2024-09-14 wanchao.xuFix the mistake to uninstall preload package by pkgid. sandbox/xuwc/reuse_create_env_py2
2024-09-06 wanchao-xuSync the install root before saving it.
2024-09-03 wanchao-xuOptimize RPMCallback to support install and uninstall...
2024-09-03 wanchao-xuUse python-rpm to uninstall packages.
2024-09-03 wanchao-xuSupport to remove the preload-rw packages.
2024-09-03 wanchao-xuSupport to install preload package when updating rpm.
2024-09-03 wanchao-xuSupport to remove the preload package when removing...
2024-08-27 wanchao-xuChroot into image root and use rpm command to unintsall...
2024-08-27 wanchao-xuRemove the rpm cache which will be updated for image...
2024-08-27 wanchao-xuUninstall the packages before update while re-creating...
2024-08-27 wanchao-xuSupport to install the updated packages while re-creati...
2024-08-12 wanchao-xuSave the install root for reuse while creating image.
2024-07-05 wanchao-xuAdd new section 'runscript_out_bootstrap' for kickstart... 79/313779/6 devel-py2
2024-05-28 wangbiaofix mic create image error: Rpmdb checksum is invalid... 99/311799/2
2024-04-18 xuhyBump up to release 0.29.1 95/309895/1
2024-04-16 zhouhaoFix the issue that mic lost dependency file in docker 18/309718/1
2024-03-13 wangbiaoenable global arguament '-d' '-i' '-v' to mic create... 00/307800/4
2023-12-19 wangbiaodon't copy mic code on host pc to mic-bootstap if mic... 23/303023/1 accepted/tools_devbase_tools_legacy sandbox/xuhy/opensuse421 accepted/tools/devbase/tools/legacy/20240422.110739 accepted/tools/devbase/tools/legacy/20240423.040631 accepted/tools/devbase/tools/legacy/20240424.050612
2023-04-13 biao716.wangbump up to release 0.28.19 12/291312/1 accepted/tizen_devbase_tools accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20230414.004436 submit/trunk/20230413.154030
2023-04-13 biao716.wangfix mic create image error issue 63/291263/2
2023-01-12 biao716.wangbump up to release 0.28.18 57/286757/1 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20230113.003818 submit/trunk/20230112.173030
2023-01-05 Marek PikułaAdd support for riscv64 20/286420/1
2022-08-10 biao716.wangbump up to release 0.28.17 57/279457/1 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20220921.101900 submit/trunk/20220920.063039 submit/trunk/20220920.151030 submit/trunk/20220920.202030 submit/trunk/20220921.085030
2022-08-09 biao716.wangAdd block-recommends option to choose if install recomm... 20/279420/2
2022-02-10 biao716.wangbump up to release 0.28.16 54/270854/1 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20220211.011048 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20220211.130539 submit/trunk/20220210.150030 submit/trunk/20220210.152030 submit/trunk/20220210.153030 submit/trunk/20220210.153530 submit/trunk/20220211.173530
2022-02-08 biao716.wangAdd postscripts-maxruntime option to set the max run... 11/270711/5
2021-07-06 biao716.wangbump up to release 0.28.15 23/260823/1 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20210707.095507 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20210714.004916 submit/trunk/20210707.084530 submit/trunk/20210707.104530 submit/trunk/20210707.124530 submit/trunk/20210713.151030
2021-07-03 biao716.wangDon't install recommended packages in mic 65/260665/4
2021-05-14 biao716.wangbump up to release 0.28.14 54/258354/1 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20210517.061543 submit/trunk/20210517.091730
2021-04-27 biao716.wangFix pylint error, reimport glob 95/257495/1
2021-04-13 biao716.wangencrypt user password with SHA512 instead of MD5 60/256760/3
2021-04-08 biao716.wangChange the mic version to 0.28.13 98/256598/1
2021-03-23 biao716.wangbump up to release 0.28.13 32/255732/1
2021-03-17 biao716.wangchange squashfsopts2 name to squashfsoptions_maxsize 34/255334/1
2021-03-08 biao716.wangadd squashfsopts2 option for squashfs file system. 78/254678/1
2021-02-05 biao716.wangbump up to release 0.28.12 70/253170/1
2021-01-15 biao716.wangSupport f2fs option and check if kernel support f2s 80/251580/2
2021-01-15 Chunhua LiuMerge "Support f2fs file system" into devel
2021-01-04 biao716.wangSupport f2fs file system 32/250332/8
2020-11-10 biao716.wangremove urlgrabber directory from mic 87/247387/1
2020-11-05 biao716.wangbump up to release 0.28.11 20/246920/1 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20201106.081435 submit/trunk/20201105.154530 submit/trunk/20201105.160530 submit/trunk/20201106.105030
2020-10-30 biao716.wangFix pylint error: before createrepo depends on yum... 00/246500/1 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20201105.013055 submit/trunk/20201030.143530 submit/trunk/20201102.094730 submit/trunk/20201104.132730
2020-10-15 biao716.wangfix run error issue for parser repomd.xml when here... 66/245766/1 submit/trunk/20201029.114030 submit/trunk/20201029.132130 submit/trunk/20201029.140230 submit/trunk/20201030.015026 submit/trunk/20201030.104730
2020-09-17 biao716.wangRefine code: remove duplicated code 69/244269/2
2020-09-04 biao716.wangSeparate qcow plugin scripts 10/243210/2
2020-07-21 biao716.wangbump up to release 0.28.10 79/238979/2 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20200723.121023 submit/trunk/20200723.141412 submit/trunk/20200723.152112
2020-07-21 Chunhua LiuMerge "Create btrfs images with the metadata single...
