2019-01-10 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2019-01-09) 82/197182/1
2019-01-10 Amit KSAdded scanning of custom UUID's and MTU Negotiation... 81/197181/1
2019-01-10 Harish Kumara MOption to skip close TCP on IF down. 80/197180/1
2019-01-09 agrkushFixes in Tizen LE Client 37/197037/1 accepted/tizen/5.0/unified/20190110.060350 submit/tizen_5.0/20190109.044058 submit/tizen_5.0/20190109.044059
2019-01-03 Amit KSRevert Patch CCCD change 81/196681/1 accepted/tizen/5.0/unified/20190104.061344 submit/tizen_5.0/20190103.112716 submit/tizen_5.0/20190104.030922
2018-12-27 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-12-26) 91/196291/1 accepted/tizen/5.0/unified/20181230.223557 submit/tizen_5.0/20181228.112440
2018-12-27 Harish Kumara MFix deleting request on slow response 90/196290/1
2018-12-24 Amit KS[Test patch] Returning less than MTU from CALEClientGet... 80/196180/1
2018-12-24 pooja.k@partner... Modified additional field 77/196177/1 submit/tizen_5.0/20181225.220847
2018-12-24 Harish Kumara MAdding prop 76/196176/1
2018-12-24 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-12-19) 66/196166/1
2018-12-19 agrkushChanging logic of fetching MTU size in server size. 44/195844/1 accepted/tizen/5.0/unified/20181219.063412 submit/tizen_5.0/20181219.005848
2018-12-19 samanway-deyAdding API for setting MTU size in Tizen BLE Client 43/195843/1
2018-12-19 agrkushAdded thread for security and cloud provisioning. 42/195842/1
2018-12-19 agrkushFixes for scan in VD 41/195841/1
2018-12-17 DoHyun PyunRevert "Fixes for scan in VD" 70/195670/1 accepted/tizen/5.0/unified/20181217.142003 submit/tizen_5.0/20181217.073925
2018-12-17 DoHyun PyunFix 64bit build error for tizen dlog print format 27/195627/1
2018-12-13 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-12-12) 92/195392/1 accepted/tizen/5.0/unified/20181214.065313 submit/tizen_5.0/20181213.225103
2018-12-13 sourav bhuwalkaAdding more samsung specific properties 91/195391/1
2018-12-12 agrkushFixes for scan in VD 26/195226/1 accepted/tizen/5.0/unified/20181212.062434 submit/tizen_5.0/20181212.004051
2018-12-12 Oleksii BeketovRPK API update 25/195225/1
2018-12-12 Harish Kumara M[CONPRO-1333] Fix for crash in JniOnPostListener 24/195224/1
2018-12-12 Harish Kumara MRevert "[CONPRO-1333] Fix for crash in virtual device" 23/195223/1
2018-12-12 Vitalii IrkhaGetPstatIsop() API fix 22/195222/1
2018-12-10 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot History (2018-11-22 & 2018-11-28) 31/195031/1
2018-12-07 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-12-05) 57/194857/1 accepted/tizen/5.0/unified/20181210.060240 submit/tizen_5.0/20181209.235758
2018-12-07 agrkushChange scan and connect sequence for Tizen LE Client... 56/194856/1
2018-12-07 agrkushAdd vd specific caleclient code 55/194855/1
2018-12-07 Harish Kumara MFix build break in JNI layer 54/194854/1
2018-12-06 Vitalii IrkhaCheck Device Operational State 60/194560/1 accepted/tizen/5.0/unified/20181206.055549 submit/tizen_5.0/20181206.000945
2018-12-05 Oleksii BeketovOXM notify CB 16/194516/1
2018-12-05 Oleksii BeketovAdd OTM select callback 15/194515/1
2018-12-05 samanway-deyfreed payload in OCSendKeepAliveRequest 14/194514/1
2018-12-05 pilli manikanta[CONPRO-1333] Fix for crash in virtual device 13/194513/1
2018-12-05 sourav bhuwalka[CONPRO-1343] Removing unused code 12/194512/1
2018-12-05 Oleksii Beketov[CONPRO-1333] Revert DTLS credential CB 11/194511/1
2018-12-05 Oleksii Beketov[CONPRO-1354] Add length checks 10/194510/1
2018-12-05 agrkushRemove Presence macro in header files. 09/194509/1
2018-12-05 Oleksii BeketovDouble confirmation logic removed 08/194508/1
2018-12-05 Oleksii BeketovAbsent client's certificate CB 07/194507/1
2018-12-05 Pyun DoHyunMerge "[CONPRO-1337] Disabled Presence Feature"" into...
