# Table of Contents * [Build Instructions](#build-instructions) * [1. Building for Ubuntu desktop](#1-building-for-ubuntu-desktop) * [Minimum Requirements](#minimum-requirements) * [Building the Repository](#building-the-repository) * [Build target options](#build-target-options) * [Building and executing test cases](#building-and-executing-test-cases) * [2. GBS Builds](#2-gbs-builds) * [DEBUG Builds](#debug-builds) # Build Instructions ## 1. Building for Ubuntu desktop ### Requirements - Ubuntu 14.04 or later - Environment created using dali_env script in dali-core repository - GCC version 6 DALi requires a compiler supporting C++11 features. Ubuntu 16.04 is the first version to offer this by default (GCC v5.4.0). GCC version 6 is recommended since it has fixes for issues in version 5 e.g. it avoids spurious 'defined but not used' warnings in header files. ### Building the Repository To build the repository enter the 'build/tizen' folder: $ cd dali-adaptor/build/tizen Then run the following commands: $ autoreconf --install $ ./configure --prefix=$DESKTOP_PREFIX $ make install -j8 ### Build target options OpenGL ES context: When building, the OpenGL ES version of the target should be specified. Valid version options are 20, 30, 31 for OpenGL ES versions 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1 respectively. With configure: Add: *--enable-gles=X* With gbs: Add to the gbs build line: *--define "%target_gles_version X"* ### Building and executing test cases See the README.md in dali-adaptor/automated-tests. ## 2. GBS Builds $ gbs build -A [TARGET_ARCH] ### DEBUG Builds $ gbs build -A [TARGET_ARCH] --define "%enable_debug 1"