2014-10-16 Kitae Kimmaru_err_table: prevent double free case. 80/28780/1
2014-10-15 Kitae Kimeventcast: add evencast_ define 77/28777/1
2014-10-15 Jinhyung Choihds: added "Host Directory Sharing" feature 43/28743/2
2014-10-15 SeokYeon HwangMerge "eventcast: fix build errors" into tizen
2014-10-15 SeokYeon HwangMerge "build: remove gcc dependency on Mac OS X." into...
2014-10-14 Kitae Kimbuild: remove gcc dependency on Mac OS X. 78/28578/4
2014-10-14 Kitae Kimeventcast: fix build errors 56/28656/2
2014-10-10 SeokYeon Hwangvaapi: fixed compilation failure with old version VA-API 84/28584/4
2014-10-10 Kitae Kimeventcast: rename tethering to eventcast 77/28577/2
2014-10-07 yucheng yuhax: clean up 84/28184/5
2014-10-07 sungmin hapackage: version up(2.0.11) 32/28232/2
2014-10-06 sungmin haweb-viewer: added init and shutdown logic of nodejs... 04/28204/12
2014-09-28 GiWoong Kimmenu: modified SDB shell command 66/27866/3
2014-09-26 gunsoo83.kimbrillcodec: apply context management to DXVA 99/28099/1
2014-09-25 SeokYeon Hwangbrillcodec: introduce plug-in context management 98/27998/3
2014-09-25 gunsoo83.kimbrillcodec: add DXVA plug-in probe 48/28048/1
2014-09-24 Kitae Kimhax: fix compiliation errors on Windows 04/28004/1
2014-09-24 GiWoong Kimskin: add Timer for shell closing 41/27741/2
2014-09-22 yucheng yuAdded Haxm SMP support for Mac OS. 11/27911/1
2014-09-22 SeokYeon HwangMerge "bug fixed: status of earjack & usb" into tizen
2014-09-22 SeokYeon HwangMerge "skin: added wearable-360x480-1btn skin" into...
2014-09-22 SeokYeon HwangMerge changes I31aed8e7,Ibdbd63ea,I48d413bb into tizen
2014-09-22 SeokYeon HwangMerge "tethering: remove build depedency." into tizen
2014-09-22 SeokYeon HwangMerge "emulator: add null-terminated to string" into...
2014-09-19 SeokYeon Hwangbrillcodec: enhancement plug-in structure 05/27805/3
2014-09-19 Jinhyung Choibug fixed: status of earjack & usb 97/27497/2
2014-09-18 GiWoong Kimskin: added wearable-360x480-1btn skin 44/27644/2
2014-09-18 GiWoong Kimemulator: add null-terminated to string 43/27643/2
2014-09-17 Sangho ParkMerge "brillcodec: introduce new feature MEMORY_MONOPOL...
2014-09-17 Sangho ParkMerge "brillcodec: re-name codec functions" into featur...
2014-09-17 Sangho ParkMerge "brillcodec: remove DataHandler" into features...
2014-09-17 Sangho ParkMerge "brillcodec: apply struct base memory access...
2014-09-17 Sangho ParkMerge "brillcodec: re-arrange device command" into...
2014-09-17 Kitae Kimtethering: remove build depedency. 61/27661/1
2014-09-16 SeokYeon Hwangbrillcodec: introduce new feature MEMORY_MONOPOLIZING 88/27488/6
2014-09-15 gunsoo83.kimconfigure: check vaapi/DXVA availability. 95/27495/3
2014-09-15 SeokYeon Hwangbrillcodec: re-name codec functions 87/27487/4
2014-09-15 SeokYeon Hwangbrillcodec: remove DataHandler 86/27486/5
2014-09-15 sungmin hapackage: version up(2.0.10) 01/27501/1
2014-09-15 SeokYeon Hwangbrillcodec: apply struct base memory access for audio... 84/27484/3
2014-09-15 sungmin haspice: modified default scale 1/2 00/27500/1
2014-09-15 SeokYeon Hwangbrillcodec: re-arrange device command 72/27472/2
2014-09-14 SeokYeon HwangMerge "debugch: fix logging problem when using DEBUGCH...
2014-09-14 Kitae Kimbrillcodec: remove repeated sources in audio functions. 49/27449/2
2014-09-14 SeokYeon HwangMerge "brillcodec: apply struct base access for codec...
