2018-02-04 Derek MurrayAvoid retaining two copies of each constant in `Constan...
2018-02-04 Blake Hechtman[XLA] Assign mandatory constraints in a DFS order and...
2018-02-03 RJ Ryan[tf-signal] Fix exception when input shape is unknown...
2018-02-03 A. Unique TensorFlower[XLA] Add tests for Clamp with scalars S32 and U32.
2018-02-03 Yu-Cheng LingFix breakage: Can't build TFLite with Bazel for Mac...
2018-02-03 A. Unique TensorFlowerA more efficient implementation of the Op using batch...
2018-02-03 Mingsheng HongExtended TFE_OpSetDevice() with the ability to set...
2018-02-03 Justin Lebar[XLA] Minor cleanups related to multi-output fusion.
2018-02-03 A. Unique TensorFlowerPropagate outfeed sharding, if specified from TensorFlow.
2018-02-03 Anna RAutomated g4 rollback of changelist 184347012
2018-02-03 Derek Murray[] Add public header "tensorflow/core/framework...
2018-02-03 Derek MurrayCheck that the type of an implicitly dereferenced tenso...
2018-02-03 Jonathan HseuUpdate global_step by default if the user specifies...
2018-02-03 A. Unique TensorFlowerTpu cluster resolver only returns TF server addresses...
2018-02-03 Alexandre PassosReplacing _container_prefix with _graph_key to preserve...
2018-02-03 Alexandre PassosTF_CALL_ALL_TYPES should include variant
2018-02-02 Alexandre PassosRollback of recent changes to tensor.{h,cc}
2018-02-02 Jianwei XieAdds batch inference support on TPU with TPUEstimator...
2018-02-02 Eugene Brevdo[TF RNN] Small optimization to rnn: only calculate...
2018-02-02 Tatiana ShpeismanChanged minimal required version of bleach Python packa...
2018-02-02 Mingsheng HongA few misc tweaks to TFE APIs.
2018-02-02 Yu-Cheng LingTFLite: Conv CBLAS kernel
2018-02-02 Derek Murray[] Move framework/dataset.h to framework/dataset...
2018-02-02 Joshua V. DillonSupport `float16` `dtype` in `tf.linalg.*`.
2018-02-02 Joshua V. DillonBreaking change: Revise HMC interface to accept a list...
2018-02-02 Yuefeng ZhouSkip the node that has unexpected number of outputs.
2018-02-02 Sanjoy Das[TF:XLA] Bump open source llvm revision to r324073
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerUpdate ops-related pbtxt files.
2018-02-02 Peter Hawkins[TF:XLA] Improve/refactor the handling of resource...
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerAllow ResizeBilinear to resize the output tensor in...
2018-02-02 Alexandre PassosRegister resource_scatter_update for string types.
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd shape inference for outside_compilation graph rewri...
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerRegister GPU host kernels for Identity and RefIdentity.
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerAutomated g4 rollback of changelist 184273245
2018-02-02 Anna RRemove hidden_ops.txt file. Instead, switch to use...
2018-02-02 Jacques PienaarConsider beyond immediate neighbors to find exit node.
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerShow that we must over reallocate after resizing dynami...
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerFix latent bug in dependency optimizer.
2018-02-02 Yao ZhangDisable graph optimizations (CSE) in test so that const...
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlower[comment-only change]: Fix grammar error.
2018-02-02 Derek MurrayFix a bug in function inlining when the argument is...
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerEnabling partitioned variables to work with TPU.
2018-02-02 Gunhan GulsoyFix some tf-lite tests
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerFix tolerance too tight for Wasserstein distance test.
2018-02-02 Gunhan GulsoyFix some tf-lite tests
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerFix tolerance too tight for Wasserstein distance test.
2018-02-02 Justin LebarInternal change
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerAutomated g4 rollback of changelist 183874527
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerSupporting new saving op structure.
