#For bugs and enhancements go to http://bugs.libelektra.org #For visions and drafts go to http://www.libelektra.org #For possible extensions in future, see FUTURE backends: using libraries: nickel libconfig eet using keysets: bind memory update old backends: berkleydb ini winregistry uniconf bindings: using swig cpp python scheme java bugs: bug squashing fix open bugs of http://bugs.libelektra.org documentation: update all parts of docu to 0.7.0 update homepage to 0.7.0 related informatin update Tutorial to 0.7.0 kdbGet() bsd licence: check for documentation, homepage, modules,... kdb rewrite: [partial blocker] kdb-ls alike commands rm -r cp -r mv -r ls pretty format preload (mount, config backends) generate meta-info get/set info about backends add capabilities support in kdb tool export xml validation integration: in other software make autoconf snippet shell-script (like in oyranos) extend: re-add other backends (berkleydb, gconf) build and test without gconf,... installed ksToStream in stream.c Reintroduce and test Regular Expressions in keyset.c ksCompare in keyset.c mount user/elektra hierarchy reliably code: error states in kdbSet mode checks 0-7 error codes dynamic memory management: improve realloc, use srealloc don't use sprintf, asprintf, strdup, strndup use only own functions where available use different compilers, libc too packaging: build with minimal system debian packages fedora packages all exported methods of elektra need to be: useful in current state well documented in behavior having test cases for behavior behavior not overlapping with another function well documented error cases, return and errno values having test cases for error cases otherwise fix or mark it obsolete version: tag everything with 0.7.0 get version with macro get version at runtime check exported symbols use symbol table #portability bugs:: mntent.h fix for macosx dont use libltdl under linux portability: cross compilation bsd, aix,... glibc functions away portability: Build on different platforms Statical build testing build and test without iconv, libxml2 compilers: diet-gcc intel cc #testing testing coverage: -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage reasoning which parts are tested advanced testing: get and set a real big amount of keys multithreading testing #performance general: scripts for performance and stability testing testing optimizations (-O2) profile the code and fix optimization leaks profiler: search for slow parts malloc trace: reduce mallocs benchmarks: are large keysets handled? keySet: make statistics how many keys typical applications need be efficient for typical needs integer overflows: sizes must not exceed SSIZE_MAX check for null pointers and return -1