2015-08-07 Soohye Shinset focus to name when there is no text with selected... 30/45530/1
2015-08-07 Soohye Shinintegrate epg of tv-service for getting recent channel... 27/45527/1
2015-08-07 Soohye Shinput default channel thumbnail 22/45522/1
2015-08-07 Soohye Shinfilter recent browser 17/45517/1
2015-08-07 Soohye Shinset keygrab home key 08/45508/3
2015-08-07 Soohye Shinset keygrab power key for launching infosquare 00/45500/3
2015-08-06 Soohye Shinmodify user profile image files 47/45447/1 accepted/tizen/tv/20150807.043114 submit/tizen/20150807.010856
2015-08-06 Soohye Shinset background color to home, user and recent edc 41/45441/1
2015-08-06 Soohye Shinbug fix - set window object to NULL when failed to... 40/45440/1
2015-08-06 Soohye Shinchange recent subtitle color 17/45417/1
2015-08-06 Soohye Shinsort recent data with launched time 14/45414/1
2015-08-05 Soohye Shinmodify recent preview edc 03/45403/1 accepted/tizen/tv/20150806.065645 submit/tizen/20150806.011755
2015-08-05 Soohye Shinmodify recent app edc 01/45401/1
2015-08-05 Soohye Shinclear all recent data 98/45398/1
2015-08-05 Soohye Shinlaunch media hub with recent media 57/45357/3
2015-08-05 Soohye Shinbug fix - call viewmgr_destroy when window exists 39/45339/1 accepted/tizen/tv/20150805.065759 submit/tizen/20150805.043140
2015-08-05 Soohye Shinfilter nodisplayed package 25/45325/1
2015-08-05 Minkyu KangMerge "integrate media-content for recent movie/gallery...
2015-08-05 Soohye Shinintegrate media-content for recent movie/gallery/music 00/45300/4
2015-08-04 Soohye Shinfinalize photo datamgr when view will be destroyed 41/45241/1 accepted/tizen/tv/20150804.235424 submit/tizen/20150804.130749
2015-08-03 Soohye Shinintegrate tv-service for recent channel 15/45215/1 accepted/tizen/tv/20150804.011650 submit/tizen/20150804.005548
2015-08-03 Soohye Shinset focus move policy form IN to CLICK 60/45160/1
2015-08-03 Soohye Shinbug fix - build error 31/45131/1
2015-08-01 Soohye Shinbug fix - user edit view 15/45115/2
2015-08-01 Soohye Shinfix checkpatch error 14/45114/1
2015-07-31 Soohye Shinbug fix - key handling in home view 76/45076/1
2015-07-31 Soohye Shinblock to edit and delete user by user authority 49/45049/1
2015-07-29 Soohye Shinmodify transition speed 33/44933/1
2015-07-29 Soohye Shinmodify settings pkg name in json file 32/44932/1
2015-07-29 Soohye Shinsupport mouse handling to enter user edit view from... 16/44916/1 accepted/tizen/tv/20150730.014448 submit/tizen/20150729.122235
2015-07-29 Soohye Shinadd transition animation between home and user view 00/44900/4
2015-07-28 Soohye Shinset focus move policy from CLICK to IN 55/44855/1
2015-07-28 Soohye Shinbug fix - clear recent data when pressed enter key 49/44849/1
2015-07-28 Soohye Shinbug fix - load default icon file when icon is null 39/44839/1
2015-07-28 Soohye Shinmodify photo view according to v0.4 GUI doc 24/44824/1
2015-07-28 Soohye Shinmodify user edit view according to v0.4 GUI doc 17/44817/2
2015-07-28 Soohye Shinmodify a deleting user button according to v0.4 GUI 10/44810/1
2015-07-21 Soohye Shinadd down arrow for user edit 71/44371/1 accepted/tizen/tv/20150728.070602 submit/tizen/20150728.063352
2015-07-21 Soohye Shinlimit notification count to 99 33/44333/1
2015-07-21 Soohye Shinload login user in view_home 24/44324/1
2015-07-20 Soohye Shinset photo icon mask 57/44257/1
2015-07-20 Soohye Shinfixed to load user list correctly 22/44222/3
2015-07-19 Soohye Shinupdate noti badge dinamically from notification changed... 07/44207/1
2015-07-19 Soohye Shinintegrate with notification for displaying badge of... 06/44206/2
2015-07-16 Soohye Shinfixed tlm socket path 90/43990/1
2015-07-16 Soohye Shinset elm_image_fill_outside_set in utils 86/43986/1
2015-07-15 Soohye Shinsupport mouse handling in view_user_edit 41/43941/1
2015-07-15 Soohye Shinsupport mouse handling in view_photo 38/43938/3
2015-07-15 Soohye Shinsupport mouse handling in view_user 08/43908/1
2015-07-15 Soohye Shinsupport mouse handling in view_recent 03/43903/1
2015-07-15 Soohye Shinsupport mouse key handling in view_home 94/43894/2
2015-07-15 Soohye Shinhide recent view when outside is clicked 81/43881/1
2015-07-15 Soohye Shinset photo image in user edit view whitch is selected... 53/43853/6
2015-07-14 Soohye Shinremove etg button in view_home 24/43824/1
2015-07-14 Soohye Shinmodify to show only thumbnail of photo 20/43820/1
2015-07-14 Soohye Shinswitch to disable or enable pin when switch is on/ff 97/43797/3
2015-07-13 Soohye Shinadd photo viewer popup when gengrid item is selected 20/43720/2
2015-07-13 Soohye Shinchange recent clearall button images 00/43700/1
2015-07-13 Soohye Shinadd data_photo for getting photo contents 67/43667/2
2015-07-10 Minkyu KangMerge "add exception handling popup for checking change...
