7 days ago David SteeleDALi Version 2.4.7 67/320067/1 dali_2.4.7
8 days ago David SteeleMerge "Ensured swapchain/surface cleanup on device...
8 days ago David SteeleMerge "(NativeImageSource) Return nullptr if NativeImag...
8 days ago sunghyun kimMerge "Load the shader using glProgramBinary" into...
8 days ago Bowon RyuMerge "Fix fontclient coverity issue" into devel/master
8 days ago Bowon RyuMerge "Separate FontConfig handle" into devel/master
8 days ago Bowon RyuFix fontclient coverity issue 41/319941/1
9 days ago Eunki, Hong(NativeImageSource) Return nullptr if NativeImageSource... 43/319743/2
9 days ago Bowon RyuSeparate FontConfig handle 12/319912/3
9 days ago Eunki HongMerge "(Vulkan::Reflection) Append uniform blocks only...
9 days ago Eunki HongMerge "(Vulkan) Fix minor coverity issues" into devel...
9 days ago David SteeleEnsured swapchain/surface cleanup on device destruction 19/319919/1
9 days ago David SteeleMerge "Fixing swapchain for use with triple buffering...
9 days ago Bowon RyuMerge "Add locale api to text abstraction" into devel...
9 days ago Eunki, Hong(Vulkan) Fix minor coverity issues 78/319878/1
9 days ago Eunki, Hong(Vulkan::Reflection) Append uniform blocks only 1 times... 19/319819/5
9 days ago Bowon RyuAdd locale api to text abstraction 56/319856/2
10 days ago sunghyun kimLoad the shader using glProgramBinary 02/316602/24
10 days ago David SteeleFixing swapchain for use with triple buffering 76/319776/2
11 days ago Eunki HongMerge "(Webp) Do not load file again if we know size...
11 days ago Eunki HongMerge "Collect strerror_r relative error log printing...
2025-02-14 Adeel KazmiMerge "DALi Version 2.4.6" into devel/master
2025-02-14 Adeel KazmiDALi Version 2.4.6 72/319672/1 dali_2.4.6
2025-02-14 Eunki HongCollect strerror_r relative error log printing logs 18/319018/7
2025-02-14 Eunki, Hong(Webp) Do not load file again if we know size and frame... 55/319655/1
2025-02-14 Chihun JeongMerge "Fontconfig: Replace FcInitReinitialize with...
2025-02-13 Eunki, HongFix build error when we use tizen_9.0 repo 97/319597/1
2025-02-13 ANZ1217Fontconfig: Replace FcInitReinitialize with FcInitLoadC... 10/319510/4
2025-02-12 David SteeleMerge "Changing swapchain acquisition at frame start...
2025-02-12 David SteeleMerge "Fixing coverity errors" into devel/master
2025-02-12 David SteeleMerge "[Vulkan] Reduced queue submissions" into devel...
2025-02-12 David SteeleMerge "Removing DeviceWaitIdle from Vk::SwapBuffers...
2025-02-12 David SteeleChanging swapchain acquisition at frame start 67/319267/5
2025-02-12 Eunki HongFix compile error after add -Werror flag added 81/319481/2
2025-02-11 Bowon RyuMerge "Add FullScreenMode to InputMethodContext" into...
2025-02-10 Bowon RyuMerge "Add Combining Diacritical Marks to text script...
2025-02-10 Bowon RyuAdd Combining Diacritical Marks to text script 86/319286/3
2025-02-07 David SteeleFixing coverity errors 66/319266/2
2025-02-07 David Steele[Vulkan] Reduced queue submissions 95/318895/5
2025-02-07 David SteeleRemoving DeviceWaitIdle from Vk::SwapBuffers 68/318868/5
2025-02-07 Richard HuangDALi Version 2.4.5 16/319316/1 dali_2.4.5
2025-02-06 Eunki, HongFix coverity issue : Convert uint32_t to float first... 35/319235/1
2025-02-04 Adeel KazmiMerge "Fix memory leak for depth and stencil buffer...
2025-02-03 joogab.yunThe range of touch coordinates is [0:width - 1] and... 14/319014/6
2025-02-03 Eunki HongMerge "Do not copy same UBODescriptor and TextureBindin...
2025-01-31 David SteeleMerge "Fixed coverage build" into devel/master
2025-01-31 David SteeleDALi Version 2.4.4 20/318920/1 dali_2.4.4
2025-01-31 David SteeleFixed coverage build 18/318918/1
2025-01-31 Richard HuangFix memory leak for depth and stencil buffer in Vulkan... 17/318917/1
2025-01-27 Adeel KazmiDynamic Graphics Backend 15/317915/16
2025-01-26 Eunki, HongDo not copy same UBODescriptor and TextureBinding at... 56/318556/8
2025-01-24 David SteeleMerge changes I05449137,Ie4334fb8,I12dad280,Iaf63b42f...
