TODO: idl: + audit IDL for conformance with bonobo/doc/FAQ's [Java] naming practice [Michael] + possibly change Value.idl interface to return a value union. [Bill] *DONE* + rename all IDL prepending Accessibility_ to each IDL filename cspi: + API change required if above IDL change is made. [Bill] + move bonobo bits into cspi/bonobo + ensure spi-listener-impl's list notification methods don't have a re-enterancy hazard. + namespace all methods missing a prepending Acessible or SPI_ prefix. + Put LGPL headers everywhere. registry: + move code into here from libspi + kill the getDeviceWhatnot - and use queryInterface, don't inherit from the Listener interface - use aggregation + fire an event on dead application & re-factor the listen for broken code. bridge: + move code into here from libspi libspi: + remove redundant casts throughout + determine if there are other headers we don't need to install + consider moving the non-impl. parts into registryd/ bridge/ etc. + change the weird string-hash event matching to something sane, using GQuark. [Bill] + merge the DeviceEvent and KeyEvent structs to avoid the bogus casting of these back and forth. + complete implementation of support for RelationSet and StateSet, and export to cspi. + complete and test the pre-emptive key API so that we don't always do AnyKey grabs. [Bill] test: + update test-simple to do complete API tests + Add tests for AtkTable, and add table elements to the test window. + remove comment from test_value; ensure that it works.