attribute mediump float aIndex; attribute mediump vec2 aPosition; attribute highp vec2 aTexCoord; varying mediump vec2 vTexCoord; uniform mediump mat4 uMvpMatrix; // the gravity applied to the y direction uniform mediump float uGravity; // xy: the emit position of the bubble; zw: the destination of the bubble. // The bubble is moving from (xy) to (zw plus the y drop influenced by gravity). uniform vec4 uStartEndPosition[NUMBER_OF_BUBBLE]; // The undergoing percentage of the bubble movement. 0.0: start from emit position, 1.0: reach the destination uniform float uPercentage[NUMBER_OF_BUBBLE]; uniform vec2 uInvertedMovementArea; // The bubble number is restricted by the available uniform num. // To increase the displayed bubble, every uStartEndPosition and uPercentage uniform is applied to a small bunch of bubbles (9 here) // The offset defines the random offset between bubbles within the bunch. uniform vec2 uOffset[9]; // This uniform is used to change the bubble size during running time uniform float uDynamicScale; varying float vPercentage; varying vec2 vEffectTexCoord; void main() { vec4 position = vec4( aPosition, 0.0, 1.0 ); // The Z coordinate is used to record the bubble index within current mesh actor int index = int(aIndex); //for some i between 0 ~ NUMBER_OF_BUBBLE-1: i,i+NUMBER_OF_BUBBLE, i+NUMBER_OF_BUBBLE*2, ... (up to i+NUMBER_OF_BUBBLE*8) belongs to the same bunch. int groupIdx = index / NUMBER_OF_BUBBLE; // The bubbles within the same bunch applies the same uniforms uStartEndPosition[idx] & uPercentage[idx] int idx = index - groupIdx*NUMBER_OF_BUBBLE; float percentage = uPercentage[idx]; // early out if uPercentage is (zero || one) setting position to zero (zero sized triangles) if( percentage <= 0.0 || percentage >= 1.0 ) { gl_Position = vec4(0.0); return; } vec4 startAndEnd = uStartEndPosition[idx]; // The final position is added up different offset for bubbles += uOffset[groupIdx]; // increase the bubble size from 0% to 100% during the first 1/5 of movement & apply the dynamic scale // the new xy value containes both the new scale and new bubble position position.xy *= uDynamicScale*min(percentage*5.0, 1.0); position.xy += mix(startAndEnd.xy,, percentage); // The gravity is g*t*t on the y direction position.y += uGravity * pow(percentage, 2.0); gl_Position = uMvpMatrix * position; // Add multiple bubble shapes in the effect vTexCoord = aTexCoord; vPercentage = percentage; // Use the emit position color for the bubble vEffectTexCoord = startAndEnd.xy * uInvertedMovementArea + vec2(0.5); }