/** * # Programming Languages {#programming-languages} DALi applications can be written in several different programming languages. ## C++ {#c-plus-plus} ~~~{.cpp} Dali::Actor actor = Dali::Actor::New(); actor.SetParentOrigin( Dali::ParentOrigin::CENTER ); actor.SetAnchorPoint( Dali::AnchorPoint::CENTER ); Dali::Stage::GetCurrent().Add( actor ); ... bool OnPressed( Dali::Actor, const TouchEvent& event ) { Dali::Animation anim = Dali::Animation::New( 1.5f ); anim.AnimateTo( Property( actor, Actor::Property::POSITION ), Vector3( 200,-100,0), AlphaFunctions::Bounce ); anim.play(); return true; // consume the touch event } ... actor.TouchedSignal().Connect( &OnPressed ); ~~~ */ ## JavaScript {#java-script-support} ~~~{.js} var actor = new dali.Actor(); actor.parentOrigin = dali.CENTER; actor.anchorPoint = dali.CENTER; dali.stage.add( actor ); ... function onPressed( actor, touchEvent ) { var animOptions = { alpha: "bounce", delay: 0, duration: 15 }; var anim = new dali.Animation(); anim.animateTo( actor, "position", [ 200,-100,0], animOptions ); anim.play(); return true; // consume the touch event } ... actor.connect( "touched", onPressed ); ~~~ ## JSON {#json-support} ~~~{.json} { "animations": { "move": { "duration": 1.5, "properties": [ { "actor":"image", "property":"position", "value":[200,-100,0], "alpha-function": "BOUNCE" } ] } }, "stage": [ { "name":"image", "type":"Actor", "anchor-point": "CENTER", "parent-origin": "CENTER", "signals" : [ { "name" : "touched", "action": "play", "animation": "move" } ] } ] } ~~~