Bug-fix: fix target dll searching logic
[platform/core/dotnet/launcher.git] / NativeLauncher / tool /
11 days ago Woongsuk ChoBug-fix: fix target dll searching logic accepted/tizen_unified accepted/tizen_unified_x tizen accepted/tizen/unified/20240423.164559 accepted/tizen/unified/x/20240425.051143
2024-03-29 Woongsuk ChoFix incorrect TPA error accepted/tizen/unified/20240329.131808 accepted/tizen/unified/x/20240401.142627
2024-03-25 Woongsuk Chobug-fix : fix TAC malfunction for multi pkg scenario accepted/tizen/unified/20240326.104912 accepted/tizen/unified/x/20240327.045059
2024-03-21 Woongsuk ChoSupport Multi-Package Install Scenario
2024-03-14 이형주/MDE Lab(SR)... Quick fix for boost upgrade (#527) accepted/tizen/unified/20240315.033005 accepted/tizen/unified/x/20240315.081626
2024-03-12 j-h.choiChange NI generation location to root for RPK type accepted/tizen/unified/20240313.133711 accepted/tizen/unified/20240313.135114
2024-03-11 최종헌/MDE Lab(SR)... Add include fstream header for boost 1.83.0 (#525) accepted/tizen/unified/20240311.170424
2024-03-06 Hyungju LeeRemove a dependency of capi-appfw-app-common package accepted/tizen/unified/20240306.174234
2024-02-28 j-h.choiFixed TAC related bugs caused by function integration...
2024-02-28 j-h.choiChanged the creation location of the NI file to configu...
2024-02-19 j-h.choiRefactoring to extract duplicate logic as a separate...
2024-02-19 Woongsuk ChoChange implementation of regeneratePkgNI
2024-02-19 Woongsuk ChoAOT support for RPK
2024-02-19 j-h.choi[Refactoring] Code cleanup and remove duplicate methods
2024-02-19 조웅석/MDE Lab(SR)... Update NativeLauncher/tool/ni_common.cc
2024-02-19 Woongsuk ChoRemove duplicated ni regeneration
2024-02-19 최종헌/MDE Lab(SR)... Update ni_common.cc
2024-02-19 j-h.choiRemove duplicate files from app assembly list
2024-02-14 최종헌/MDE Lab(SR)... Revert PR #509, #510 (#513)
2024-02-05 j-h.choi[Refactoring] Improve SAM score through DC and GV impro...
2024-02-05 j-h.choiAdd --set-priority option in dotnettool
2024-01-28 최종헌/MDE Lab(SR)... TAC is applied to all dlls in the R2R mode (#502) accepted/tizen/unified/20240129.163413
2024-01-04 최종헌/MDE Lab(SR)... Code review feedback
2024-01-04 j-h.choiChange to create a .native_image_tmp folder when creati...
2023-11-28 Woongsuk ChoCheck library extension more accepted/tizen/8.0/unified/20231129.170829 accepted/tizen/unified/20231130.180856
2023-11-28 Woongsuk ChoBug-fix : native library resolving logic accepted/tizen/unified/20231128.175131
2023-11-13 최종헌/MDE Lab(SR)... Add error log when using --rm-all-app-profile option... accepted/tizen/8.0/unified/20231113.182916 accepted/tizen/unified/20231114.041324
2023-11-13 최종헌/MDE Lab(SR)... Refactoring the fallback graph of RID/TFM (#488)
2023-11-09 Woongsuk ChoGet user app root dir for remove profile data accepted/tizen/8.0/unified/20231110.171756 accepted/tizen/unified/20231110.172151
2023-11-09 Woongsuk ChoSet default value (NULL) for removeAllProfile accepted/tizen/8.0/unified/20231109.181656
2023-11-09 Woongsuk ChoGets the user's uid related to installed app only.
2023-10-31 j-h.choiCreate vconf related to .NET as a file in RO location accepted/tizen/8.0/unified/20231103.040910
2023-08-24 j-h.choiCheck library extensions more accurately accepted/tizen/unified/20230825.044242
2023-07-31 최종헌/MDE Lab(SR)... Change the location and value for generating vconf...
2023-07-24 최종헌/MDE Lab(SR)... Change the priority of the function to check (#476)
2023-07-24 최종헌/MDE Lab(SR)... Copy only when there is .native_image folder (#474)
2023-07-10 최종헌/MDE Lab(SR)... Fix bugs for apps that do not have AOT metadata when...
2023-06-26 조웅석/MDE Lab(SR)... Support UI Thread Separate (UTS) App Model (#464) accepted/tizen/unified/20230627.025434
2023-01-26 j-h.choiChanged the json exception
2022-12-12 최종헌/Common Platfor... The Pre-Compiled app skips the TAC (#444) accepted/tizen/7.0/unified/20221216.133937 accepted/tizen/unified/20221213.123154
2022-12-07 j-h.choiAdd TAC installer accepted/tizen/unified/20221208.043843
2022-11-28 최종헌/Common Platfor... Fixed bug checking internet privilege for each app...
2022-10-17 j-h.choiApply smack when '._TIZEN_DOTNET_SYSTEM_NET_DISABLEIPV6... accepted/tizen_7.0_unified_hotfix tizen_7.0_hotfix accepted/tizen/7.0/unified/20221110.062148 accepted/tizen/7.0/unified/hotfix/20221116.105305 accepted/tizen/unified/20221017.104849 tizen_7.0_m2_release
2022-10-14 j-h.choiChanged API to check internet privilege
2022-09-26 최종헌/Common Platfor... Fixed the segmentation fault in dotnettool (#437) accepted/tizen/unified/20220927.132406
2022-09-22 최종헌/Common Platfor... Check the existence of the original(.dll) file to use...
