2015-10-19 juhee,parkChange EnvironmentFile 94/49694/1 accepted/tizen/mobile/20151020.020015 submit/tizen_mobile/20151019.094855
2015-09-23 juhee,parkChange library path 61/48561/1 accepted/tizen/mobile/20150923.052637 submit/tizen_mobile/20150923.030428 tizen_3.0.m2.a1_mobile_release
2015-09-03 jin0.kimchange feedback type 89/47389/1
2015-08-17 juhee,parkchanged systemd unit 58/46158/1 tizen_3.0.m1_mobile accepted/tizen/mobile/20150817.134234 submit/tizen_mobile/20150817.103333 tizen_3.0.m1_mobile_release
2015-07-07 hoejoo leeapply security policy 29/43029/1 accepted/tizen/mobile/20150707.091634 submit/tizen_mobile/20150707.082643
2015-06-24 hoejoo leeremove e17 package 55/42155/1 accepted/tizen/mobile/20150624.044618 submit/tizen_mobile/20150624.023018
2015-06-12 hoejoo leemerge from 2.4 , block compile error 65/41065/4 accepted/tizen/mobile/20150623.052942 submit/tizen_mobile/20150623.021839
2014-05-06 Marcin LisUpdate deprecated libprivilege-control API functions. 81/19181/2
2014-04-07 seong.chungModify SMACK manifest according three domain model 16/19116/1 submit/tizen/20140429.224217
2014-01-02 Maciej WereskiAdjust SMACK to new model, remove initscripts 94/14294/1
2013-06-27 Junfeng DongFix the build error with glibc 2.17. 29/4329/1 accepted/tizen/20130627.135105 submit/tizen/20130627.143056
2013-05-14 youngsub koFixed prevent issues tizen_2.1 accepted/tizen/20130530.164708 submit/tizen/20130529.220707 submit/tizen_2.1/20130515.031402
2013-05-11 Kidong Kimsplit smack rule file submit/tizen_2.1/20130514.053909
2013-05-11 Kidong Kimfix manifest - remove unused labeld
2013-05-11 Kidong Kimfix manifest - remove unnecessary labels
2013-05-11 Kidong Kimfix manifest - remove unknown label
2013-05-11 Kidong Kimremove org.tizen.oma-dm in manifest
2013-05-11 Kidong Kimfix manifest
2013-05-10 youngsub komerge patch to support the smack
2013-05-07 youngsub koFixed tickernoti wasn't deleted from DB
2013-05-06 youngsub koupdated license
2013-05-02 youngsub kosync with private git. updated the license and the...
2013-05-02 youngsub kosync with private git
2013-04-30 youngsub koFixed problem layout is broken, when screen resolution...
2013-04-18 youngsub koupdated license file and boilerplate 2.1b_release accepted/tizen_2.1/20130425.022816 submit/tizen_2.1/20130424.223545
2013-04-17 youngsub koFixed problem a wrong setting application was launched
2013-04-07 youngsub koFixed problem wrong service status is displayed
2013-04-05 youngsub kosync with private git
2013-03-29 youngsub kosync with private git
2013-03-22 youngsub kosync with master branch
2013-03-15 Jinkun Jangmerge with master
2013-03-12 Jinkun JangTizen 2.1 base
2012-06-07 Hyesook ChoiInitial empty repository 2.0_release