# Font Selection {#font-selection} By default TextLabel or TextField will automatically select a suitable font from the platform. Typically fonts do not support all scripts, for example Latin fonts often do not provide Arabic glyphs. Therefore you should expect the text control to select different fonts for each script. Alternatively a font may be requested using either or all of FONT_FAMILY, FONT_STYLE, and POINT_SIZE properties: - FONT_FAMILY Is a string with the font's family name. i.e. *FreeSerif* - FONT_STYLE Is a json formatted string with the font's style. Possible *key, value* pairs are: + *width* Modifies the space between glyphs. Possible values are: - *ultra-condensed* - *extra-condensed* - *condensed* - *semi-condensed* - *normal* - *semi-expanded* - *expanded* - *extra-expanded* - *ultra-expanded* + *weight* Modifies the thickness or darkness of the glyphs. Possible values are: - *thin* - *ultra-light* - *extra-light* - *light* - *demi-light* - *semi-light* - *book* - *normal* - *regular* - *medium* - *demi-bold* - *semi-bold* - *bold* - *ultra-bold* - *extra-bold* - *black* - *heavy* - *extra-black* + *slant* Whether to use italics. Usually *italic* is a different font whilst the *oblique* has been generated by slanting the *normal* one. Possible values are: - *normal* - *roman* Same as *normal* - *italic* - *oblique* - POINT_SIZE Is a float with the font's size in points. To get the point size from pixels, could use the formula: point_size = 72 * pixels / vertical_dpi where vertical_dpi is the device's vertical resolution in dots per inch. ~~~{.cpp} // C++ label.SetProperty( TextLabel::Property::FONT_FAMILY, "FreeSerif" ); label.SetProperty( TextLabel::Property::FONT_STYLE, "{\"weight\":\"bold\",\"slant\":\"italic\"}" ); label.SetProperty( TextLabel::Property::POINT_SIZE, 12.0f ); ~~~ ~~~{.js} // JavaScript label.fontFamily = "FreeSerif"; label.fontStyle = "{\"weight\":\"bold\",\"slant\":\"italic\"}"; label.pointSize = 12; ~~~ However the text control will fall-back to using the default font, if the requested font does not support the required scripts. ### Font Styles Setting a font size programmatically is not ideal for applications which support multiple screen resolutions etc. A more flexible approach is to prepare various JSON stylesheets, and request a different style for each platform: ~~~{.cpp} // C++ StyleManager styleManager = StyleManager::Get(); styleManager.RequestThemeChange( "example-path/example.json" ); ~~~ To change the font for standard text controls, this JSON syntax can be used: ~~~{.json} { "styles": { "textlabel": { "font-family":"FreeSerif", "font-style":"{\"weight\":\"bold\",\"slant\":\"italic\"}", "point-size":8 } } } ~~~ However the same point-size is unlikely to be suitable for all text controls in an application. To set custom sizes simply set a "style name" for each case, and then provide a style override in JSON: ~~~{.cpp} // C++ label.SetProperty( Control::Property::STYLE_NAME, "custom" ); ~~~ ~~~{.js} // JavaScript label.styleName = "custom"'; ~~~ ~~~{.json} { "styles": { "textlabel": { "font-family":"FreeSerif", "font-style":"{\"weight\":\"bold\",\"slant\":\"italic\"}", "point-size":8 }, "custom": { "point-size":10 } } } ~~~ In the example above, standard text labels will have point-size 8, and "custom" labels will have point-size 10. */