2018-12-03 DoHyun Pyun[CONPRO-1356]Calling GetMtuSize for Tizen 01/194301/1 accepted/tizen/5.0/unified/20181203.061734 submit/tizen_5.0/20181203.021553
2018-11-19 DoHyun Pyun[CONPRO-1337] Disabled Presence Feature" 60/193360/1
2018-11-15 DoHyun PyunRevert "[CONPRO-1337] Disabled Presence Feature" 47/193147/1 accepted/tizen/5.0/unified/20181116.080142 submit/tizen_5.0/20181115.083511
2018-11-05 DoHyun PyunMerge branch 'tizen' into tizen_5.0 58/192458/1
2018-11-05 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-11-02) 15/192415/1 submit/tizen/20181106.005005
2018-11-05 Amit KSBLE Adapter code updated for Tizen-4.0 14/192414/1
2018-11-05 Amit KS[CONPRO-1337] Disabled Presence Feature 10/192410/1
2018-11-05 Amit KS[CONPRO-1337] Disabled Presence Feature 04/192404/1
2018-11-02 Amit KSImplicit typecast fix for vd build 47/192347/1
2018-10-17 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-10-17) 84/191484/1 submit/tizen/20181021.233752 submit/tizen/20181029.002425
2018-10-17 agrkushAdded API for SSOList in SC Easysetup 83/191483/1
2018-10-17 Amit KS[CONPRO-1273] Add LINKFLAGS 82/191482/1
2018-10-17 harish.191... Fix for SVACE issue. (#326) 81/191481/1
2018-10-17 kush.agrawal... Update sc_enrollee.c 80/191480/1
2018-10-17 kush.agrawal... Update ESSCCommon.h 79/191479/1
2018-10-05 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-10-03) 29/190729/1 submit/tizen/20181009.235403
2018-10-05 agrkushAdding candidateAP information. Following Samsung Speci... 28/190728/1
2018-10-05 Amit KSAdded API to disable starting advertisement automatically 27/190727/1
2018-10-05 Amit KSAdded API to disable starting advertisement automatically 26/190726/1
2018-10-05 Amit KSAdded API to disable starting advertisement automatically 25/190725/1
2018-10-04 Amit KSFixed add missing compile secure option for iotivity... 88/190688/1
2018-10-04 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-09-12) 87/190687/1
2018-10-04 Harish Kumara MNew APIs for editing resource and interfaces types 86/190686/1
2018-10-04 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-09-05) 85/190685/1
2018-10-04 harish_kumaradd missing compile secure option for iotivity library 84/190684/1
2018-10-04 Amit KSCONPRO-1320] Cleanup observers of deleted resource. 81/190681/1
2018-08-07 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-07-25) 17/186117/1
2018-08-07 Vitalii Irkha [SVRDBEditor] Allow add MOM DOXM attribute 16/186116/1
2018-08-07 Amit KSInstall missed header files by the build time reducing 15/186115/1
2018-08-07 Vitalii Irkha[SVRDBEditor] Edit Doxm MOM attribute 14/186114/1
2018-07-30 yhjiFix Wformat build error 24/185424/1 accepted/tizen/5.0/unified/20181102.025119 accepted/tizen/unified/20180801.080133 submit/tizen/20180801.001001 submit/tizen_5.0/20181101.000006
2018-07-20 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-07-18) 02/184702/1
2018-07-20 v.irkha@samsung.comSQLite OS specific support (#304) 01/184701/1
2018-07-19 DoHyun PyunEnable Multiple Ownership feature 08/184608/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20180719.152651 submit/tizen/20180719.073852
2018-07-05 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-07-04) 95/183395/1
2018-07-05 Disable the Multicast Action in Mobile Network Case. 94/183394/1
2018-07-05 Oleksii BeketovRPK: add length check 93/183393/1
2018-07-05 Vitalii Irkha[CONPRO-1300] Crash in CAdeinitSslAdapter 92/183392/1
2018-06-28 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-06-27) 66/182866/1
2018-06-28 Vitalii Irkha[CONPRO-1303] Memory leak for equal cred contents 65/182865/1
2018-06-28 ol.beketov... RPK OTM (#295) 64/182864/1
2018-06-28 kush.agrawal... Crash in OCProcessPresence (#298) 63/182863/1
2018-06-19 DoHyun PyunInstall missed header files by the build time reducing... 10/181910/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20180619.142018 submit/tizen/20180619.021338
2018-06-18 Amit KSApplying remove re-build command patchset in the public... 00/181800/1 submit/tizen/20180618.102358
2018-06-18 Pyun DoHyunMerge "Update Snapshot(2018-06-13)" into tizen
2018-06-18 Pyun DoHyunMerge "Remove re-build command in the install section...
2018-06-18 Pyun DoHyunMerge "Crash in CATerminate" into tizen
2018-06-18 Pyun DoHyunMerge "Add missing stack errors to android code" into...
2018-06-18 Pyun DoHyunMerge "Fix build error dlog string" into tizen
2018-06-18 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-06-13) 60/181760/1
2018-06-18 Amit KSRemove re-build command in the install section 59/181759/1
2018-06-18 Veeraj KhokaleCrash in CATerminate 58/181758/1
2018-06-18 harish_kumarAdd missing stack errors to android code 57/181757/1
2018-06-18 v.riznykFix build error dlog string 56/181756/1
2018-06-08 v.riznyk[CONPRO-1295] Fix build error dlog string 00/181100/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20180612.044134 submit/tizen/20180608.063112
2018-05-04 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-05-02) 60/177860/1
2018-05-04 HarryClearing pending exceptions in JNI env 59/177859/1
2018-05-04 Amit KSUpdate Snapshot(2018-04-25) 58/177858/1
2018-05-04 KushAdded Samsung Specific Property(sso list) for easy... 56/177856/1