# Table of Contents * [Build Instructions](#build-instructions) * [1. Building for Ubuntu desktop](#1-building-for-ubuntu-desktop) * [Minimum Requirements](#minimum-requirements) * [Building the Repository](#building-the-repository) * [DEBUG Builds](#debug-builds) * [2. GBS Builds](#2-gbs-builds) * [NON-SMACK Targets](#non-smack-targets) * [SMACK enabled Targets](#smack-enabled-targets) * [DEBUG Builds](#debug-builds-1) * [Creating an example](#creating-an-example) # Build Instructions ## 1. Building for Ubuntu desktop ### Requirements - Ubuntu 16.04 or later - Environment created using dali_env script in dali-core repository - GCC version 6 DALi requires a compiler supporting C++11 features. Ubuntu 16.04 is the first version to offer this by default (GCC v5.4.0). GCC version 6 is recommended since it has fixes for issues in version 5 e.g. it avoids spurious 'defined but not used' warnings in header files. ### Building the Repository To build the repository enter the 'build/tizen' folder: $ cd dali-demo/build/tizen Then run the following commands: $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$DESKTOP_PREFIX . $ make install -j8 ### DEBUG Builds Specify a debug build when building for desktop by passing the following parameter to cmake: $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$DESKTOP_PREFIX -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug . Before running make install as normal: $ make install -j8 ## 2. GBS Builds ### NON-SMACK Targets $ gbs build -A [TARGET_ARCH] ### SMACK enabled Targets $ gbs build -A [TARGET_ARCH] --define "%enable_dali_smack_rules 1" ### DEBUG Builds $ gbs build -A [TARGET_ARCH] --define "%enable_debug 1" # Creating an example - Make a directory in the "examples" directory. Only one example will be created per directory. - The executable installed will have a ".example" appended to it, e.g. a "blocks" directory produces "blocks.example". - Add all source files for the required example in this directory. - Modify "com.samsung.dali-demo.xml" to include your example so that it can be launched on target. - No changes are required to the make system as long as the above is followed, your example will be automatically built & installed. ## 3. Building for Android ### Requirements - Ubuntu 16.04 or later - GCC version 6 - Android DALi dependencies ### Building the Repository To download Android DALi dependencies clone https://github.com/dalihub/android-dependencies in your DALi folder (folder containing dali-demo). $ git clone https://github.com/dalihub/android-dependencies.git To build the repository enter the 'build/android' folder: $ cd dali-demo/build/android Then run the following command: $ ./build.sh For debug build: $ DEBUG=1 ./build.sh To debug from Android Studio set Android DALi enviroment using setenv script in 'build/android' and launch Android Studio from the enviroment: $ . setenv $ /bin/studio.sh To clean the build: $ ./build.sh clean To install apks: $ adb install -r ./app/build/outputs/apk/debug/dali-demo-debug.apk $ adb install -r ./app/build/outputs/apk/release/dali-demo-release.apk