2015-03-05 Nico VertriestDoc: Changed title GridView example
2015-03-05 Gabriel de... Work around QPersistentModelIndex being a built-in...
2015-03-05 Friedemann... Fix invocations of static methods of QGuiApplication...
2015-03-03 Michael BrasserUse of fullsize distance field textures should be font...
2015-03-03 Erik VerbruggenV4: fix regalloc for loops with many life&changing...
2015-03-03 Erik VerbruggenV4: fix phi node use position calculation.
2015-03-02 Eskil Abrahamsen... Avoid assert in rich text when img width is invalid
2015-03-02 Caroline Chaotestlib: Introduce MouseDoubleClickSequence() method
2015-02-27 Shawn RutledgeQQuickWindow: rename deliverGestureEvent to deliverNati...
2015-02-27 Shawn RutledgeQQuickWindow: move deliverGestureEvent outside QT_NO_WH...
2015-02-26 Friedemann... QtQuick: Micro-optimize iterator loops.
2015-02-26 Friedemann... QtQml: Micro-optimize iterator loops.
2015-02-25 Michael BrasserOptimize distance field construction.
2015-02-25 Ulf HermannInclude <limits> in qqmlprofilerservice_p.h
2015-02-25 Michael BrasserAllow glyph cache textures to be created at full size.
2015-02-24 Frederik GladhornMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.4' into 5.5
2015-02-24 Aaron McCarthyHandle TouchCancel events in QQuickPinchArea
2015-02-23 Friedemann... Fix deprecation warnings about constructing QString...
2015-02-23 Friedemann... Fix MSVC 64 bit warnings about loss of data when conver...
2015-02-23 Friedemann... Fix some qdoc-warnings.
2015-02-20 Eskil Abrahamsen... Account for leading when drawing text decoration
2015-02-19 Jani Heikkinenremove unnecessary LICENSE.GPLv2
2015-02-19 Allan Sandfeld... Cleanup math function includes and usage
2015-02-18 Sean HarmerAdd Qt.hsva() function
2015-02-18 Holger Hans... NamedNodeMap: Remove logically dead code
2015-02-17 Sérgio Martinsdocs: Add a link to Drag and DropArea in MouseArea...
2015-02-17 Jani HeikkinenFixed license headers
2015-02-17 Sergio AhumadaUpdate url location for missing Qt logo
2015-02-16 Shawn RutledgeFlickable: use wheel event pixel deltas when available
2015-02-16 Joerg BornemannDoc: fix example
2015-02-13 Morten Johan... High-dpi SVG and QQuickImageProvider Images
2015-02-13 Shawn RutledgePinchArea: handle smart zoom gesture
2015-02-13 Sérgio MartinsFix 590 inconsistent override warnings [-Winconsistent...
2015-02-12 Aaron McCarthyFix width/height property assignment during animations.
2015-02-12 Shawn RutledgeDoc: Bump QtQuick import version to 2.5
2015-02-12 Liang QiUse TabFocusBehavior in QStyleHints in QtQuick
2015-02-12 Robin BurchellQQuickText: Move baseUrl to ExtraData.
2015-02-12 Robin BurchellQQuickText: Decrease the size of QQuickTextPrivate...
2015-02-12 Robin BurchellQQuickParticleData: Reorganise fields to drop size...
2015-02-12 Gabriel de... QML Models: Register ItemSelectionModel
2015-02-12 Gabriel de... QuickTestResult: Try a bit harder when stringifying...
2015-02-12 Gabriel de... Add Q_GADGET wrappers for QModelIndex & Co.
2015-02-12 Jani HeikkinenUpdate copyright headers
2015-02-12 hjkAdd offset test for QV4::Heap::String::text
2015-02-12 Shawn RutledgePhotosurface example: flickable surface
2015-02-11 Troels NilssonFix QML Timer running not being updated together with...
2015-02-11 Laszlo AgocsRemove unnecessary calls to initializeOpenGLFunctions
2015-02-11 Laszlo AgocsImplement dnd support in QQuickWidget differently
2015-02-11 Sergio Ahumadabic: Add/Replace 5.{0,1,2,3,4}.0 bic data for linux...
2015-02-11 Pasi KeranenExposed TypedArray private APIs for Canvas3D use.
