precision mediump float; varying mediump vec2 vTexCoord; uniform sampler2D sTexture; uniform lowp vec4 uColor; uniform vec3 uSize; uniform vec2 uSpineShadowParameter; varying vec3 vNormal; varying vec4 vPosition; void main() { // need to re-normalize the interpolated normal vec3 normal = normalize( vNormal ); // display page content vec4 texel; // display back image of the page, flip the texture if( dot(, normal) > 0.0 ) texel = texture2D( sTexture, vec2( 1.0 - vTexCoord.x, vTexCoord.y ) ); // display front image of the page else texel = texture2D( sTexture, vTexCoord ); // display book spine, a stripe of shadowed texture float pixelPos = vTexCoord.x * uSize.x; float spineShadowCoef = 1.0; if( pixelPos < uSpineShadowParameter.x ) { float x = pixelPos - uSpineShadowParameter.x; float y = sqrt( uSpineShadowParameter.x*uSpineShadowParameter.x - x*x ); spineShadowCoef = normalize( vec2( uSpineShadowParameter.y*x/uSpineShadowParameter.x, y ) ).y; } // calculate the lighting // set the ambient color as vec3(0.4); float lightColor = abs( normal.z ) * 0.6 + 0.4; gl_FragColor = vec4( ( spineShadowCoef * lightColor ) * texel.rgb , texel.a ) * uColor; }