Contributing to AT-SPI: AT-SPI is a complex package, with lots of dependencies. We (maintainers) are not experts in every area; we welcome contributions and corrections. However we do ask that all changes to AT-SPI go through the normal patch approval process (i.e. diff -u). Please post patches to; if in doubt you may wish to email questions ahead of time. The current maintainers are Bill Haneman ( and Marc Mulcahy ( As a general rule, Non-trivial maintainer-submitted patches should be posted to gnome-accessibility-devel for comment and informational purposes prior to commit. "Build Sheriff" patches are welcome and are exempt from the normal approval process, provided: (a) care is taken that the Solaris build does not regress, as at-spi is a cross-platform package; (b) the build patches are, generally speaking, not controversial. At any rate we appreciate being told where we've screwed up, so let us know if you encounter a significant issue. Other contributions to AT-SPI are welcome, though we expect that most accessibility contributions will be to other modules. -Bill