.getCPtr(size)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public Vector3 GetTargetSize() { Vector3 ret = new Vector3(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetTargetSize(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Vector3 GetCurrentSize() { Vector3 ret = new Vector3(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetCurrentSize(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Vector3 GetNaturalSize() { Vector3 ret = new Vector3(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetNaturalSize(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetPosition(float x, float y) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetPosition__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, x, y); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void SetPosition(float x, float y, float z) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetPosition__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, x, y, z); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void SetPosition(Vector3 position) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetPosition__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, Vector3.getCPtr(position)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void SetX(float x) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetX(swigCPtr, x); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void SetY(float y) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetY(swigCPtr, y); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void SetZ(float z) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetZ(swigCPtr, z); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void TranslateBy(Vector3 distance) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_TranslateBy(swigCPtr, Vector3.getCPtr(distance)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public Vector3 GetCurrentPosition() { Vector3 ret = new Vector3(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetCurrentPosition(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Vector3 GetCurrentWorldPosition() { Vector3 ret = new Vector3(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetCurrentWorldPosition(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetInheritPosition(bool inherit) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetInheritPosition(swigCPtr, inherit); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public PositionInheritanceMode GetPositionInheritanceMode() { PositionInheritanceMode ret = (PositionInheritanceMode)NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetPositionInheritanceMode(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public bool IsPositionInherited() { bool ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_IsPositionInherited(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetOrientation(Degree angle, Vector3 axis) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetOrientation__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, Degree.getCPtr(angle), Vector3.getCPtr(axis)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void SetOrientation(Radian angle, Vector3 axis) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetOrientation__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, Radian.getCPtr(angle), Vector3.getCPtr(axis)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void SetOrientation(Quaternion orientation) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetOrientation__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, Quaternion.getCPtr(orientation)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void RotateBy(Degree angle, Vector3 axis) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_RotateBy__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, Degree.getCPtr(angle), Vector3.getCPtr(axis)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void RotateBy(Radian angle, Vector3 axis) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_RotateBy__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, Radian.getCPtr(angle), Vector3.getCPtr(axis)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void RotateBy(Quaternion relativeRotation) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_RotateBy__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, Quaternion.getCPtr(relativeRotation)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public Quaternion GetCurrentOrientation() { Quaternion ret = new Quaternion(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetCurrentOrientation(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetInheritOrientation(bool inherit) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetInheritOrientation(swigCPtr, inherit); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public bool IsOrientationInherited() { bool ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_IsOrientationInherited(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Quaternion GetCurrentWorldOrientation() { Quaternion ret = new Quaternion(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetCurrentWorldOrientation(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetScale(float scale) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetScale__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, scale); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void SetScale(float scaleX, float scaleY, float scaleZ) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetScale__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void SetScale(Vector3 scale) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetScale__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, Vector3.getCPtr(scale)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void ScaleBy(Vector3 relativeScale) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_ScaleBy(swigCPtr, Vector3.getCPtr(relativeScale)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public Vector3 GetCurrentScale() { Vector3 ret = new Vector3(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetCurrentScale(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Vector3 GetCurrentWorldScale() { Vector3 ret = new Vector3(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetCurrentWorldScale(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetInheritScale(bool inherit) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetInheritScale(swigCPtr, inherit); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public bool IsScaleInherited() { bool ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_IsScaleInherited(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Matrix GetCurrentWorldMatrix() { Matrix ret = new Matrix(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetCurrentWorldMatrix(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetVisible(bool