2018-02-02 Yu-Cheng LingAdd darwin_x86_64 config in TF Lite BUILD file.
2018-02-02 Benoit SteinerFixed the description of the fake GPU device to avoid...
2018-02-02 Brennan SaetaFix tests
2018-02-02 Benoit SteinerSkip unknown devices since we can't optimize for them
2018-02-02 Andrew SelleAllow reordering of execution order of nodes with indir...
2018-02-02 Jacques PienaarAutomated g4 rollback of changelist 184188816
2018-02-02 Brennan SaetaGCS Throttle: 1 token == 1 Kb
2018-02-02 Raghuraman... Add functionality to fold batch norm (supporting both...
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd iterate_batches arg to Estimator.predict
2018-02-02 Skye Wanderman... Make work with C API enabled.
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlower[XLA] add DotGeneral to the local Python XLA client.
2018-02-02 Nick FeltRevert TensorBoard entry point back to run_main
2018-02-02 Anna R Internal change.
2018-02-02 Igor SaprykinThrow an exception when the user's batch size isn't...
2018-02-02 Benoit SteinerReturn an error instead of assertion when processing...
2018-02-02 Jacques Pienaar[TFXLA] Use data flow to determine switch grouping.
2018-02-02 Noah FiedelAdding documentation on how to load & serve a model...
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerFixes a type conversion bug in losses.compute_weighted_...
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerFix segfault when Softmax is first in graph
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerVerify tensor contents of tflite model
2018-02-02 Benoit SteinerMade the addn optimization aware of the graph topology
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd a utility module that contains helper functions...
2018-02-02 Anna RInternal change.
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerUpdate deprecated API use
2018-02-02 Derek Murray[] Fix bug where captured resources in shared...
2018-02-02 Benoit SteinerAdded a utility to traverse the graph in reverse DFS...
2018-02-02 Anna RAutomated g4 rollback of changelist 184153187
2018-02-02 Anna RInternal change.
2018-02-02 Mark DaoustAdd function paths to their signatures.
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerFix nest bug with different dictionary key orderings.
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerAdd shape inference for outside_compilation graph rewri...
2018-02-02 A. Unique TensorFlowerUpdate ops-related pbtxt files.
2018-02-02 Peter Hawkins[TF:XLA] Implement MatrixSetDiag and MatrixBandPart.
2018-02-02 Sanjoy Das[TF:XLA] Fix tfcompile OSS build
2018-02-02 Yu-Cheng LingInternal change
2018-02-01 A. Unique TensorFlowerGo: Update generated wrapper functions for TensorFlow...
2018-02-01 A. Unique TensorFlowerUpdate ops-related pbtxt files.
2018-02-01 Eugene BrevdoAdd a new Dataset: PrependFromQueueAndPaddedBatchDataset.
2018-02-01 Yu-Cheng LingTest all TFLite kernel implementations (reference/optim...
2018-02-01 Akshay AgrawalTFE: Support `IndexedSlices` as inputs and outputs...
2018-02-01 Mark DaoustAdd a doc explaining how to convert an `Estimator`...
2018-02-01 Roy Frostig[XLA] Support array layout specification in local Pytho...
2018-02-01 Derek MurrayAdd type check when assigning to a resource variable...
2018-02-01 Asim Shankareager: Fix dropout in MNIST example.
2018-02-01 Tatiana ShpeismanMKL is no longer enabled via ./configure. Fixed documen...
2018-02-01 Tatiana ShpeismanChange recommended option for building TensorFlow with...
2018-02-01 A. Unique TensorFlowerUpdate external protobuf codebase version for Windows...
2018-02-01 Gunhan GulsoyEnable AVX in all TF windows builds.
2018-02-01 Shanqing CaiAdd grpcio as a pip dependency of tensorflow
2018-02-01 Shivani AgrawalFixes minor typos.
2018-02-01 Nick Desaulniers[XLA] Initialize linear indices used by NearComparator.