2022-09-21 조웅석/Common Platfor... Add limitation for -rm-origin-after-ni (#435) accepted/tizen/unified/20220923.052701
2022-09-20 Woongsuk ChoAdd --rm-origin-after-ni option accepted/tizen/unified/20220920.160600
2022-09-15 이형주/Common Platfor... Fix dll filter in doAOTList (#433) accepted/tizen/unified/20220920.050137
2022-08-24 j-h.choiFixed build warning submit/tizen/20220825.083931
2022-08-24 j-h.choiAdd the option to check Internet privilege in dotnettoo...
2022-07-05 j-h.choiSeparate the code related to the profile data into...
2022-06-29 Woongsuk ChoChange --ni-dir option operation
2022-06-28 조웅석/Common Platfor... Renew InputBubble Option (#416)
2022-06-22 조웅석/Common Platfor... Change update size for PBA (#419)
2022-05-25 최종헌/Common Platfor... Change the optimization options for crossgen2 (#409)
2022-04-29 조웅석/Common Platfor... Set base address at native image (#400) accepted/tizen/unified/20220501.223640 submit/tizen/20220429.002649
2022-04-19 이형주/Common Platfor... Fix mibc option for crossgen2 (#401)
2022-04-19 Woongsuk ChoAdd --skip-ro-app option
2022-03-18 최종헌/Common Platfor... Add the NI_FLAGS_EXTRA_REF flag used to create ni for... accepted/tizen/unified/20220318.132742 submit/tizen/20220318.045134
2022-03-07 조웅석/Common Platfor... Bug-fix: fix path for pdb file copying (#392)
2022-02-22 j-h.choiCheck the SPC before creating a native image for the app accepted/tizen/unified/20220222.034344 submit/tizen/20220222.013136
2022-02-17 j-h.choiForked process in pipeline state can be terminated...
2022-02-15 Woongsuk ChoFix app's native image existence checking code. (#376)
2022-02-09 조웅석/Common Platfor... Remove code that create SPC NI first (#373)
2022-02-09 최종헌/Common Platfor... inputbubbleref option should be used with inputbubble...
2022-01-16 Woongsuk ChoAvoid OOM while compiling system libraries
2022-01-06 최종헌/Common Platfor... Add environment for mic_crossgen2 (#360)
2022-01-05 조웅석/Common Platfor... Add plugin API for setting extra dll path (#353)
2022-01-05 조웅석/Common Platfor... Add options to support crossgen2 (#351)
2021-12-27 최종헌/Common Platfor... Fixed build error in r2r_checker (#357)
2021-12-16 정동헌/Common Platfor... Add r2r checker (#355)
2021-10-06 Woongsuk Chouse corerun for crossgen2
2021-09-09 조웅석/Common Platfor... Modified to support crossgen2 (#330)
2021-08-19 Woongsuk Choremove app profile data when app is updated
2021-07-23 조웅석/Common Platfor... Skip app ni regeneration if app ni already exist (... submit/tizen/20210723.041054
2021-07-22 조웅석/Common Platfor... Add plugin api to add native dll searching path (#343) submit/tizen/20210722.053902
2021-06-28 Woongsuk ChoFix for svace issue
2021-06-28 j-h.choiAdded missing exception handling for boost_filesystem
2021-06-28 j-h.choiAdd new TFM name scheme(net{dotnetVersion}-tizen{platfo...
2021-06-23 Woongsuk ChoRemove --ni-ro-pkg / --ni-regen-all-ro-app options accepted/tizen/unified/20210623.125232 submit/tizen/20210623.065708
2021-06-11 Timurdotnettool: Add --rm-app-profile <app_id> option
2021-06-09 Woongsuk Chochange fprintf to _SERR and _SOUT
2021-06-09 j-h.choiChange the extension of a path or file
2021-01-07 j-h.choiAdd '--ni-ro-pkg' option to dotnettool
2020-12-24 조웅석/Common Platfor... Support regen-app-ni for read-only app (#301)
2020-12-23 Woongsuk ChoAdd "--resolve-all-app" option to dotnettool
2020-12-18 j-h.choiModify the ownership of TAC and Remove unnecessary...
2020-12-18 j-h.choiChange the logic to check the native image with ildasm
2020-12-18 Woongsuk ChoResolve platform specific path at install time
2020-11-05 Woongsuk ChoUse multi-user support pkgmgrinfo API
2020-09-24 최종헌/Common Platfor... Fixed build warning in i586, x86_64 (#283)
2020-09-01 Woongsuk ChoSupport PBA on aarch64
2020-09-01 j-h.choiAdd missing header
2020-08-18 조웅석/Common Platfor... Wrap bf::exists() to check for exception. (#270) accepted/tizen/unified/20200820.034645 submit/tizen/20200818.081345
2020-08-18 최종헌/Common Platfor... Added error handling for failures during the TAC (...
2020-08-18 최종헌/Common Platfor... Delete unused libraries when installing the application...
2020-08-14 최종헌/Common Platfor... Modified function name for readability (#263)
2020-08-12 조웅석/Common Platfor... Fixed the wrong base addr being used (#267) accepted/tizen/unified/20200812.143852 submit/tizen/20200812.015836
2020-08-07 최종헌/Common Platfor... Change to execute SQL commands simply (#265) accepted/tizen/unified/20200810.123138 submit/tizen/20200807.080009