visible) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetVisible(swigCPtr, visible); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public bool IsVisible() { bool ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_IsVisible(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetOpacity(float opacity) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetOpacity(swigCPtr, opacity); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public float GetCurrentOpacity() { float ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetCurrentOpacity(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetColor(Vector4 color) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetColor(swigCPtr, Vector4.getCPtr(color)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public Vector4 GetCurrentColor() { Vector4 ret = new Vector4(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetCurrentColor(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetColorMode(ColorMode colorMode) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetColorMode(swigCPtr, (int)colorMode); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public ColorMode GetColorMode() { ColorMode ret = (ColorMode)NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetColorMode(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Vector4 GetCurrentWorldColor() { Vector4 ret = new Vector4(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetCurrentWorldColor(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetDrawMode(DrawModeType drawMode) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetDrawMode(swigCPtr, (int)drawMode); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public DrawModeType GetDrawMode() { DrawModeType ret = (DrawModeType)NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetDrawMode(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetSensitive(bool sensitive) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetSensitive(swigCPtr, sensitive); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public bool IsSensitive() { bool ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_IsSensitive(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public bool ScreenToLocal(out float localX, out float localY, float screenX, float screenY) { bool ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_ScreenToLocal(swigCPtr, out localX, out localY, screenX, screenY); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetLeaveRequired(bool required) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetLeaveRequired(swigCPtr, required); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public bool GetLeaveRequired() { bool ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetLeaveRequired(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetKeyboardFocusable(bool focusable) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetKeyboardFocusable(swigCPtr, focusable); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public bool IsKeyboardFocusable() { bool ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_IsKeyboardFocusable(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetResizePolicy(ResizePolicyType policy, DimensionType dimension) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetResizePolicy(swigCPtr, (int)policy, (int)dimension); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public ResizePolicyType GetResizePolicy(DimensionType dimension) { ResizePolicyType ret = (ResizePolicyType)NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetResizePolicy(swigCPtr, (int)dimension); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetSizeScalePolicy(SizeScalePolicyType policy) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetSizeScalePolicy(swigCPtr, (int)policy); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public SizeScalePolicyType GetSizeScalePolicy() { SizeScalePolicyType ret = (SizeScalePolicyType)NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetSizeScalePolicy(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetSizeModeFactor(Vector3 factor) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetSizeModeFactor(swigCPtr, Vector3.getCPtr(factor)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public Vector3 GetSizeModeFactor() { Vector3 ret = new Vector3(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetSizeModeFactor(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public float GetHeightForWidth(float width) { float ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetHeightForWidth(swigCPtr, width); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public float GetWidthForHeight(float height) { float ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetWidthForHeight(swigCPtr, height); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public float GetRelayoutSize(DimensionType dimension) { float ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetRelayoutSize(swigCPtr, (int)dimension); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetPadding(RectFloat padding) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetPadding(swigCPtr, RectFloat.getCPtr(padding)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void GetPadding(RectFloat paddingOut) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetPadding(swigCPtr, RectFloat.getCPtr(paddingOut)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void SetMinimumSize(Vector2 size) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetMinimumSize(swigCPtr, Vector2.getCPtr(size)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public Vector2 GetMinimumSize() { Vector2 ret = new Vector2(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetMinimumSize(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void SetMaximumSize(Vector2 size) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_SetMaximumSize(swigCPtr, Vector2.getCPtr(size)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public Vector2 GetMaximumSize() { Vector2 ret = new Vector2(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetMaximumSize(swigCPtr), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public int GetHierarchyDepth() { int ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetHierarchyDepth(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public uint AddRenderer(Renderer renderer) { uint ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_AddRenderer(swigCPtr, Renderer.getCPtr(renderer)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public uint GetRendererCount() { uint ret = NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetRendererCount(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Renderer GetRendererAt(uint index) { Renderer ret = new Renderer(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_GetRendererAt(swigCPtr, index), true); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public