#version 300 es // Original Code // https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Viewer/blob/glTF-WebGL-PBR/shaders/pbr-vert.glsl // Commit dc84b5e374fb3d23153d2248a338ef88173f9eb6 #ifdef HIGHP precision highp float; #else precision mediump float; #endif in vec3 aPosition; in vec2 aTexCoord; in vec3 aNormal; #ifdef VEC4_TANGENT in vec4 aTangent; #else in vec3 aTangent; #endif in vec4 aVertexColor; #ifdef MORPH uniform sampler2D sBlendShapeGeometry; #endif out vec2 vUV; out lowp mat3 vTBN; out lowp vec4 vColor; out highp vec3 vPositionToCamera; uniform highp mat4 uViewMatrix; uniform mat3 uNormalMatrix; uniform mat4 uModelMatrix; uniform mat4 uProjection; uniform lowp float uHasVertexColor; #ifdef SKINNING in vec4 aJoints; in vec4 aWeights; #define MAX_BONES 64 uniform mat4 uBone[MAX_BONES]; #endif #ifdef MORPH #define MAX_BLEND_SHAPE_NUMBER 128 uniform int uNumberOfBlendShapes; ///< Total number of blend shapes loaded. uniform float uBlendShapeWeight[MAX_BLEND_SHAPE_NUMBER]; ///< The weight of each blend shape. #ifdef MORPH_VERSION_2_0 uniform float uBlendShapeUnnormalizeFactor; ///< Factor used to unnormalize the geometry of the blend shape. #else uniform float uBlendShapeUnnormalizeFactor[MAX_BLEND_SHAPE_NUMBER]; ///< Factor used to unnormalize the geometry of the blend shape. #endif uniform int uBlendShapeComponentSize; ///< The size in the texture of either the vertices, normals or tangents. Used to calculate the offset to address them. #endif void main() { highp vec4 position = vec4(aPosition, 1.0); vec3 normal = aNormal; vec3 tangent = aTangent.xyz; #ifdef MORPH int width = textureSize( sBlendShapeGeometry, 0 ).x; int blendShapeBufferOffset = 0; for( int index = 0; index < uNumberOfBlendShapes; ++index ) { #ifdef MORPH_POSITION // Calculate the index to retrieve the geometry from the texture. int vertexId = gl_VertexID + blendShapeBufferOffset; int x = vertexId % width; int y = vertexId / width; vec3 diff = vec3(0.0); // Retrieves the blend shape geometry from the texture, unnormalizes it and multiply by the weight. if( 0.0 != uBlendShapeWeight[index] ) { #ifdef MORPH_VERSION_2_0 float unnormalizeFactor = uBlendShapeUnnormalizeFactor; #else float unnormalizeFactor = uBlendShapeUnnormalizeFactor[index]; #endif diff = uBlendShapeWeight[index] * unnormalizeFactor * ( texelFetch( sBlendShapeGeometry, ivec2(x, y), 0 ).xyz - 0.5 ); } position.xyz += diff; blendShapeBufferOffset += uBlendShapeComponentSize; #endif #ifdef MORPH_NORMAL // Calculate the index to retrieve the normal from the texture. vertexId = gl_VertexID + blendShapeBufferOffset; x = vertexId % width; y = vertexId / width; // Retrieves the blend shape normal from the texture, unnormalizes it and multiply by the weight. if( 0.0 != uBlendShapeWeight[index] ) { diff = uBlendShapeWeight[index] * 2.0 * ( texelFetch( sBlendShapeGeometry, ivec2(x, y), 0 ).xyz - 0.5 ); } normal += diff.xyz; blendShapeBufferOffset += uBlendShapeComponentSize; #endif #ifdef MORPH_TANGENT // Calculate the index to retrieve the tangent from the texture. vertexId = gl_VertexID + blendShapeBufferOffset; x = vertexId % width; y = vertexId / width; // Retrieves the blend shape tangent from the texture, unnormalizes it and multiply by the weight. if( 0.0 != uBlendShapeWeight[index] ) { diff = uBlendShapeWeight[index] * 2.0 * ( texelFetch( sBlendShapeGeometry, ivec2(x, y), 0 ).xyz - 0.5 ); } tangent += diff.xyz; blendShapeBufferOffset += uBlendShapeComponentSize; #endif } #endif #ifdef SKINNING highp mat4 bone = uBone[int(aJoints.x)] * aWeights.x + uBone[int(aJoints.y)] * aWeights.y + uBone[int(aJoints.z)] * aWeights.z + uBone[int(aJoints.w)] * aWeights.w; position = bone * position; normal = (bone * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz; tangent = (bone * vec4(tangent, 0.0)).xyz; #endif highp vec4 positionW = uModelMatrix * position; highp vec4 positionV = uViewMatrix * positionW; vPositionToCamera = transpose(mat3(uViewMatrix)) * -vec3(positionV.xyz / positionV.w); vec3 bitangent = cross(normal, tangent); #ifdef VEC4_TANGENT bitangent *= aTangent.w; #endif vTBN = mat3(uModelMatrix) * mat3(tangent, bitangent, normal); #ifdef FLIP_V vUV = vec2(aTexCoord.x, 1.0 - aTexCoord.y); #else vUV = aTexCoord; #endif vColor = mix(vec4(1.0f), aVertexColor, uHasVertexColor); gl_Position = uProjection * positionV; }