2023-07-26 Sangyoon JangRelease version 1.34.33 58/296358/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20230801.174210
2023-07-25 Sangyoon JangFix plugin manager 77/296277/3
2023-05-23 Sangyoon JangRelease version 1.34.32 56/293256/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20230607.160243 accepted/tizen/unified/dev/20230726.115831
2023-05-23 Sangyoon JangReduce the number of signal to send 10/293210/2
2023-04-21 Sangyoon JangAdd missing include 43/291743/1
2023-04-06 Sangyoon JangRelease version 1.34.31 71/290971/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20230406.165752
2023-04-06 Sangyoon JangFix static analysis issue 65/290965/1
2023-04-04 Sangyoon JangRelease version 1.34.30 31/290831/1
2023-04-04 Sangyoon JangFix static analysis issues 30/290830/2
2023-04-03 Sangyoon JangRelease version 1.34.29 82/290782/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20230404.140018
2023-04-03 Sangyoon JangFix build error 81/290781/1
2023-02-09 ilho kimRelease version 1.34.28 22/288022/1
2023-02-08 ilho kimSkip RegisterSecurityContextForPath in recovery 34/286634/5
2023-01-19 ilho kimRelease version 1.34.27 44/287044/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20230120.182058
2023-01-19 ilho kimFix StepCopyBackup 42/287042/1
2023-01-13 ilho kimRelease version 1.34.26 13/286813/1 accepted/tizen/7.0/unified/20230117.141737 accepted/tizen/unified/20230117.140459
2023-01-13 Ilho KimAdd FileInfoCollector class 80/246680/11
2023-01-13 ilho kimFix StepCopyBackup's undo operation 26/286726/2
2023-01-13 ilho kimImplement Cleanup in StepMountRecover 25/286725/2
2023-01-10 ilho kimSkip recover change owner 96/286396/3
2023-01-10 ilho kimRelease version 1.34.25 72/286572/2 accepted/tizen/7.0/unified/20230111.015138 accepted/tizen/unified/20230111.174526
2023-01-10 ilho kimRun CrashAfterEachStep with subprocess 94/286394/4
2023-01-09 ilho kimFix StepUpdateTep's undo 82/286482/2
2023-01-04 ilho kimCheck if it is mounted before trying mount 19/286319/1
2023-01-04 ilho kimRefactoring private function of TzipInterface::Pimpl 18/286318/1
2023-01-03 ilho kimSkip mount if zip path doesn't exist 59/286259/3
2023-01-02 ilho kimFix crash occured during ReinstallSteps 32/286232/2
2022-12-22 Ilho KimRelease version 1.34.24 30/285930/1 accepted/tizen/7.0/unified/20230102.132424 accepted/tizen/unified/20230102.131957
2022-12-22 Ilho KimFix crash occured during manifest direct install 29/285929/1
2022-12-22 Ilho KimRelease version 1.34.23 91/285891/2
2022-12-22 Sangyoon JangAdd log for debugging 68/285468/3
2022-12-22 Sangyoon JangFix app2sd library path 82/285882/2
2022-12-22 Ilho KimChange the file remove to a virtual function in recovery 86/285886/1
2022-12-21 Ilho KimSkip the security registration if it is unnecessary 46/285846/2
2022-12-08 Ilho KimBlock different type installation with same pkgid 78/285178/2
2022-11-10 Sangyoon JangRelease version 1.34.22 31/284131/1
2022-11-10 Sangyoon JangFix build error 30/284130/1
2022-11-10 Sangyoon JangRelease version 1.34.21 12/284112/1
2022-11-10 Sangyoon JangFix getting light user list 10/284110/3
2022-11-10 Sangyoon JangMove GetLightUserList() to user_util.h 09/284109/1
2022-10-21 Ilho KimAdd RunFunc to Subprocess for just executing function 66/283266/4
2022-10-21 Ilho KimMerge SmokeTestHelperRunner into BackendInterface 65/283265/2
2022-10-20 Ilho KimRemove duplicate api call of clear cache memory 30/283130/3
2022-10-19 Hwankyu JhunRelease version 1.34.20 62/283162/1
2022-10-13 Hwankyu JhunModify sending AUL signal 42/282942/1
2022-09-23 Ilho KimRelease version 1.34.19 46/281946/1 accepted/tizen_7.0_unified_hotfix tizen_7.0_hotfix accepted/tizen/7.0/unified/20221110.060011 accepted/tizen/7.0/unified/hotfix/20221116.104942 accepted/tizen/unified/20220928.020826 tizen_7.0_m2_release
2022-09-21 Ilho KimFix Recovery of ReadonlyUpdateInstall package's update 56/281756/1
2022-09-20 Sangyoon JangRelease version 1.34.18 42/281642/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220921.091809
2022-09-20 Sangyoon JangFix static analysis issue 25/281525/1
2022-09-14 Ilho KimRelease version 1.34.17 03/281203/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220915.173213 accepted/tizen/unified/20220916.022102 accepted/tizen/unified/20220916.022140
2022-09-14 Ilho KimFix RecoverStorageDirectories 02/281202/1
2022-09-14 Ilho KimImplement recovery of ReadonlyUpdateUninstall 59/281159/4
2022-09-08 Ilho KimRun MountInstall when xml file is not exist 54/281054/1
2022-09-07 Changgyu ChoiRelease version 1.34.16 20/280920/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220908.013411
2022-09-07 Changgyu ChoiMerge "Add pre sending pkg event to amd" into tizen