void RemoveRenderer(Renderer renderer) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_RemoveRenderer__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, Renderer.getCPtr(renderer)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public void RemoveRenderer(uint index) { NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_RemoveRenderer__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, index); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } public ActorTouchEventSignal TouchedSignal() { ActorTouchEventSignal ret = new ActorTouchEventSignal(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_TouchedSignal(swigCPtr), false); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public ActorTouchDataSignal TouchSignal() { ActorTouchDataSignal ret = new ActorTouchDataSignal(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_TouchSignal(swigCPtr), false); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public ActorHoverEventSignal HoveredSignal() { ActorHoverEventSignal ret = new ActorHoverEventSignal(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_HoveredSignal(swigCPtr), false); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public ActorWheelEventSignal WheelEventSignal() { ActorWheelEventSignal ret = new ActorWheelEventSignal(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_WheelEventSignal(swigCPtr), false); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public ActorSignal OnStageSignal() { ActorSignal ret = new ActorSignal(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_OnStageSignal(swigCPtr), false); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public ActorSignal OffStageSignal() { ActorSignal ret = new ActorSignal(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_OffStageSignal(swigCPtr), false); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public ActorSignal OnRelayoutSignal() { ActorSignal ret = new ActorSignal(NDalicPINVOKE.Actor_OnRelayoutSignal(swigCPtr), false); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } public Vector3 ParentOrigin { get { Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); GetProperty( Actor.Property.PARENT_ORIGIN).Get( temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.PARENT_ORIGIN, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float ParentOriginX { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.PARENT_ORIGIN_X).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.PARENT_ORIGIN_X, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float ParentOriginY { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.PARENT_ORIGIN_Y).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.PARENT_ORIGIN_Y, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float ParentOriginZ { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.PARENT_ORIGIN_Z).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.PARENT_ORIGIN_Z, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public Vector3 AnchorPoint { get { Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); GetProperty( Actor.Property.ANCHOR_POINT).Get( temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.ANCHOR_POINT, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float AnchorPointX { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.ANCHOR_POINT_X).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.ANCHOR_POINT_X, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float AnchorPointY { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.ANCHOR_POINT_Y).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.ANCHOR_POINT_Y, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float AnchorPointZ { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.ANCHOR_POINT_Z).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.ANCHOR_POINT_Z, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public Vector3 Size { get { Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); GetProperty( Actor.Property.SIZE).Get( temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.SIZE, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float SizeWidth { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.SIZE_WIDTH).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.SIZE_WIDTH, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float SizeHeight { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.SIZE_HEIGHT).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.SIZE_HEIGHT, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float SizeDepth { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.SIZE_DEPTH).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.SIZE_DEPTH, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public Vector3 Position { get { Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); GetProperty( Actor.Property.POSITION).Get( temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.POSITION, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float PositionX { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.POSITION_X).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.POSITION_X, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float PositionY { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.POSITION_Y).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.POSITION_Y, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float PositionZ { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.POSITION_Z).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.POSITION_Z, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public Vector3 WorldPosition { get { Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); GetProperty( Actor.Property.WORLD_POSITION).Get( temp ); return temp; } } public float WorldPositionX { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.WORLD_POSITION_X).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } } public float WorldPositionY { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.WORLD_POSITION_Y).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } } public float WorldPositionZ { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.WORLD_POSITION_Z).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } } public Quaternion Orientation { get { Quaternion temp = new Quaternion(); GetProperty( Actor.Property.ORIENTATION).Get( temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.ORIENTATION, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public Quaternion WorldOrientation { get { Quaternion temp = new Quaternion(); GetProperty( Actor.Property.WORLD_ORIENTATION).Get( temp ); return temp; } } public Vector3 Scale { get { Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); GetProperty( Actor.Property.SCALE).Get( temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.SCALE, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float ScaleX { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.SCALE_X).