Testing environment {#auto_testing} =================== The current test environment from Tizen is the Web-TCT test suite. This was written for testing web components, but can easily be used for testing Dali. The tests remain compatible with the previous TET test suite. Each of the DALi repositories, **dali-core**, **dali-adaptor** and **dali-toolkit**, have their own test suites under the `automated-tests` folder. Within the src folder are a number of secondary folders - these correspond to 'API' tests and internal (for desktop testing only) Installation ------------ There are usage instructions and installation instructions on the Tizen.org website [here](http://download.tizen.org/tct/2.2.1/Manual/Web_TCT_2.2.1_User_Guide_v1.0.pdf) These are device specific instructions, however, installing the test suite will also provide the relevant packages for running tests on Ubuntu ( follow the first block of quickstart instructions below ). If you are planning on running tests on device, then flash your handset with latest image, or turn off ssh: `set_usb_debug.sh --mtp-sdb` and plug it in, then follow the quickstart instructions repeated below. Quickstart ---------- For target or desktop testing: cd ~/Packages wget http://download.tizen.org/tct/2.2.1/2.2.1_r1/web-tct_2.2.1_r1.tar.gz sudo tar xzf web-tct_2.2.1_r1.tar.gz cd web-tct_2.2.1_r1/tools sudo -E ./tct-config-host.sh If you are planning on running tests on device, then plug in your freshly flashed device and run the following commands: sudo apt-get install sdb ./tct-config-device.sh **NOTE:** After flashing a handset, you will need to run this step of the installation again. Testing on desktop ================== Building libraries with coverage options ---------------------------------------- Building dali core: cd dali-core # the location of your dali-core repository cd build/tizen export CC=gcc export CXX=g++ git clean -fxd . # Only do this in the build folder CXXFLAGS='-g -O0 --coverage' LDFLAGS='--coverage' cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$DESKTOP_PREFIX -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug make -j8 install Note, you __must__ use a local build and not a distributed build, and you __must__ also build with debug enabled to allow *DALI_ASSERT_DEBUG* to trigger on wrong behaviour ( Which should always be a test case failure! ) Further note that, for the following, your gcov version must match the version of the compiler. Building the tests ------------------ Run the following commands: cd automated-tests ./build.sh This will build dali and dali-internal test sets. Test sets can be built individually: ./build.sh dali They can also be built without regenerating test case scripts (Useful for quicker rebuilds) ./build.sh -n dali-internal Or without cleaning down the build area (Useful for fast build/run/debug cycles) ./build.sh -n -r dali-internal Executing the tests ------------------- To see a list of all of the options: ./execute.sh -h To execute tests, cd into automated-tests and run ./execute.sh To execute a subset of tests, you can run individual test sets, e.g. ./execute.sh dali To execute a specific test, just pass it on the command line: ./execute.sh UtcDaliActorNew To execute a matching subset of tests, use the prefix option: ./execute.sh -p UtcDaliActor will execute all tests that start with the prefix "UtcDaliActor". To use test kit lite, (which is very slow), ./execute.sh -s To see the test kit lite results, copy the style folder from web-tct_2.2.1_r1/tools/tct-mgr/style into automated-tests and run firefox --new-window summary.xml To get full coverage output (you need to first build dali libraries with --coverage), run ./coverage.sh To check the coverage of your patch, (the build server uses its own copy of these scripts), you can use ./patch-coverage.pl -q [diff-spec] to get a summary, or ./patch-coverage.pl [diff-spec] to get textual output, or ./patch-coverage.pl -o out.html [diff-spec] to get HTML output (used by build server). diff-spec is any refspec accepted by git-diff. If it's left out, it creates a refspec to the latest commit, or uses the index/working tree. Testing on target ================= To build for target, first build and install dali-core, dali-adaptor and dali-toolkit. You will need to install libconfig-tiny-perl: sudo apt-get install libconfig-tiny-perl If you use a non-standard `GBS_ROOT` then you will need to edit the tcbuild script to match your configuration - change line 96 and add a -B option with your GBS-ROOT path (line 96 = `gbs build -A armv7l --spec core-$1-tests.spec --include-all --keep-packs` ). To install on device from a non-standard GBS_ROOT, also modify line 28 (`RPM_DIR="$HOME/GBS-ROOT/local/repos/$PROFILE/armv7l/RPMS"`). For Dali Core, cd into automated-tests, and use: sudo ./tcbuild build dali sudo ./tcbuild build dali ./tcbuild install dali Ensure your handset's filesystem is writable: sdb shell su -c "change-booting-mode.sh --update" To execute tests, cd into automated-tests and run tct-mgr This will bring up the java test suite program. You should see the Plan pane with a list of all tests in. Select the tct-dali-core-tests. and you will be offered a dialog to choose a test plan: either create a new one or use temp. Select dali test suite, and click Run, then "Create a new plan", and call it "Dali-Core" or some such. It will now run the dali-test suite. You can find the output files under /opt/tct/manager/result/ Adding tests ============ For internal API ---------------- If you are adding tests for internal API, then this will only work on desktop, and you should add your tests to the src/dali-internal test suite. General ------- If you are adding test cases to existing files, then all you need to do is create functions with the method signature int UtcTestcase(void) { TestApplication application; ... END_TEST; } Note that **the parentheses in the method signature must not be empty** (i.e., it must violate our coding convention and follow __exactly__ this pattern: `int UtcDaliMyTestcaseName(void)`), as it's parsed by an awk script to auto-generate the testcase arrays in the main header file. Neither may any comments on the same line contain empty parentheses. You can use the previous TET api, e.g. `tet_infoline`, `tet_result` and our test check methods `DALI_TEST_CHECK`, `DALI_TEST_EQUALS`, etc. If you need any non-test methods or variables, ensure they are wrapped in an anonymous namespace. If you are adding new test files, then you need to add the filename to the SET(TC_SOURCES... section of CMakeLists.txt (this is also parsed by an awk script prior to building) Good Practices -------------- Use DALI_TEST_EQUALS to test actual value against expected value, like this: DALI_TEST_EQUALS( actor.GetProperty< float >( Actor::Property::COLOR_ALPHA ), 0.9f, TEST_LOCATION ); This will speed up debugging in case the test some day fails. There is also a variant to test that value is greater than expected: DALI_TEST_GREATER( textureBindIndex[1], textureBindIndex[2], TEST_LOCATION ); When doing negative tests where your code uses DALI_ASSERT_ALWAYS, use the DALI_TEST_ASSERTION macro, like below: DALI_TEST_ASSERTION( { animation.AnimateTo( Property( actor, Actor::Property::PARENT_ORIGIN ), targetParentOrigin ); }, "IsPropertyAnimatable( index )" ); This macro will catch the DALi Exception and check that the correct assert message was included. It will also fail the test in case the assert did not occur. It also reduces the amount of false positive error logging whilst the is being thrown making it easier to see the real errors. Note, DALI_ASSERT_DEBUG cannot be tested as tests execute against release version of the code. Use additional scope to control the life of stack allocated objects, such as DALi handles // try reparenting an orphaned child { Actor temporaryParent = Actor::New(); temporaryParent.Add( child ); DALI_TEST_EQUALS( parent2.GetChildCount(), 0u, TEST_LOCATION ); } // temporaryParent has now died, reparent the orphaned child parent2.Add( child ); DALI_TEST_EQUALS( parent2.GetChildCount(), 1u, TEST_LOCATION ); Always test the output of your test by making your code fail!!! Debugging ========= On desktop, you can debug the tests by running gdb on the test program: $ cd automated-tests $ ./execute.sh -d gdb> r replace `` with the name of the failing testcase. For example, using testcase UtcDaliActorAddP from the dali-core test suite: $ ./execute.sh -d UtcDaliActorAddP gdb> r UtcDaliActorAddP On target, you can re-install the test RPM and associated debug RPMs manually using sdb push .rpm /tmp After installing the rpm and it's debug RPMs, you can find the executable in /opt/usr/bin/tct-dali-core. First ensure you have smack permissions set: chsmack -e "^" /usr/bin/gdb chsmack -e "^" /opt/usr/bin/tct-dali-core/tct-dali-core then run it under gdb as above. Troubleshooting =============== If when running tct-mgr tests, if "Health-Check get" fails and leaves a white screen on the device, you will need to run `tct-config-device.sh` from your `web-tct/tools` directory (wherever you untarred it) and power cycle your handset. If that still fails, you can work-around the issue by running "`mkdir –p /opt/usr/media/Documents/tct/`" on target – you may also need to kill the getCapabilities app from App Manager on the handset) If the test results show that the test cases fail with "Undefined reference to XXX", it means you have probably failed to update the dali packages on target. If all the tests are failing then make sure that you have enabled the engineering mode on the target with the 'change-booting-mode.sh --update' command in sdb shell, as the tests may not have installed correctly