# Stagehand Visual Debugger for DALi {#stagehand} ![ ](blocks.png) ## Introduction Stagehand is an open source tool that allows a developer to: - Connect to a DALi application running on: - Tizen - Ubuntu - View a wireframe of the current scene on top of a screen shot - Modify properties in the scene - Monitor performance of the application Full source code is available from http://github.com/gamoeba/stagehand.git Stagehand is released under the Apache 2 licence. ## Installing StageHand on Ubuntu http://www.gamoeba.com/stagehand/ Install both files on the website. Start with the QT dependencies first. ## How it works Stagehand connects to DALi via the network using a TCP/IP connection. ![ ](inner-workings.png) ## Connecting Stagehand to your DALi application ### Preparing DALi Stagehand connects to DALi via network using a TCP/IP connection, to enable this, your dali-adaptor RPM must be built with a configure option: `--enable-networklogging` Here is an example dali-adaptor configure line: ~~~ $ CXXFLAGS="-g -O0 -Wno-unused-local-typedefs" CXX="ccache g++" ./configure --prefix=$DESKTOP_PREFIX --enable-debug=yes --enable-profile=UBUNTU --enable-networklogging ~~~ Once this RPM is installed, you can run your DALi application and connect Stagehand to it. ### Network setup To enable network control on DALi, an environment variable must be set: ~~~ $ export DALI_NETWORK_CONTROL=1 to enable ~~~ Or run the application with the variable set. ~~~ $ DALI_NETWORK_CONTROL=1 /usr/apps/com.samsung.dali-demo/bin/dali-demo ~~~ Check what network port the application is using. It will be from port 3031 onwards. If running DALi on desktop, just type netstat -tlnp. On Tizen log into the device and run netstat. E.g. ~~~ $ su $ netstat -tlpn ~~~ ![ ](netstat.png) ### Connecting with Stagehand Click the settings icons below ![ ](stagehand-settings.png) ### Connecting to DALi running on Tizen Here we are connecting to a device running SDB ![ ](stagehand-tizen-connection.png) ### Connect to DALi running on Desktop ( Ubuntu ) ![ ](stagehand-ubuntu-connection.png) ## Using Stagehand Click Refresh to load the current scene from the device. ![ ](stagehand-refesh.png) Click screen shot to get overlay current screen ![ ](stagehand-screenshot.png) To cycle through the actor hierarchy, keep clicking the same spot. Alternatively, select using the actor tree. ![ ](stagehand-mainscreen.png) Click the save icon to save the scene ![ ](stagehand-save.png) Zooming in and out ![ ](stagehand-zoom.png) Modifying the scene ![ ](stagehand-modify.png) ## Performance monitoring To enable performance option. Edit ~/.stagehand/stagehand.ini Set perfmode=on Restart application. Click performance ![ ](stagehand-performance.png) ## Trouble shooting You can manually check the network is enabled on the DALi application using netcat. In the example below we are connecting to a Tizen device using SDB port forwarding. After running nc localhost 3031 we type help ![ ](stagehand-netcat.png) ## Tizen smack If you can't connect to a DALi application, but using netstat you can see a port is open. Check the smack log for errors: ~~~ tail -f -n 10 /var/log/audit/audit.log | grep 'internet' ~~~ If it is being blocked, you temporarily enable it by editing: ~~~ /etc/smack/accesses2.d/ your-app-name then add: system::user_internet …..app-name rw ~~~ ## Tizen Emulator connection problem Make sure DALi application is run using launch_app: ~~~ launch_app [APP_ID] __AUL_SDK__ DEBUG __DLP_DEBUG_ARG__ :10003 ~~~