2022-09-05 Changgyu ChoiAdd pre sending pkg event to amd 93/280293/7
2022-09-05 Ilho KimModify to generate SIGKILL instead of SIGSEGV in StepCrash 27/280127/4
2022-09-01 Sangyoon JangRelease version 1.34.15 82/280582/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220905.124722 submit/tizen/20220901.023331
2022-09-01 Sangyoon JangFix validating light user name 73/280573/1
2022-08-24 Ilho KimRelease version 1.34.14 44/280144/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220825.135043 submit/tizen/20220824.085933
2022-08-24 Ilho KimAdd parameter to StepRemovePerUserStorageDirectories 40/280140/1
2022-08-24 Ilho KimImplement undo of RemovePerUserStorageDirectories 39/280139/1
2022-08-24 Ilho KimAdd exception handling to StepSignature 25/280125/1
2022-08-05 Ilho KimRelease version 1.34.13 06/279306/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220808.135354 submit/tizen/20220805.083656
2022-08-05 Ilho KimClear memory db before sending the finish signal 86/279286/1
2022-07-27 Ilho KimFix error log correctly 67/278867/3
2022-07-18 Ilho KimRelease version 1.34.12 08/278008/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220719.014541 accepted/tizen/unified/20220720.064031 accepted/tizen/unified/20220720.141510 submit/tizen/20220718.045828 submit/tizen/20220718.115742 submit/tizen/20220719.015501 submit/tizen/20220720.014058
2022-07-18 Ilho KimSkip default light user when getting light user list 99/277999/3
2022-07-14 Ilho KimRelease version 1.34.11 70/277870/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220715.141246 submit/tizen/20220714.071350
2022-07-12 Ilho KimFix light user directory path 16/277116/4
2022-07-11 Changgyu ChoiRelease version 1.34.10 03/277603/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220712.010752 submit/tizen/20220708.124830
2022-07-11 Changgyu ChoiApply to change interface of sessiond API 97/277597/1
2022-06-14 Ilho KimRelease version 1.34.9 06/276306/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220614.211545 submit/tizen/20220614.081005
2022-06-14 Ilho KimFix StepRecoverChangeOwner 04/276304/1
2022-06-07 Ilho KimRelease version 1.34.8 54/275954/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220608.140113 submit/tizen/20220531.074151
2022-05-30 Ilho KimAdd mac override capability to package recovery service 83/275683/1
2022-05-17 Sangyoon JangRelease version 1.34.7 45/275145/1 submit/tizen/20220602.063759
2022-05-17 Sangyoon JangRevert "Revert "Change package version comparsion behav... 33/275133/1
2022-05-02 Junghyun YeonChange initdb tool behavior 24/274524/2
2022-04-25 Ilho KimFix static analysis issue 27/274227/1
2022-04-22 Junghyun YeonRelease version 1.34.6 53/274153/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220425.055037 accepted/tizen/unified/20220426.132140 submit/tizen/20220422.070818 submit/tizen/20220423.050208 submit/tizen/20220423.124820 submit/tizen/20220425.070152
2022-04-22 Junghyun YeonImplement lightuser feature 18/274018/4
2022-03-23 Sangyoon JangRelease version 1.34.5 33/272733/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220324.134412 submit/tizen/20220323.085347
2022-03-03 Sangyoon JangKeep system and update value for undo operation 02/271902/1
2022-03-02 Junghyun YeonRelease version 1.34.4 20/271820/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220303.131815 submit/tizen/20220302.045443 submit/tizen/20220302.053619
2022-03-02 Junghyun YeonFix static analysis issue 13/271813/1
2022-02-24 Sangyoon JangRelease version 1.34.3 56/271656/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220225.151832 submit/tizen/20220224.064209
2022-02-24 Sangyoon JangRevert "Change package version comparsion behavior" 54/271654/1
2022-02-23 Sangyoon JangRelease version 1.34.2 01/271601/1 submit/tizen/20220223.084514
2022-02-23 Sangyoon JangMerge "Fix static analysis issue" into tizen
2022-02-23 Ilho KimFix static analysis issue 80/271580/1
2022-02-21 Sangyoon JangFix static analysis issue 52/271452/1
2022-02-21 Sangyoon JangFix a variable name 22/271422/1
2022-01-26 Junghyun YeonAdd shared directory creation logic 07/270207/1
2022-01-25 Ilho KimFix typo in update plugin info error message 76/270076/1
2022-01-13 Junghyun YeonChange package version comparsion behavior 72/269372/1
2022-01-11 Junghyun YeonRelease version 1.34.1 07/269207/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220112.121658 submit/tizen/20220111.094849
2022-01-03 Sangyoon JangAdd boost_filesystem namespace at exists() 74/268574/2
2021-12-31 Junghyun YeonRelease version 1.34.0 46/268746/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220103.130106 submit/tizen/20211231.044548
2021-12-31 Junghyun YeonFix build error 40/268740/2