2015-02-10 Frederik GladhornMerge "Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.4.1'...
2015-02-10 Allan Sandfeld... Update C++11 warning logic from QtWebKit
2015-02-10 Frederik GladhornMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.4.1' into 5.4
2015-02-06 Daiwei LiFix crash when invalidating qqmltypeloader
2015-02-06 Sergio AhumadaReplace with
2015-02-06 Liang QiDoc: fix a file name of an image
2015-02-06 Albert Astals CidFix regression where QQuickScreenAttached overwrites...
2015-02-06 Gunnar SlettaFix crash when QQuickWindow::updatePolish() deletes...
2015-02-05 Andy ShawRespect the text's background-color when it is set...
2015-02-04 Robin Burchelltst_qquickview: Prepare test to handle multiple pieces...
2015-02-04 Alan AlpertQQuickItemParticle: Only delete owned particles
2015-02-04 hjkInitial shot at native Qml-and-C++ debugging
2015-02-04 Berthold KrevertUse correct QOpenGLFunctions object
2015-02-04 Berthold KrevertMove VAO binding to Renderer::render()
2015-02-04 Simon HausmannAdd list of changes for 5.4.1 relative to 5.4.0 v5.4.1
2015-02-04 Gabriel de... QQmlEngineDebugService: Avoid assert when debugging...
2015-02-04 Nico VertriestDoc: link issues qtdeclarative
2015-02-04 Gabriel de... Re-enable ListView auto-test
2015-02-03 J-P NurmiTextInput: update the baseline offset when vertical...
2015-02-03 Gabriel de... Remove meta-type declaration for QPersistentModelIndex
2015-02-03 Michael BrasserFix Text wrapping when growing from 0 width.
2015-02-03 Kai KoehneFix autotest not to rely on broken operator<<(QDebug...
2015-02-03 Laszlo AgocsHandle context lost in the Windows render loop
2015-02-03 Gunnar SlettaIntroduce QSG_TRANSIENT_IMAGES.
2015-02-03 Gunnar SlettaRelease atlas texture's image instance once uploaded
2015-02-03 Daiwei Liqquicktest: Wait for the view to finish loading
2015-02-02 Daniel VrátilFix possible crash when removing items from QQmlDelegat...
2015-02-02 Liang QiDoc: Fixed a broken link about sprite sheet script
2015-02-02 Joni PoikelinFix vertical positioning of the first image in Text
2015-02-02 J-P NurmiDoc: add missing "winrt" & "winphone" to Qt.platform.os
2015-02-02 J-P NurmiDoc: fix Qt.platform.os since -tag
2015-02-02 Tor Arne VestbøKeep PersistentValueStorage page size in sync with...
2015-01-29 hjkAdd some tools specific consistency tests
2015-01-29 Friedemann... Verify context creation in Quick tests.
2015-01-29 Giuseppe D... QQuickTextItem: fix crash on polishing
2015-01-28 Shawn RutledgeMouseArea: add scrollGestureEnabled property
2015-01-28 Alex RichardsonDon't crash on FreeBSD when computing stack limits
2015-01-28 Mitch CurtisEnsure that Canvas has the correct size with complex...
2015-01-28 Pierre RossiDoc fix: QHistoryState is registered in QML as HistoryState
2015-01-26 Alan AlpertFix ItemParticle Example
2015-01-26 Mitch CurtisCanvas: don't crash when getContext("2d") is called...
2015-01-26 Laszlo AgocsAvoid sRGB usage when targeting an incapable FBO
2015-01-26 Lars KnollProperly mark all arguments in the call context
2015-01-26 Gunnar SlettaAvoid crashes when resetting the same material or geometry.
2015-01-26 Pasi PetäjäjärviV4: include alloca private header as alloca is used...
2015-01-26 Pasi PetäjäjärviUse sysconf function for getting memory page size
2015-01-25 Shawn RutledgePinchArea: handle native gestures when available
2015-01-24 J-P NurmiLet ApplicationWindow inherit QQuickWindowQmlImpl
2015-01-23 Lars KnollProperly mark all members in QObjectMethod
2015-01-23 Eike ZillerImage: Fix that HiDPI image was not found with QRC...