2014-09-12 Kitae Kimdebugch: fix logging problem when using DEBUGCH 71/27471/1
2014-09-12 SeokYeon Hwangbrillcodec: apply struct base access for codec elements 99/27399/3
2014-09-12 Kitae Kimconfigure: modify libav configuration 07/27407/1
2014-09-12 Stanislav VorobiovVIGS: Implement plane flip/rotate 06/27406/1
2014-09-12 Stanislav VorobiovVIGS: Fix texture fetch for GL3 05/27405/1
2014-09-12 Stanislav VorobiovVIGS: Disable blending by default 04/27404/1
2014-09-12 Stanislav VorobiovVIGS: Support YUV420 planar format 03/27403/1
2014-09-12 Stanislav VorobiovVIGS: Support planar pixel formats 02/27402/1
2014-09-12 Stanislav VorobiovVIGS: Support underlays and alpha blending 01/27401/1
2014-09-12 SeokYeon HwangMerge "build: fix linking error on Windows." into featu...
2014-09-12 SeokYeon Hwangbrillcodec: code clean-up 80/27280/7
2014-09-11 Kitae Kimbrillcodec: source clean-up 90/27190/7
2014-09-11 Kitae Kimconfigure: modify libav configuration 89/27189/3
2014-09-11 SeokYeon Hwangbrillcodec: source readability improvement 79/27279/4
2014-09-11 SeokYeon Hwangvaapi: support various profile 74/27174/5
2014-09-11 SeokYeon Hwangbrillcodec: clean-up decode video data handling logic 64/27164/8
2014-09-11 SeokYeon Hwangvaapi: support old version vaapi 62/27062/4
2014-09-11 Kitae Kimbuild: fix linking error on Windows. 36/27336/1
2014-09-11 Kitae Kimbrillcodec: use parser APIs to fix broken images in... 57/26757/4
2014-09-11 Kitae Kimbrillcodec: use parser APIs to fix broken images in... 08/26708/7
2014-09-10 yucheng yuAdded Haxm SMP support. 14/27314/3
2014-09-05 jinhyung.jopackage: version up (2.0.9) 56/27156/1
2014-09-05 jinhyung.jomaru_camera: Modified the query control logic 55/27155/1
2014-09-05 jinhyung.jomaru_camera: Bug fix 54/27154/1
2014-09-05 Sangho ParkMerge "Added fast mmio support for haxm." into features/smp
2014-09-05 yucheng yuAdded fast mmio support for haxm. 27/27127/1
2014-09-05 yucheng yuThis is a work-around for SMP support. 26/27126/1
2014-09-04 sungmin hapackage: version up(2.0.8) 97/27097/1
2014-09-04 sungmin haspice-server: added auto port setting for tizen 01/27001/3
2014-09-03 Sangho ParkRevert "check if UG support from haxm" 90/26990/1
2014-09-01 jinhyung.jopackage: version up(2.0.7) 09/26909/1
2014-08-28 Munkyu Imnfc: Add getting status 40/26640/2
2014-08-28 SeokYeon Hwangbrillcodec: enhance exception handling 65/26565/2
2014-08-26 SeokYeon HwangMerge "emulator: add get_emul_serial_port func for...
2014-08-26 SeokYeon HwangMerge changes Icfd4f0b5,Ia4ba1ce9 into tizen
2014-08-26 SeokYeon HwangMerge "VIGS: Disable blending by default" into tizen
2014-08-26 SeokYeon HwangMerge "VIGS: Support YUV420 planar format" into tizen
2014-08-26 SeokYeon HwangMerge "VIGS: Support planar pixel formats" into tizen
2014-08-26 SeokYeon HwangMerge "VIGS: Support underlays and alpha blending"...
2014-08-23 GiWoong Kimemulator: add get_emul_serial_port func for logging 63/26463/1
2014-08-22 Stanislav VorobiovVIGS: Implement plane flip/rotate 19/26419/1
2014-08-22 gunsoo83.kimDXVA: Prototype 73/26273/2
2014-08-22 SeokYeon Hwangbrillcodec: add new command for reducing I/O 66/26166/4
2014-08-22 SeokYeon Hwangvaapi: prototype 23/25323/8
2014-08-21 SeokYeon HwangMerge "tethering: add functions to get connected ip...
2014-08-21 SeokYeon HwangMerge "tethering: change log function into new style...
2014-08-21 Stanislav VorobiovVIGS: Fix texture fetch for GL3 66/26366/1
2014-08-21 Stanislav VorobiovVIGS: Disable blending by default 63/26363/1
2014-08-21 Jinhyung Choiskin: fixed message format for emuld to shutdown 43/26343/1
2014-08-21 SeokYeon HwangMerge "yagl: modified enable_yagl flag" into tizen
2014-08-20 Kitae Kimdebugch: fix logging problem when using DEBUGCH 71/26271/1
2014-08-19 Stanislav VorobiovVIGS: Support YUV420 planar format 62/26362/1
2014-08-19 Stanislav VorobiovVIGS: Support planar pixel formats 61/26361/1
2014-08-19 Stanislav VorobiovVIGS: Support underlays and alpha blending 60/26360/1
2014-08-19 SeokYeon HwangMerge "codec: remove unused module" into tizen