2019-04-02 JunsuChoirlottie: Fix issue with intersect mask 33/202633/2 submit/tizen/20190402.051338 submit/tizen/20190402.080200 submit/tizen/20190403.050239
2019-03-27 subhransu mohantyrlottie: added travis ci support.
2019-03-27 subhransu mohantyrlottie: added travis build badge to the rlottie main...
2019-03-27 subhransu mohantyrlottie/vector: remove unused version of vCompare...
2019-03-27 yuanguWin support
2019-03-27 subhransu mohantyrlottie: fix the issue with trim(start,end) update...
2019-03-22 subhransu mohantyrlotti/model: Fix issue with trim offset calculation. 29/202029/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20190327.160529 submit/tizen/20190327.041330
2019-03-21 subhransu mohantyrlottie/vector: support subsurface rendering with arbit... 56/201956/1
2019-03-21 subhransu mohantyrlottie: fix typo. 55/201955/1
2019-03-19 subhransu mohanty[rlottie]: Added layers() api to return the layer info... 03/201703/1
2019-03-19 Hermet Parkcmake: fix cmake error for install command on windows 02/201702/1
2019-03-14 subhransu mohantyrlottie: Use opacity value when rendering gradient. 62/201462/1 submit/tizen/20190318.043137 submit/tizen/20190318.043555 submit/tizen/20190318.114709 submit/tizen/20190319.041006
2019-03-14 subhransu mohantyrlottie/example: sort the resource list before displaying. 61/201461/1
2019-03-13 subhransu mohanty[rlottie]: clear any existing brush data before drawing... 70/201370/1 submit/tizen/20190314.062257 submit/tizen/20190314.080413 submit/tizen/20190314.103410
2019-03-12 Hermet Parkcapi: update doc. 68/201268/1
2019-03-07 subhransu mohanty[rlottie] Added setDrawRegion api to Surface for suppor... 07/201007/1 submit/tizen/20190307.054450 submit/tizen/20190311.042353 submit/tizen/20190311.104527
2019-03-05 subhransu mohantyrlottie: now loadFromData() api takes resourcePath... 40/200840/1
2019-03-05 subhransu mohantyrlottie: remove dependancy of -stdc++14 flag to link... 34/200834/1
2019-02-27 JunsuChoiexample : Change keyframe_set/get to progress_set/get... 94/200594/1
2019-02-21 Hermet Parkvector stb: check oom for safety. 59/200259/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20190225.232726 submit/tizen/20190222.001114 submit/tizen/20190222.044455 submit/tizen/20190225.055416 submit/tizen/20190225.071954
2019-02-14 Hermet Parkupdated READE file. 18/199818/1
2019-02-08 JunsuChoilottieitem: Add alpha property in LOTMask 75/199275/2 accepted/tizen/unified/20190214.060609 submit/tizen/20190211.061543 submit/tizen/20190211.061921 submit/tizen/20190213.001307 submit/tizen/20190213.060634 submit/tizen/20190213.062652
2019-02-08 Hermet Parkfix typo. 58/199258/2 accepted/tizen/unified/20190208.061716 submit/tizen/20190208.021412 submit/tizen/20190208.043508
2019-01-25 subhransu mohantylottie/parser: only keep the 1st interpolatr string... 11/198511/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20190201.061433 accepted/tizen/unified/20190202.022444 submit/tizen/20190128.112154 submit/tizen/20190128.120547 submit/tizen/20190131.061936 submit/tizen/20190201.062521
2019-01-25 subhransu mohantylottie: Add image_loader plugin for cmake build. 83/198383/2
2019-01-25 subhransu mohantylottie: Added support for rendering embedded image... 77/198277/3
2019-01-24 JunsuChoiSpec: fix pc file 78/198378/1
2019-01-24 subhransu mohantylottie: final changes to rename from lottie-player... 44/198344/2 submit/tizen/20190124.051235
2019-01-23 Hermet Parkremove lottie player naming usage. 02/198302/2 submit/tizen/20190123.114853
2019-01-23 Hermet Parkpackaging: rename lottie-player to rlottie. 93/198293/2
2019-01-23 Hermet Parkexample: update new header name of efl animation_view. 76/198276/3
2019-01-23 Hermet Parklottie-player: remove old capi headers. 75/198275/1
2019-01-23 Hermet ParkRevert "lottie: rename lottie-player to rlottie for... accepted/tizen/unified/20190128.061629 submit/tizen/20190123.060112
2019-01-22 subhransu mohantylottie: rename lottie-player to rlottie for cmake and... 73/198173/3
2019-01-21 sub.mohanty... lottie: rename lottie-player to rlottie in meson build 95/198095/2
2019-01-21 sub.mohanty... lottie: rename public headers to rlottie namesapce. 94/198094/2
2019-01-17 subhransu mohantylottie: Fix incorrect return value of totalFrame()... 30/197730/2
2019-01-15 subhransu mohantylottie/example: Added image_test.json(resource with... 80/197680/1 master submit/tizen/20190116.045417 submit/tizen/20190116.084147 submit/tizen/20190117.121937 submit/tizen/20190118.024659 submit/tizen/20190118.084922
2019-01-15 subhransu mohantylottie/render: Support rendering lottie image object. 78/197678/1
2019-01-15 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: Added transform image rendering support... 77/197677/1
2019-01-15 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: Added texture and transformation suppo... 76/197676/1
2019-01-15 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: added image loading support in vector. 34/197534/3
2019-01-15 subhransu mohantylottie/example : added segmented animation support... 56/197656/3
2019-01-15 subhransu mohantylottie/parser: added support for image asset parsing. 37/197637/3
2019-01-15 subhransu mohantylottie/stb: fixed warning regarding unused function. 33/197533/2
2019-01-15 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: create a wraper library of stb_image... 32/197532/3
2019-01-14 Hermet Parkcopying: fix wrong path. 08/197408/2
