2014-02-10 mucikanUIB : Clean up plugin.xml. And apply w3c dom parser... 77/16177/1
2014-02-07 gyeongmin.juUIB: Remove unnecessary code 25/16125/1
2014-02-06 Changyeon LeeMerge "UIB : Create IDEUtil" into develop
2014-02-06 gyeongmin.juUIB: remove NPE 61/16061/1
2014-02-03 gyeongmin.juUIB: remove dom4j library 75/15975/1
2014-01-16 yserzeroMODEL: Delete unnecessary class and library. 06/15106/1
2014-01-16 jeonghwan kimUIB : Create IDEUtil 15/15115/1
2014-01-15 yserzeroMODEL: Add & Modify widget icons. Modify descriptor... 71/14971/1
2014-01-13 gyeongmin.juUIB: modify tool path parameters 82/14882/1
2014-01-13 Changyeon LeeMerge "UIB : Add DesignerResizeLayoutCommand" into...
2014-01-14 yserzeroMODEL: Modify descriptor file path. Remove unnecessary... 35/14835/1
2014-01-13 gyeongmin.juUIB : Add DesignerResizeLayoutCommand 34/14834/1
2014-01-10 jeonghwan kimUIB : [BugFix] 30/14730/1
2014-01-10 jeonghwan kimUIB : Removing class files 99/14699/1
2014-01-09 jeonghwan kimUIB : Create public repository 68/14668/1
2013-09-12 Sehong NaInitial empty repository master