2025-01-24 Richard HuangDALi Version 2.4.3 14/318814/1 dali_2.4.3
2025-01-23 David SteeleChange render target semaphore handling 72/317772/11
2025-01-23 David SteeleInverting framebuffer viewport for Vulkan 76/317676/8
2025-01-23 David SteeleImplementing framebuffer in vulkan backend 62/315762/14
2025-01-23 David SteeleAllowing arbitrary dumping of multi-frame command buffers 66/316566/11
2025-01-22 Youngsun Suh[AT-SPI] Fix deputy finding logic in GetNavigableAtPoin... 87/318387/2
2025-01-22 Seoyeon KimMerge "[AT-SPI] Fix GetNavigableAtPoint when the embedd...
2025-01-21 David SteeleMerge "Fill empty UniformBufferBindingDescriptor only...
2025-01-21 Seoyeon KimMerge "[AT-SPI] Do not subtract extentOffset if it...
2025-01-21 Youngsun Suh[AT-SPI] Fix GetNavigableAtPoint when the embedded... 85/318385/2
2025-01-21 Seoyeon KimMerge "[AT-SPI] Implement missing DeputyAccessible...
2025-01-21 Chihun JeongMerge "Fix potential memory leak in bidirectional suppo...
2025-01-21 Chihun JeongMerge "Fix Unicode Byte Order Mark was misinterpreted...
2025-01-21 Bowon RyuAdd FullScreenMode to InputMethodContext 58/318558/2
2025-01-21 Artur Świgoń[AT-SPI] Implement missing DeputyAccessible feature 84/318384/3
2025-01-21 Seoyeon KimMerge "[AT-SPI] Check if child is visible in scrollable...
2025-01-20 Eunki, HongFill empty UniformBufferBindingDescriptor only required 53/318453/2
2025-01-20 Youngsun Suh[AT-SPI] Do not subtract extentOffset if it's a sub... 89/318389/4
2025-01-17 ANZ1217Fix potential memory leak in bidirectional support. 86/318386/4
2025-01-17 ANZ1217Fix Unicode Byte Order Mark was misinterpreted as arabi... 01/318501/3
2025-01-17 Adeel KazmiDALi Version 2.4.2 59/318459/1 dali_2.4.2
2025-01-17 Hosang Kim[AT-SPI] Check if child is visible in scrollable parent 24/318124/4
2025-01-16 ANZ1217Fix moving a reference with std::move in LRUCacheContainer 73/318373/1
2025-01-15 Eunki HongMerge "Prepare NativeTexture only once per each frames...
2025-01-15 joogab yunMerge "Add AutoRotation, LetterBox" into devel/master
2025-01-14 Eunki, HongPrepare NativeTexture only once per each frames 33/318233/1
2025-01-14 Eunki HongMerge "Fix coverity: Division by zero" into devel/master
2025-01-14 jmmFix coverity: Division by zero 84/318184/3
2025-01-14 Eunki, HongFix coverity : Do not call move to const & and & type 76/318176/1
2025-01-14 Eunki, HongFix coverity : need to call bundle_free what we created... 73/318173/1
2025-01-13 Youngsun SuhAdd forceChildSearch a11y attribute to enable searching... 22/318122/2
2025-01-13 Bowon RyuMerge "Fix font client coverity issue" into devel/master
2025-01-13 Bowon RyuFix font client coverity issue 80/318080/1
2025-01-13 joogab.yunAdd AutoRotation, LetterBox 00/317900/3
2025-01-10 David SteeleDALi Version 2.4.1 37/318037/1 dali_2.4.1
2025-01-07 ANZ1217Update emoji variation sequences to Version 16.0 55/317755/2
2025-01-06 Eunki HongPrint infomation if we create eglSurface from Native... 92/317492/2
2025-01-03 Youngsun Suha11y refactor: Remove mKnownObjects 99/316999/3
2024-12-30 Eunki, HongDo not call RequestUpdateOnce, instead Deiconify 24/317324/1
2024-12-24 Eunki HongSkip Rendering if native texture not prepared 19/317119/1
2024-12-23 Youngsun SuhMerge "Add DumpTree api" into devel/master
2024-12-20 David SteeleMerge "DALi Version 2.4.0" into devel/master
2024-12-20 Adeel KazmiDALi Version 2.4.0 69/316969/1 dali_2.4.0
2024-12-19 Eunki, HongSupport CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS as environment + Print downlo... 27/316827/3
2024-12-18 Adeel KazmiFixed both the GLES & VK builds for LibUV-X11 & GLIB... 61/316861/1
2024-12-18 Adeel KazmiMerge "Allow Capture files to be built for Vulkan too...
2024-12-18 Eunki HongMerge changes Ia50a8092,Ieb8d5c62 into devel/master
2024-12-17 Adeel KazmiAllow Capture files to be built for Vulkan too 30/316730/1