2019-01-11 subhransu mohantylottie/parser: fix a crash when the color string is... 23/197423/1
2019-01-11 subhransu mohantylottie/render: Refactor matte rendering to support... 60/197360/1
2019-01-11 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: added updateLuma() api to convert RGBA... 01/197201/2
2019-01-10 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: image fill support in drawhelper 00/197200/1
2019-01-10 subhransu mohantylottie/render: added drawBitmap api to painter class. 67/196767/2
2019-01-09 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: added destIn and destOut comp function. 99/197199/1
2019-01-09 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: add depth() and const data() api to... 98/197198/1
2019-01-08 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: don't use startFrame() of a layer when... 64/196864/2 accepted/tizen/unified/20190111.055210 submit/tizen/20190110.045317
2019-01-08 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: added intersected() and size() api to... 66/196766/2
2019-01-08 subhransu mohantylottie/example : build example only when the dependancy... 51/196851/2
2019-01-04 subhransu mohantylottie: reuse rendertask object to optimize memory... 59/196659/4
2019-01-04 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: refactor VBitmap class to use shared_ptr... 39/196739/2
2019-01-03 subhransu mohantylottie/capi: updated cliper info in layernode. 61/196661/1
2019-01-03 subhransu mohantylottie/render: Added Clipper for nested composition... 58/196658/1
2019-01-03 subhransu mohantylottie/parser: parse precomp layer's with and height... 36/196636/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20190111.055111 submit/tizen/20190109.051753
2019-01-02 Hermet Parkpackaging: packaging licensing properly. 63/196563/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20190107.065410 submit/tizen/20190104.010806
2018-12-28 Hermet Parkupdated licenses info. 38/196438/2 accepted/tizen/unified/20190103.030356 submit/tizen/20190102.045226
2018-12-27 Hermet Parkupdated licenses info 29/196329/2
2018-12-27 Hermet Parkexample: remove a resouce that may have a license. 19/196319/1
2018-12-27 Hermet Parkadd missing copyright. 14/196314/1
2018-12-27 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: move pixman code to separate pixman... 88/196288/1
2018-12-26 Hermet Parkfix to packaging license files properly. 49/196249/1
2018-12-26 Hermet ParkInitialize member variables to resolve unnannoying... 41/196241/1 submit/tizen/20181226.115019
2018-12-26 Hermet Parkremove sneaked inserting unicodes, zero-width no-break... 40/196240/1
2018-12-26 subhransu mohantylottie/parser: fixed SVACE warning regarding uninitiali... 22/196222/3
2018-12-26 Hermet Parkfix typo. 39/196239/1
2018-12-26 Hermet ParkPut samsung copyright header to all our own source... 34/196234/1
2018-12-26 Hermet Parkclean up copyright. 23/196223/2
2018-12-26 Hermet ParkInitialize member variables to resolve unnannoying... 15/196215/1
2018-12-26 Hermet Parkvector: fix wrong naming.
2018-12-24 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: use snprintf instead of sprintf. 57/196157/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20181227.062023 submit/tizen/20181226.015316
2018-12-24 subhransu mohantylottie: Fixed SVACE warning for uninitialized class... 56/196156/3
2018-12-24 subhransu mohantylottie: Fixed SVACE warning regarding missing break... 54/196154/2
2018-12-20 sub.mohanty... lottie/render: Construct on first use of thread pool... 22/195922/2
2018-12-18 subhransu mohantylottie/memoryleak: Destory the player handle properly... 15/195815/1
2018-12-17 sub.mohanty... lottie/example: build example only when elementary... 14/195614/2 accepted/tizen/unified/20181218.152346 submit/tizen/20181217.041818
2018-12-17 subhransu mohantylottie/example: add support for renderPost callback... 34/195634/1
2018-12-17 subhransu mohantylottie/example: remove unused evas object from evasapp... 09/195509/2
2018-12-14 subhransu mohantylottie/capi: added missing frame_at_pos() api and chang... 02/195502/1
2018-12-14 subhransu mohantylottie/capi: remove usage of bool in c api interface. 19/195419/2
2018-12-14 Hermet Parkcapi: remove unused internal variables. 30/195430/4
2018-12-13 Hermet Parkupdated gitignore. 17/195417/2
2018-12-13 Hermet Parkupdated doc. 88/195388/8
2018-12-13 Hermet Parkremove redundant apis. 96/195396/4
2018-12-13 subhransu mohantylottie/render: optimize rendering by passing rle clip... 78/195278/2
2018-12-13 subhransu mohantylottie/render: Added custome future/promise to optimize... 12/195312/3
2018-12-12 subhransu mohantylottie/render: add new drawRle() api with rle clip... 77/195277/1
2018-12-12 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: Added a callback version of intersect... 76/195276/1
2018-12-12 subhransu mohantylottie: use testFlag() api to test the flag. 15/195115/3
2018-12-12 sub.mohanty... lottie: refactor mask handling of layer to a separate... 92/195092/5
2018-12-12 subhransu mohantylottie/optimization: optimize reuse of vpath object... 83/195183/2
2018-12-12 subhransu mohantylottie/vector: Fixed vpath::clone() implementation. 82/195182/2
2018-12-10 subhransu mohantylottie: Add Mask information to the layer node. 18/194418/2 tizen_5.0 accepted/tizen/unified/20181213.142320 submit/tizen/20181211.054046 submit/tizen/20181211.054151 submit/tizen_5.0/20181211.054718