attribute mediump vec2 aPosition; uniform mediump mat4 uMvpMatrix; uniform vec3 uSize; uniform vec4 uTextureRect; varying vec2 vTexCoord; uniform mediump vec2 uTopLeft; uniform mediump vec2 uBottomRight; void main() { mediump vec4 position = vec4(aPosition, 0.0, 1.0); *= uSize; gl_Position = uMvpMatrix * position; // The line below is doing the same as the following commented lines: // // vec2 imageSize = - uTextureRect.xy; // vec2 topLeft = uTextureRect.xy + uTopLeft * imageSize; // vec2 bottomRight = uTextureRect.xy + uBottomRight * imageSize; // vec2 texCoord = (aTexCoord - uTextureRect.xy) / imageSize; // vTexCoord = topLeft + texCoord * ( bottomRight - topLeft ); vec2 texCoord = aPosition + vec2(0.5); vTexCoord = uTextureRect.xy + uTopLeft * ( - uTextureRect.xy ) + ( texCoord - uTextureRect.xy ) * ( uBottomRight - uTopLeft ); }