# Resource Tracking {#resourcetracking} ## Enable Logging Setting DALI_ENABLE_LOG environment variable to RESOURCE_LOG will enable resource usage logging in DALi applications. On target resource logging utilizes dlog, but this can also be used on desktop by redirecting stderr to a file. The generated information includes any image files that are loaded with their dimensions, GPU memory consumption, CPU RAM used and details of texture atlases created. ## Viewing Resource Logs dalireslog.sh is installed as part of the DALi Adaptor package and can be found in the adaptors/tizen/scripts folder. The script shows a summary of memory used by resources. USAGE: ./dalireslog.sh [FILE] if FILE isn't specified, the script will try to use dlogutil. ### Example: ~~~{.bash} sh-4.1$ ./dalireslog.sh **On a separate terminal:** sh-4.1$ DALI_ENABLE_LOG=RESOURCE_LOG /opt/apps/com.samsung.dali-demo/bin/album.example ~~~ Example on desktop: ~~~{.bash} jon-doe\@ws-1234$ DALI_ENABLE_LOG=RESOURCE_LOG blind-effect.example 2>/home/SERILOCAL/john.doe/log.txt **On a separate terminal:** dalireslog.sh ~/log.txt ~~~ ### Displayed information: | | | |--|-| | 3D | amount of GPU memory used by application | | MEM Atlas | amount of GPU memory used by texture atlases (usually this refers to font atlases) | Number of atlases | how many texture atlases are present in memory.| A list of files is displayed in the main view, with different color codes representing different states: | | | |-|-| |CPU | resource is in memory, but hasn't been uploaded to a GL texture.| |GPU | resource has been uploaded to a GL texture, bitmap buffer discarded.| |CPUGPU | resource has been uploaded to a GL texture, but still present in CPU memory as well.| |DISCARDED | resource has been discarded, memory freed up | */