varying mediump vec2 vTexCoord; uniform sampler2D sTexture; uniform sampler2D sStyle; uniform sampler2D sMask; uniform lowp float uHasMultipleTextColors; uniform lowp vec4 uTextColorAnimatable; uniform lowp vec4 uColor; uniform lowp vec3 mixColor; void main() { mediump vec4 textTexture = texture2D( sTexture, vTexCoord ); mediump vec4 styleTexture = texture2D( sStyle, vTexCoord ); mediump float maskTexture = texture2D( sMask, vTexCoord ).r; // Set the color of non-transparent pixel in text to what it is animated to. // Markup text with multiple text colors are not animated (but can be supported later on if required). // Emoji color are not animated. mediump float vstep = step( 0.0001, textTexture.a ); textTexture.rgb = mix( textTexture.rgb, uTextColorAnimatable.rgb, vstep * maskTexture * ( 1.0 - uHasMultipleTextColors ) ); // Draw the text as overlay above the style gl_FragColor = ( textTexture + styleTexture * ( 1.0 - textTexture.a ) ) * uColor * vec4( mixColor, 1.0 ); }