# nice-lad ## Introduction Narcissistic, Incredible, Completely Exceptional Logger of Access Denials ### Project goals Nice-lad is a tool to collect and aggregate logs of access denials in system. The source of data are audit messages from DAC, Smack, Cynara and netfilter. The purpose of nice-lad is to collect and normalize the selected audit logs and make them readable by unprivileged user. This might be helpful during debugging applications accessing restricted resources. Nice-lad works as an [audispd][1] plugin. [1]: http://linux.die.net/man/8/audispd "audispd" ### Project history Nice-lad was first introduced in July 2015. ### Contact information | Name | E-mail | Function | |-----------------|-------------------------|-----------------------| | Aleksander Zdyb | [a.zdyb@samsung.com][2] | Developer, Maintainer | [2]: mailto:a.zdyb@samsung.com "Aleksander Zdyb" ### Sources The equivalent places, nice-lad can be obtained from: * [Tizen](https://review.tizen.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=platform/core/security/nice-lad.git) * [GitHub](https://github.com/Samsung/nice-lad) ## Features Nice-lad, as an audisp plugin, is fed with audit events. It parses and filters them to obtain and aggregate information useful in context of logging of access denials. At the moment, the supported subsystems are: * DAC denials on given groups, * Smack denials, * [Cynara][3] denials, * Netfilter denials (supported by [Nether][4]). [3]: https://github.com/Samsung/cynara "Cynara" [4]: https://github.com/Samsung/nether "Nether" ### Implanted standards Nice-lad uses: * libauparse to parse audit events, * [Security Manager][5] (where available) to obtain resource groups to monitor, * journald (where available) or syslog to put aggregated logs. [5]: https://github.com/Samsung/security-manager "Security Manager" ## Running the project The package consists of following files (note, the exact paths are system-dependent): * /etc/audisp/plugins.d/nice_lad.conf, * /usr/sbin/nice-lad. Provided, the above config file is present in audisp plugins directory, nice-lad is automagically activated, when auditing service is run. In order to disable nice-lad, while keeping audit running, one need to edit the config to contain "active = no". ### Reading the logs Nice-lad will log access denials to journald (if available) or syslog with informational level. Below, are some examples: ``` Jul 10 10:11:04 HOSTNAME nice-lad: ACCESS DENIED ON SYSCALL syscall=open filename=/tmp/test exit=-13(Permission denied) gid=unknown(1234) object=test subject=_ Jul 10 10:11:09 HOSTNAME nice-lad: ACCESS DENIED ON SMACK object="test" subject="_" access=r Jul 10 10:11:26 HOSTNAME nice-lad: ACCESS DENIED ON CYNARA client="test_client" user="test_user" privilege="http://tizen.org/privilege/account.read" Jul 10 10:11:51 HOSTNAME nice-lad: ACCESS DENIED ON NETFILTER obj=User outif=eth0 proto=tcp saddr= sport=54460 daddr= dport=443 ``` ### Testing Nice-lad comes with a set of unit tests written in [gmock][6]. By adding new features or fixing bugs, please add or update tests. [6]: http://gmock.org/ "Gmock"