# Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. CLEANFILES = automatic/cpp/dali_wrap.* automatic/csharp/*.cs *.so *.dll \ manual/cpp/*.o \ examples/*.so examples/*.dll examples/*.exe BUILT_SOURCES = automatic/cpp/dali_wrap.cpp automatic/cpp/dali_wrap.h if HAVE_MCS if BUILD_MCS all-local: libNDalic.so NDali.dll libNDalic.so: automatic/cpp/dali_wrap.o manual/cpp/keyboard_focus_manager_wrap.o g++ -shared automatic/cpp/dali_wrap.o manual/cpp/keyboard_focus_manager_wrap.o -o libNDalic.so $(DALICORE_LIBS) $(DALIADAPTOR_LIBS) $(DALITOOLKIT_LIBS) automatic/cpp/dali_wrap.o: $(BUILT_SOURCES) g++ -c -fpic $(CXXFLAGS) $(DALICORE_CFLAGS) $(DALIADAPTOR_CFLAGS) $(DALITOOLKIT_CFLAGS) automatic/cpp/dali_wrap.cpp -o automatic/cpp/dali_wrap.o manual/cpp/keyboard_focus_manager_wrap.o: $(BUILT_SOURCES) g++ -c -fpic $(CXXFLAGS) $(DALICORE_CFLAGS) $(DALIADAPTOR_CFLAGS) $(DALITOOLKIT_CFLAGS) manual/cpp/keyboard_focus_manager_wrap.cpp -o manual/cpp/keyboard_focus_manager_wrap.o NDali.dll: $(BUILT_SOURCES) $(MCS) -nologo -target:library -out:NDali.dll automatic/csharp/*.cs manual/csharp/*.cs check-local: examples/dali-test.exe \ examples/hello-world.exe \ examples/scroll-view.exe \ examples/libNDalic.so examples/NDali.dll examples/%.exe: examples/%.cs $(MCS) -nologo -target:exe -out:$@ -reference:NDali.dll $< examples/libNDalic.so: libNDalic.so cd examples && ln -sf ../libNDalic.so examples/NDali.dll: NDali.dll cd examples && ln -sf ../NDali.dll endif endif # use swig to generate the CS wrapper code # then call our property-wrapper to inject DALi property getters / setters $(BUILT_SOURCES): SWIG/*.i rm -f automatic/csharp/*.cs $(SWIG) -csharp -c++ -outdir automatic/csharp \ $(DALI_CFLAGS) $(DALICORE_CFLAGS) $(DALIADAPTOR_CFLAGS) $(DALITOOLKIT_CFLAGS) -namespace Dali -o automatic/cpp/dali_wrap.cpp SWIG/dali.i ./property-wrapper.rb ./constructor-generator.rb dist-hook: $(BUILT_SOURCES) mkdir -p $(distdir)/automatic/cpp cp ./automatic/cpp/*.cpp $(distdir)/automatic/cpp cp ./automatic/cpp/*.h $(distdir)/automatic/cpp mkdir -p $(distdir)/manual/cpp cp ./manual/cpp/*.cpp $(distdir)/manual/cpp cp ./manual/cpp/*.h $(distdir)/manual/cpp mkdir -p $(distdir)/automatic/csharp cp ./automatic/csharp/*.cs $(distdir)/automatic/csharp mkdir -p $(distdir)/manual/csharp cp ./manual/csharp/*.cs $(distdir)/manual/csharp mkdir -p $(distdir)/examples cp ./examples/*.csproj $(distdir)/examples cp ./examples/*.cs $(distdir)/examples