# Hello World - JSON layout{#script-hello} The following JSON code is the minimum required to put the sentence "Hello World" on the screen. ~~~{.json} { // a tree of actors "stage": [{ "name": "text-label", "type": "TextLabel", "text": "Hello World", "parent-origin": "CENTER" }] } ~~~ The following code loads the JSON file ~~~{.cpp} // C++ Builder builder = Builder::New(); std::string json_data(ReadFile("layout.json")); builder.LoadFromString(json_data); builder.AddActors( Stage::GetCurrent().GetRootLayer() ); ~~~ ~~~{.js} // JavaScript var builder = new dali.Builder(); builder.loadFromFile("layout.json"); builder.addActors( dali.stage.getRootLayer ) ~~~ ## Hello World - Javascript The DALi script application is needed to run the Javascript which provides a Javascript runtime and an interface to Dali. ~~~ scripting.example hello-world.js ~~~ The TextLabel control to display Hello World can be constructed using Javascript dot notation accessing DALi Actor Properties. ~~~{.js} // JavaScript var textLabel = new dali.TextLabel(); textLabel.text = "Hello World"; textLabel.fontFamily = "FreeSans"; textLabel.fontStyle = "Regular"; textLabel.parentOrigin = dali.CENTER; dali.stage.add( textLabel ); ~~~ @class _Guide_Script_Hello_World */