2022-12-13 TaeminYeompower: Add "DEVICE" or "device" prefix to enum and API 12/285412/3
2022-12-12 Youngjae Chopower: fix condition for available starting state 88/285388/4
2022-12-08 Youngjae Chopower: introduce transient state 72/285072/3
2022-12-06 Youngjae Chopower: revamp power module 71/285071/4
2022-11-22 Youngjae Chopower: check operation is null 55/284655/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20221128.014950
2022-11-15 Yunhee Seodisplay: add getter/setter function for white balance 33/284133/7 accepted/tizen/unified/20221116.120905 accepted/tizen/unified/20221116.164421
2022-11-09 Youngjae Chodisplay: remove unused code 24/284024/1
2022-11-03 Youngjae Chobattery: add missing low battery scenario 13/283813/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20221104.082324
2022-09-20 Youngjae Chodisplay: add dummy display for iot-headless 44/281644/2 accepted/tizen_7.0_unified_hotfix tizen_7.0_hotfix accepted/tizen/7.0/unified/hotfix/20221116.105704 accepted/tizen/unified/20220921.091815 tizen_7.0_m2_release
2022-08-29 Youngjae Choinput: comment out target-specific configuration 43/280343/1
2022-08-17 Youngjae Choinput: add dbus method for testing keyinput 13/279713/1
2022-08-16 Youngjae Chopower: consider bootmode as well as bootreason 59/279159/5
2022-08-02 Youngjae Choinput: define all possible cases of longest powerkey 57/279057/2
2022-07-26 Youngjae Chobattery: redefine battery level threshold 77/278677/4
2022-07-12 Youngjae Chopower: add getter for power state 58/277658/3
2022-07-12 Youngjae Chodevice-notifier: find existing notifier only 84/277684/2
2022-07-12 Youngjae Chobattery: remove unreachable code 46/276446/8
2022-07-07 Youngjae Choinit: define state transition for bootreason=reboot 70/277470/2
2022-06-30 Youngjae ChoRemove installation of not existing file 69/277469/1
2022-06-30 Youngjae Chobattery: broadcast signal on charger connected/disconnected 47/277047/1
2022-06-24 Youngjae Chobattery: remove unnecessary probe for power-supply 69/276769/1
2022-06-24 Youngjae Choextcon: remove unused extcon count 38/276738/1
2022-06-21 Youngjae Chopower: change state only when it is explicitly specified 43/276543/5 accepted/tizen/unified/20220626.224815 submit/tizen/20220624.005127
2022-06-17 Youngjae Choapps: move to shared library 68/276468/1
2022-06-16 Youngjae Choinput: add WakeLockDurationSec to PWKEY_SHORT_EDGE 32/276432/1
2022-06-16 Youngjae Choinput: add wakelock action for level event 16/276416/1
2022-06-16 Youngjae Choinput: rename Name= of EventAction 12/276412/1
2022-06-16 Youngjae Choinput: rearrange EventAction in chronological order 09/276409/1
2022-06-16 Youngjae Choinput: add broadcasting action for level event 07/276407/1
2022-06-15 Youngjae ChoReconfigure input for iot-headless 47/276347/2
2022-06-15 Youngjae Choevent: add event functions to shared library 25/276225/11
2022-06-15 Youngjae ChoChange format of EventAction properties 17/276217/9
2022-06-14 Youngjae Chopower: reinforce log at PowerChangeState method 77/276277/2
2022-06-08 Youngjae Chobattery: disable module if battery.present is 0 64/275064/4
2022-06-07 Youngjae Chobattery: remove unused variable, charger_charging 36/275936/2
2022-06-07 Youngjae Cholog: add critical-log type of error 34/275934/3
2022-06-07 Youngjae Chobattery: rename charging_level to capacity_level 31/275931/1
2022-06-07 Youngjae Chobattery: remove unused frequency strength 85/274585/4
2022-06-02 Youngjae Chousb-gadget: make variable null after free 15/275815/2
2022-06-02 Youngjae Chopower: change PowerChangeState reason to 0 06/275806/1
2022-05-31 Youngjae Chopower: add dbus method for controlling power state 37/275737/3 accepted/tizen/unified/20220601.141558 submit/tizen/20220531.085748
2022-05-30 Youngjae Chopower: unify power state transition routine 17/275117/19
2022-05-26 Youngjae ChoFix dbus policy typo 32/275532/1
2022-05-16 Youngjae Chopower: refactor poweroff sequence 69/274969/8 accepted/tizen/unified/20220526.144053 submit/tizen/20220525.001052
2022-05-16 Youngjae Choinput: support bluetooth key input for iot-headless 79/274879/2
2022-05-13 Youngjae Chodevice-notifier: prevent index out of bound 66/274966/2
2022-05-12 Youngjae Chopower: elevate iot-headless power plugin to core 09/274909/9
2022-05-11 Youngjae Chopower: refactor power operations 53/273253/5
2022-05-09 Youngjae Chousb-gadget: fix usb-gadget configuration parsing 59/274759/1
2022-05-04 SangYoun KwakAdd new command to set/get partition status 07/274607/2
2022-05-03 SangYoun KwakAdd new command to get current partition and modify... 44/274544/2
