# Copy and Paste (Selection) {#copy-n-paste} Text can be selected by a long press or double tapping it. Depending on certain conditions a popup could be shown giving options including [CUT][COPY][PASTE], [SELECT ALL] or [CLIPBOARD]. Below these conditions will be explained. [CUT] or [COPY] send the selected text to the clipboard ready to be pasted directly or via the clipboard UI. Pressing [PASTE] will paste the top item from the clipboard (what has just been copied, possibly from another application). If the system supports a clipboard UI this can be displayed by pressing the [CLIPBOARD] button. Empty text means the user has not inputted any text, a text-control containing special characters or purely whitespace is not empty. Below shows how the popup will look depending on the state of the text-control. | | | |--|--| | Condition: Long press/double tap when empty text but clipboard has content | Condition: Long press/double tap when text-control contains text | |[PASTE][CLIPBOARD] buttons shown| [CUT][COPY], [SELECT ALL] unless all text selected and [PASTE][CLIPBOARD] if content to paste. | | ![ ](./EmptyTextClipboardHasContent.png) | ![ ](./SelectingText.png) | | Condition: Long press/double tap popup when text-control contains just whitespace | Condition: Empty text & clipboard empty | | Whitespace treated as regular text, [CUT][COPY] shown and [PASTE][CLIPBOARD] if content to paste. As all text is selected there is no need for [SELECT ALL] | No popup shown after long press/double tap| | ![ ](./SelectAllWhitespace.png) | ![ ](./EmptyTextAndNoContentToPaste.png)| | Condition: Long press/(double tap) on whitespace which is following text | Condition: Tapping text or panning grab handle | | [PASTE][CLIPBOARD] shown if something to paste. [SELECT ALL] as more text to select | If content in clipboard [PASTE][CLIPBOARD] popup will be shown. | | ![ ](./SelectWhitespaceAfterText.png) | ![ ](./TapAfterCopyingText.png) | */