2015-07-10 Soohye Shinadd exception handling popup for checking changed input... 94/43594/1
2015-07-10 Soohye Shinblock to delete user when type of user is ADMIN 61/43561/2
2015-07-10 Soohye Shinremove account in user_edit layout 45/43545/1
2015-07-10 Soohye Shinadd exception handling popup for checking 8 users 30/43430/3
2015-07-09 Soohye Shinadd utils_add_popup in utils 26/43426/1
2015-07-09 Soohye Shinenable to add/edit/delete user in view_user_edit 59/43359/3
2015-07-08 Soohye Shinadd struct icon_info in utils 52/43352/1
2015-07-08 Soohye Shinadd user delete button and delete popup 33/43333/1
2015-07-08 Soohye Shindraw photo contents for no contents layout or gengrid 25/43325/2
2015-07-07 Soohye Shinadd photo contents layouts 51/43051/2
2015-07-03 Soohye Shinenable to create/update/delete user in data_user 43/42843/1
2015-07-02 Soohye Shinenable to switch lock button in view_user_edit 67/42767/2
2015-07-02 Soohye Shinadd photo and photo viewer edc 56/42756/1
2015-07-02 Soohye Shinchange user photo when icon is selected in icon list 53/42653/2
2015-06-30 Soohye Shinenable to clear recent app item 73/42573/3
2015-06-30 Soohye Shinload recent app data 03/42503/3
2015-06-29 Soohye Shinadd initial view_photo 32/42432/1
2015-06-29 Minkyu KangMerge "pack recent data" into tizen
2015-06-29 Soohye Shinpack recent data 17/42417/3
2015-06-29 Soohye Shinadd ctxpopup for icon item list 12/42412/2
2015-06-26 Soohye Shinadd focus and key input handler in view_user_edit 48/42348/2
2015-06-26 Soohye Shinadd user icon list and item group 45/42345/1
2015-06-25 Soohye Shindraw user edit layout 79/42279/1
2015-06-25 Soohye Shinadd elements in view_user_edit 68/42268/2
2015-06-24 Soohye Shinadd utils_add_button and utils_add_entry 85/42185/1
2015-06-24 Minkyu KangMerge "load user data" into tizen
2015-06-24 Soohye Shinload user data 22/42122/4
2015-06-24 Soohye Shindraw user list 30/42130/2
2015-06-23 Soohye Shinenable to label ellipsis 29/42129/1
2015-06-23 Soohye Shinemit the signal to hide navigations when view_home... 20/42120/1
2015-06-23 Soohye Shinadd initial view_user_edit 81/42081/1
2015-06-23 Soohye Shinmodify home item and add user item to inherit baritem... 80/42080/1
2015-06-22 Soohye Shinadd initial data_user 33/42033/1
2015-06-22 Soohye Shinadd to datamgr_select_item for deciding the action... 23/42023/3
2015-06-22 Soohye Shinbug fix - exclude layout evas_object_show from utils... 21/42021/1
2015-06-22 Soohye Shinfix build error 15/42015/1
2015-06-22 Soohye Shinmodify min size and color value according to modified GUI 14/42014/1
2015-06-19 Minkyu KangMerge "draw recent lists and delete icon" into tizen
2015-06-19 Soohye Shindraw recent lists and delete icon 98/41898/4
2015-06-19 Soohye Shinadd useredit edc 78/41978/1