precision mediump float; attribute vec2 aPosition; uniform mat4 uMvpMatrix; uniform mat4 uModelView; uniform mat4 uViewMatrix; uniform mat4 uProjection; uniform vec3 uSize; uniform mat4 uModelLastFrame; float timeDelta = 0.0167; uniform float uGeometryStretchFactor; uniform float uSpeedScalingFactor; // outputs varying vec2 vModelSpaceCenterToPos; varying vec2 vScreenSpaceVelocityVector; varying float vSpeed; varying vec2 vTexCoord; void main() { // get view space position of vertex this frame and last frame vec4 vertexPosition = vec4(aPosition, 0.0, 1.0); *= uSize; vec4 viewSpaceVertex = uModelView * vertexPosition; vec4 viewSpaceVertexLastFrame = uViewMatrix * uModelLastFrame * vertexPosition; // work out vertex's last movement in view space vec3 viewSpacePosDelta = -; float reciprocalTimeDelta = 1.0 / timeDelta; // get clip space position of vertex this frame and last frame vec4 clipSpaceVertex = uMvpMatrix * vertexPosition; vec4 clipSpaceVertexLastFrame = uProjection * viewSpaceVertexLastFrame; // decide how much this vertex is 'trailing', i.e. at the back of the object relative to its direction of motion. We do this // by assuming the objects model space origin is at its center and taking the dot product of the vector from center to vertex with the motion direction float t = 0.0; float posDeltaLength = length(viewSpacePosDelta); if(posDeltaLength > 0.001) // avoid div by 0 if object has barely moved { vec4 viewSpaceCenterToPos = uModelView * vec4(aPosition, 0.0, 0.0); float centerToVertexDist = length(viewSpaceCenterToPos); if(centerToVertexDist > 0.001) // avoid div by 0 if object has vertex at model space origin { vec3 viewSpacePosDeltaNormalised = viewSpacePosDelta / posDeltaLength; vec3 viewSpaceCenterToPosNormalised = / centerToVertexDist; t = (dot(viewSpacePosDeltaNormalised, viewSpaceCenterToPosNormalised) * 0.5 ) + 0.5; // scale and bias from [-1..1] to [0..1] } } // output vertex position lerped with its last position, based on how much it is trailing, // this stretches the geom back along where it has just been, giving a warping effect // We raise t to a power in order that non-trailing vertices are effected much more than trailing ones // Note: we must take account of time delta to convert position delta into a velocity, so changes are smooth (take into account frame time correctly) gl_Position = mix(clipSpaceVertexLastFrame, clipSpaceVertex, t * t * t * uGeometryStretchFactor * reciprocalTimeDelta); // work out vertex's last movement in normalised device coordinates [-1..1] space, i.e. perspective divide vec2 ndcVertex = clipSpaceVertex.xy / clipSpaceVertex.w; vec2 ndcVertexLastFrame = clipSpaceVertexLastFrame.xy / clipSpaceVertexLastFrame.w; // scale and bias so that a value of 1.0 corresponds to screen size (NDC is [-1..1] = 2) vScreenSpaceVelocityVector = ((ndcVertex - ndcVertexLastFrame) * 0.5 * reciprocalTimeDelta); vScreenSpaceVelocityVector.y = -vScreenSpaceVelocityVector.y; // TODO negated due to y being inverted in our coordinate system? // calculate a scaling factor proportional to velocity, which we can use to tweak how things look vSpeed = length(vScreenSpaceVelocityVector) * uSpeedScalingFactor; vSpeed = clamp(vSpeed, 0.0, 1.0); // provide fragment shader with vector from center of object to pixel (assumes the objects model space origin is at its center and verts have same z) vModelSpaceCenterToPos = viewSpaceVertex.xy; vec2 texCoord = aPosition + vec2(0.5); vTexCoord = texCoord; }