2020-07-13 Junghoon KimCreate btrfs images with the metadata single option 44/238344/1
2020-07-03 biao716.wangrefine code with SAM check 76/237676/5
2020-06-17 yan11.mengbump up to release 0.28.9 65/236465/1 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20200623.003412 submit/trunk/20200619.141212 submit/trunk/20200622.151812
2020-06-16 JungwooFix the bug that truncates existing inittab file 07/236307/2 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20200618.010551 submit/trunk/20200617.133020
2020-06-11 Chunhua LiuMerge "fix build error with Typeerror" into devel submit/trunk/20200612.131210 submit/trunk/20200612.180310 submit/trunk/20200612.182210 submit/trunk/20200612.185510 submit/trunk/20200612.191020 submit/trunk/20200615.140020
2020-06-04 yan11.mengfix build error with Typeerror 21/235421/1
2020-05-13 JungwooIncrease max loop device number upto 255 04/233304/1
2020-05-13 yan11.mengbump up to release 0.28.8 89/233189/1 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20200514.023617 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20200520.012816 submit/trunk/20200513.162810 submit/trunk/20200519.161030 submit/trunk/20200519.164610 submit/trunk/20200519.184310
2020-04-14 yan11.mengremove /etc/fstab file, 62/230762/1 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20200415.093504 accepted/tizen/devbase/tools/20200423.100556 submit/trunk/20200414.141500 submit/trunk/20200414.173500 submit/trunk/20200414.181500 submit/trunk/20200414.184000 submit/trunk/20200414.191000 submit/trunk/20200422.115210 submit/trunk/20200422.142510 submit/trunk/20200422.165210 submit/trunk/20200423.102810 submit/trunk/20200423.115423 submit/trunk/20200423.122334
2020-02-18 yan11.mengbump up to release 0.28.7 02/225202/1
2019-12-19 yan11.mengskip set hosts by mic when /etc/hosts exists or add... 97/220497/1
2019-12-11 yan11.mengadd option for mic to skip set hosts when create 98/219798/7
2019-11-26 biao716.wangfix all pylint error for mic 17/218617/2
2019-11-15 yan11.mengfix pylint errors for mic 68/217768/6
2019-03-15 jin.xiaoMerge branch 'master' into devel 40/201340/4 release-pylint
2019-02-27 jin.xiaobump up to release 0.28.6 09/200609/1
2018-10-30 Xiao Jinbump up to release 0.28.5 66/192066/1
2018-10-25 Xiao Jinbump up to release 0.28.5 release-20181031 released-tools-18.01.10 released-tools-18.01.9 released-tools-19.01.01 staging-released-tools-18.01.10 staging-released-tools-18.01.9 staging-released-tools-19.01.01
2018-10-25 Slava BarinovAdd %env section support 41/191441/2
2018-10-22 Slava BarinovAdd %env section support 98/191698/1
2018-09-26 Xiao Jinbump up to release 0.28.4 09/190009/2
2018-09-26 Xiao Jinadd new option --fslabel in part section 07/190007/1
2018-09-26 Xiao Jinbump up to release 0.28.4 release-20180928 staging-released-tools-18.01.8
2018-09-25 Xiao Jinadd new option --fslabel in part section
2018-09-17 jinxiaobump up to release 0.28.3 01/189301/1
2018-09-14 Your NameRevert "ext4 images are created with inode size 256... 71/189171/1
2018-09-13 Xiao Jinbump up to release 0.28.3 release-20180914 released-tools-18.01.7 staging-released-tools-18.01.7
2018-09-13 Xiao JinRevert "ext4 images are created with inode size 256...
2018-08-03 Xiao Jinbump up to release 0.28.2 83/185883/1
2018-08-03 Xiao Jinext4 images are created with inode size 256 bytes 79/185879/1
2018-08-03 Xiao Jinremove tmp dir in runscript period 72/185872/1
2018-08-03 Xiao Jinbump up to release 0.28.1 71/185871/1
2018-08-03 mao xiaojuanChange the user and root passwd hash algorithm order... 67/185867/1
2018-08-03 Xiao Jinbump up to release 0.28.2 release-20180803
2018-08-03 Xiao Jinext4 images are created with inode size 256 bytes
2018-08-03 Xiao Jinremove tmp dir in runscript period
2018-08-03 SoonKyu ParkAdd locale related environment varibale because languag...
2018-05-23 SoonKyu ParkAdd locale related environment varibale because languag... 44/179844/1
2018-05-10 Xiao Jinbump up to release 0.28.1 release-20180511 tizen_tools_release
2018-05-02 mao xiaojuanChange the user and root passwd hash algorithm order...
2018-05-02 Jungseung LeeCheck exit status of vdfs image creation
2018-04-13 Xiao Jinbump up to release 0.28.0 06/175906/1
2018-04-13 Xiao Jinbump up to release 0.28.0 release-20180413
2018-04-13 mao xiaojuanApply btrfs mount options "--fsoptions=compress".
2018-04-13 Dohyung KimIn Tizen, losetup command support '-f' option, not...
2018-04-13 Dohyung Kimfix invalid ExtDiskMount.blocksize when "-b [BLOCKSIZE...
2018-04-13 Xiao Jinchange __resize_to_minimal function
2018-04-13 Chunhua LiuMerge "In Tizen, losetup command support '-f' option...
2018-04-13 Dohyung Kimfix invalid ExtDiskMount.blocksize when "-b [BLOCKSIZE... 52/173952/7
2018-04-13 Jungseung LeeCheck exit status of vdfs image creation 30/174130/3
2018-04-13 Xiao Jinchange __resize_to_minimal function, use default param... 41/175841/2
2018-04-10 mao xiaojuanApply btrfs mount options "--fsoptions=compress". 17/175417/1
2018-03-27 Dohyung KimIn Tizen, losetup command support '-f' option, not... 67/173967/1