; rev 0.9 ; (c) Bernd Porr, Bernd.Porr@cn.stir.ac.uk ; GPL, GNU public license ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ; ; In conjunction with the as31. ; Include-file for the FX2 by Cypress. The rest of the regs is defined ; by the as31 itself. ; ; from the TRM of the FX2: ; ;; CPU control .equ CPUCS,0E600H .equ REVCTL,0E60BH ;; interface config .equ IFCONFIG,0E601H .equ FIFORESET,0E604H ;; Endpoint configs .equ EP1OUTCFG,0E610H .equ EP1INCFG,0E611H .equ EP2CFG,0E612H .equ EP4CFG,0E613H .equ EP6CFG,0E614H .equ EP8CFG,0E615H ;; packets per frame, always one for USB 1.1 .equ EP2ISOINPKTS,0E640H .equ EP4ISOINPKTS,0E641H .equ EP6ISOINPKTS,0E642H .equ EP8ISOINPKTS,0E643H ;; endpoint byte counts .equ EP1OUTBC,0E68DH .equ EP1INBC,0E68FH .equ EP1INCS,0E6A2H .equ EP2BCH,0E690H .equ EP2BCL,0E691H .equ EP4BCH,0E694H .equ EP4BCL,0E695H .equ EP6BCH,0E698H .equ EP6BCL,0E699H .equ EP8BCH,0E69CH .equ EP8BCL,0E69DH ;; .equ EP4AUTOINLENH,0E622H .equ EP4AUTOINLENL,0E623H .equ EP6AUTOINLENH,0E624H .equ EP6AUTOINLENL,0E625H .equ EP2FIFOCFG,0E618H .equ EP4FIFOCFG,0E619H .equ EP6FIFOCFG,0E61AH .equ EP8FIFOCFG,0E61BH ;; .equ INPKTEND,0E648H .equ GPIFCTLCFG,0E6C3H .equ GPIFABORT,0E6F5H .equ GPIFIDLECTL,0E6C2H .equ GPIFWFSELECT,0E6C0H .equ GPIFREADYCFG,0E6F3H .equ GPIFIDLECS,0E6C1H .equ EP6GPIFFLGSEL,0E6E2H .equ EP6GPIFPDFSTOP,0E6E3H .equ EP6GPIFTRIG,0E6E4H .equ GPIFIE,0E660H .equ GPIFIRQ,0E661H ;; ;; endpoint control .equ EP2CS,0E6A3H .equ EP4CS,0E6A4H .equ EP6CS,0E6A5H .equ EP8CS,0E6A6H ;; endpoint buffers .equ EP2FIFOBUF,0F000H .equ EP4FIFOBUF,0F400H .equ EP6FIFOBUF,0F800H .equ EP8FIFOBUF,0FC00H ;; IRQ enable for bulk NAK .equ IBNIE,0E658H ;; interrupt requ for NAK .equ IBNIRQ,0E659H ;; USB INT enables .equ USBIE,0E65CH ;; USB interrupt request .equ USBIRQ,0E65DH ;; endpoint IRQ enable .equ EPIE,0E65EH ;; endpoint IRQ requests .equ EPIRQ,0E65FH ;; USB error IRQ requests .equ USBERRIE,0E662H ;; USB error IRQ request .equ USBERRIRQ,0E663H ;; USB interrupt 2 autovector .equ INT2IVEC,0E666H ;; autovector enable .equ INTSETUP,0E668H ;; port cfg .equ PORTACFG,0E670H .equ PORTCCFG,0E671H .equ PORTECFG,0E672H ;; I2C bus .equ I2CS,0E678H .equ I2DAT,0E679H .equ I2CTL,0E67AH ;; auto pointers, read/write is directed to the pointed address .equ XAUTODAT1,0E67BH .equ XAUTODAT2,0E67CH ;; USB-control .equ USBCS,0E680H ;; force packet end .equ OUTPKTEND,0E649H .equ IOA,80H .equ DPL1,84H .equ DPH1,85H .equ DPS,86H .equ CKCON,8Eh .equ IOB,90H .equ EXIF,91h .equ MPAGE,92h .equ AUTOPTRH1,9AH .equ AUTOPTRL1,9BH .equ AUTOPTRH2,9DH .equ AUTOPTRL2,9EH .equ IOC,0A0H .equ INT2CLR,0A1H .equ INT4CLR,0A2H .equ EP2468STAT,0AAH .equ EP24FIFOFLGS,0ABH .equ EP68FIFOFLGS,0ACH .equ AUTOPTRSETUP,0AFH .equ IOD,0B0H .equ IOE,0B1H .equ OEA,0B2H .equ OEB,0B3H .equ OEC,0B4H .equ OED,0B5H .equ OEE,0B6H .equ GPIFTRIG,0BBH .equ EIE,0E8h .equ EIP,0F8h ;; GPIF .equ GPIFTCB3,0E6CEH .equ GPIFTCB2,0E6CFH .equ GPIFTCB1,0E6D0H .equ GPIFTCB0,0E6D1H .equ EP4GPIFFLGSEL,0E6DAH .equ EP4GPIFPFSTOP,0E6DBH ;;; end of file