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.SCALE_X, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float ScaleY { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.SCALE_Y).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.SCALE_Y, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float ScaleZ { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.SCALE_Z).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.SCALE_Z, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public Vector3 WorldScale { get { Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); GetProperty( Actor.Property.WORLD_SCALE).Get( temp ); return temp; } } public bool Visible { get { bool temp = false; GetProperty( Actor.Property.VISIBLE).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.VISIBLE, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public Vector4 Color { get { Vector4 temp = new Vector4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); GetProperty( Actor.Property.COLOR).Get( temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.COLOR, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float ColorRed { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.COLOR_RED).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.COLOR_RED, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float ColorGreen { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.COLOR_GREEN).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.COLOR_GREEN, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float ColorBlue { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.COLOR_BLUE).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.COLOR_BLUE, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public float ColorAlpha { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty( Actor.Property.COLOR_ALPHA).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.COLOR_ALPHA, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public Vector4 WorldColor { get { Vector4 temp = new Vector4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); GetProperty( Actor.Property.WORLD_COLOR).Get( temp ); return temp; } } public Matrix WorldMatrix { get { Matrix temp = new Matrix(); GetProperty( Actor.Property.WORLD_MATRIX).Get( temp ); return temp; } } public string Name { get { string temp; GetProperty( Actor.Property.NAME).Get( out temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.NAME, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public bool Sensitive { get { bool temp = false; GetProperty( Actor.Property.SENSITIVE).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.SENSITIVE, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public bool LeaveRequired { get { bool temp = false; GetProperty( Actor.Property.LEAVE_REQUIRED).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.LEAVE_REQUIRED, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public bool InheritOrientation { get { bool temp = false; GetProperty( Actor.Property.INHERIT_ORIENTATION).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.INHERIT_ORIENTATION, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public bool InheritScale { get { bool temp = false; GetProperty( Actor.Property.INHERIT_SCALE).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.INHERIT_SCALE, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public string ColorMode { get { string temp; GetProperty( Actor.Property.COLOR_MODE).Get( out temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.COLOR_MODE, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public string PositionInheritance { get { string temp; GetProperty( Actor.Property.POSITION_INHERITANCE).Get( out temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.POSITION_INHERITANCE, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public string DrawMode { get { string temp; GetProperty( Actor.Property.DRAW_MODE).Get( out temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.DRAW_MODE, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public Vector3 SizeModeFactor { get { Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); GetProperty( Actor.Property.SIZE_MODE_FACTOR).Get( temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.SIZE_MODE_FACTOR, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public string WidthResizePolicy { get { string temp; GetProperty( Actor.Property.WIDTH_RESIZE_POLICY).Get( out temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.WIDTH_RESIZE_POLICY, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public string HeightResizePolicy { get { string temp; GetProperty( Actor.Property.HEIGHT_RESIZE_POLICY).Get( out temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.HEIGHT_RESIZE_POLICY, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public string SizeScalePolicy { get { string temp; GetProperty( Actor.Property.SIZE_SCALE_POLICY).Get( out temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.SIZE_SCALE_POLICY, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public bool WidthForHeight { get { bool temp = false; GetProperty( Actor.Property.WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public bool HeightForWidth { get { bool temp = false; GetProperty( Actor.Property.HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public Vector4 Padding { get { Vector4 temp = new Vector4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); GetProperty( Actor.Property.PADDING).Get( temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.PADDING, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public Vector2 MinimumSize { get { Vector2 temp = new Vector2(0.0f,0.0f); GetProperty( Actor.Property.MINIMUM_SIZE).Get( temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.MINIMUM_SIZE, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public Vector2 MaximumSize { get { Vector2 temp = new Vector2(0.0f,0.0f); GetProperty( Actor.Property.MAXIMUM_SIZE).Get( temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.MAXIMUM_SIZE, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public bool InheritPosition { get { bool temp = false; GetProperty( Actor.Property.INHERIT_POSITION).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.INHERIT_POSITION, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public string ClippingMode { get { string temp; GetProperty( Actor.Property.CLIPPING_MODE).Get( out temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.CLIPPING_MODE, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } public bool BatchParent { get { bool temp = false; GetProperty( Actor.Property.BATCH_PARENT).Get( ref temp ); return temp; } set { SetProperty( Actor.Property.BATCH_PARENT, new Dali.Property.Value( value ) ); } } } }