2022-05-02 Youngjae Chousb-gadget: add dummy operations for emulator 56/274556/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220505.134703 submit/tizen/20220502.091413 submit/tizen/20220503.013451
2022-05-02 Youngjae Chousb-gadget: introduce configurable function set 39/273839/15
2022-04-20 Youngjae Chousb-gadget: reinforce error log in opening a gadget 99/273999/3
2022-04-19 Hyotaek ShimAdd missing dependency to security-config 63/273963/1
2022-04-19 Hyotaek ShimFix DAC permission for board commands not to use SETUID 62/273962/1
2022-04-14 Youngjae ChoRename usb modules 93/273793/5
2022-04-14 Youngjae Chousb-gadget: relocate declarations of enum 97/273797/1
2022-04-14 Hyotaek ShimRevert "usb: move vconf enum to deviced" 94/273794/2
2022-04-13 Hyotaek ShimModify DAC permission (setuid) for board commands 72/273772/1
2022-04-13 Youngjae Chousb: move vconf enum to deviced 51/273751/1
2022-04-13 Hyotaek ShimChange permission (system_fw:system_fw) for board comma... 48/273748/1
2022-04-13 Youngjae Chousb: move usb-gadget from device-common to deviced 88/273488/10
2022-04-08 SangYoun KwakFix implicit declaration warning 97/273597/1
2022-04-07 SangYoun KwakModify the return value and the output of deviced-tools 39/273539/1
2022-04-06 Youngjae Chousb: prevent not null-terminated string 42/273442/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220406.080508 submit/tizen/20220406.010450
2022-04-04 Youngjae Chopower: separate power configuration for each profile 48/273248/3 submit/tizen/20220405.053020
2022-04-04 SangYoun KwakFix to initialize the char pointer to NULL 50/273250/2
2022-04-04 Youngjae Chohdmi: remove display control 30/273030/2
2022-03-31 SangYoun KwakFix include and parameter 48/273148/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220404.013016 submit/tizen/20220331.075432 submit/tizen_6.5/20220401.011045
2022-03-31 SangYoun KwakAdd new commands for upgrade status and change params... 75/273075/5
2022-03-30 Hyotaek ShimFix DAC performance for device_board tools 48/273048/1
2022-03-24 Youngjae Chopower: add configuration for poweroff delay time 65/272765/7
2022-03-24 Youngjae Chopower: change configuration section of TimeoutSleepSupport 72/272772/1
2022-03-23 SangYoun KwakAdd new command to manipulate the "cloned" flag 55/272355/6
2022-03-18 Youngjae Chousb-gadget: introduce configurable usb-gadget 12/272412/6
2022-03-14 Youngjae ChoSupport silent boot via cmdline bootmode 82/272282/2 accepted/tizen/unified/20220318.132958 submit/tizen/20220317.053005
2022-03-14 Youngjae Chobattery: fix name of battery charging state 67/272267/1
2022-03-08 Youngjae Chobattery: suppress config parse error 75/272075/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220310.120904 submit/tizen/20220308.032646
2022-03-07 Youngjae ChoFix section name to follow the coding ground rule 34/272034/1
2022-02-14 Youngjae Choauto-test: add uevent control before/after the battery... 98/270998/2 submit/tizen/20220222.024249
2022-02-07 Youngjae Chopower: clarify meaning of power-state-wait log 25/270625/1 submit/tizen/20220208.052553 submit/tizen/20220208.075544
2022-02-03 Youngjae Choauto-test: check feature using system-info library 79/270479/1
2022-02-03 Youngjae Chobattery: rename as charger_connected 36/270236/7
2022-01-18 Youngjae Chopower: defer state transition until booting done 73/269573/1
2022-01-18 Youngjae Chobattery: fix condition of update_online() 71/269571/1
2022-01-17 Youngjae ChoFix conf filename format to {module}-profile-{profile... 27/269327/4
2022-01-17 SangYoun KwakAdd license declaration in source files 88/269488/3
2022-01-14 Youngjae Choinput: add ConditionVconf property for conditional... 56/269256/3
2022-01-14 Youngjae Chopower: make change state wait timeout configurable 63/269263/4
2022-01-10 Youngjae Chopower: add initial power state transition on deviced... 75/269075/4 accepted/tizen/unified/20220117.135018 submit/tizen/20220112.015321 submit/tizen/20220113.004629
2022-01-07 Youngjae Chobattery: introduce battery-plugin for iot-headless 23/268823/8
2022-01-06 Youngjae Chopower: introduce eventlock for iot-headless 56/268956/8
2022-01-06 Youngjae Chotests: add explicit typecast on expect_check() 96/268996/1
2022-01-05 Youngjae Chodevice-notifier: add priority to device-notifier 70/268970/5
2022-01-05 Youngjae Chodevice-notifier: add callback that can receive user_data 95/268895/5
2022-01-03 Youngjae Choinput: change input.conf format and parser 30/268530/2
2021-12-21 Youngjae Chotool: add board opeartions 05/268305/5
2021-12-16 Youngjae ChoFix format specifier of type uint64_t 02/268102/1
2021-12-15 Youngjae Chopower: apply wait callback mechanism to all state trans... 99/267999/7