2019-05-02 Stephen ToubEnable HTTP/2 in SocketsHttpHandler via HttpRequestMess...
2019-05-02 Dan MoseleyTypos etc (dotnet/corefx#37349)
2019-05-02 Stephen ToubDisable GetAsync_UnicodeHostName_SuccessStatusCodeInRes...
2019-05-02 Andrew HoeflingAdded Range Manipulation APIs to Collection<T> and...
2019-05-02 Stephen ToubMake ProcessTests.HandleCountChanges more reliable...
2019-05-02 Ahson KhanAdd JsonEncodedText with Utf8JsonWriter overloads that...
2019-05-02 Charles StonerRun Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core.Tests sequentially ...
2019-05-01 Viktor HoferUpdate
2019-05-01 Santiago Fernandez... Fix condition for send to helix step in public builds...
2019-05-01 David ShulmanImplement HttpClient.DefaultProxy property (dotnet...
2019-05-01 Viktor HoferPublish test artifacts to AzDO (dotnet/corefx#37296)
2019-05-01 Santiago Fernandez... Remove instances of myget in the docs and update to...
2019-05-01 Stephen ToubDisable AutomaticOrManual_DoesntFailRegardlessOfWhether...
2019-05-01 Stephen ToubAllow Http2Connection header-related processing buffers...
2019-05-01 Jeremy BartonFix NullReferenceException when a trusted cert chain...
2019-05-01 dotnet-maestro-botUpdate ProjectNTfs, ProjectNTfsTestILC to beta-27701...
2019-05-01 Santiago Fernandez... Send to helix only when previous steps succeeded (dotne...
2019-05-01 Stephen ToubFix two more System.Net async instead of sync calls...
2019-05-01 Stephen ToubAdd ManualResetValueTaskSourceCore / AsyncIterateMethod...
2019-05-01 duduUse Dns.GetHostAddresses in Socket.Connect (dotnet...
2019-05-01 Santiago Fernandez... Run tests only on public builds and scheduled or manual...
2019-05-01 David ShulmanInternal Http SystemProxyInfo object should never be...
2019-05-01 Tomas Weinfurtupdate tests using "localhost" to be more liberal on...
2019-05-01 Jose Perez... Adding Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces for .NET Standard...
2019-05-01 Tomas Weinfurthandle EPROTOTYPE on OSX (dotnet/corefx#37208)
2019-05-01 Stephen ToubFix order of "static public" in test file
2019-05-01 Tomas Weinfurtdisable ParallelQueryCombinationTests on ARM systems...
2019-05-01 Levi BroderickAdd more UTF-16 validation tests (dotnet/corefx#37252)
2019-05-01 Tanner GoodingRemoving the System.Numerics.Vectors pkgproj (dotnet...
2019-05-01 Levi BroderickAdditional unit test cases for UTF-8 validation (dotnet...
2019-04-30 Steve MacLeanEnable test for dotnet/coreclrdotnet/corefx#24191 ...
2019-04-30 Ahson KhanAdd TokenStartIndex property to Utf8JsonReader and...
2019-04-30 dotnet-maestro... [master] Update dependencies from dotnet/coreclr (dotne...
2019-04-30 Santiago Fernandez... Move to new BYOC pools (dotnet/corefx#37303)
2019-04-30 Matt GalbraithMerge pull request dotnet/corefx#37307 from dotnet...
2019-04-30 Matt GalbraithUpdate Docker image for Ubuntu 19.04
2019-04-30 Jeremy BartonFix bad usage of ArrayPool in TdsParserStateObject...
2019-04-30 Stephen ToubHarden several SocketsHttpHandler streams against unexp...
2019-04-30 Stephen ToubAdd a test for Stopwatch.Elapsed to ensure it's within...
2019-04-30 Steve MacLeanRemove dotnet/sdkdotnet/corefx#3185 (dotnet/corefx...
2019-04-30 Matt GalbraithMerge pull request dotnet/corefx#37287 from dotnet...
2019-04-30 Steve MacLeanALC SatelliteAssemblies tests (dotnet/corefx#37248)
2019-04-30 Matt GalbraithAdd Ubuntu 19.04 to official runs
2019-04-29 Stephen ToubDisable failing Process name test (dotnet/corefx#37283)
2019-04-29 Anirudh AgnihotryMaking BaseNumberConverter Internal (dotnet/corefx...
2019-04-29 Stephen ToubPlumb cancellation through SslStream.AuthenticateAsXxAs...
2019-04-29 Charles StonerPort Microsoft.VisualBasic.MyServices.FileSystemProxy...
2019-04-29 David ShulmanCleanup some WebSocket tests (dotnet/corefx#37271)
2019-04-29 Stephen ToubClean up HTTP/2 protocol exception handling (dotnet...
2019-04-29 Stephen ToubImprove a ClientWebSocket connection failure error...
2019-04-29 Tomas Weinfurtfix noencryption tests on platforms with tls1.3 (dotnet...
2019-04-29 Michal StrehovskýRemove `Partial` from `EnablePartialNgenOptimization...
2019-04-29 Ben AdamsDon't allocate two strings in Activity.GenerateRootId...
2019-04-28 David ShulmanAdd proxy environment variables support for Windows...
2019-04-27 Stephen ToubGive SocketsHttpHandler more descriptive error messages...
2019-04-27 Stephen ToubDisable sporadically failing HttpClientHandler test...
2019-04-27 Stephen ToubTweak a comment in HttpHandlerDefaults.cs
2019-04-27 Jeremy BartonEnsure that invalid AIA, CDP, and OCSP extensions don...
2019-04-27 Jeremy BartonAdd Ubuntu 19.04 RID (dotnet/corefx#37233)
2019-04-27 Tanner GoodingFixing the logic in SystemNative_GetTimestampResolution...
2019-04-26 Jose Perez... Adding System.Text.Json OOB package (dotnet/corefx...
2019-04-26 BrennanConroyDon't copy state unnecessarily (dotnet/corefx#37206)
2019-04-26 madmirImprove Utf8JsonWriter code coverage (dotnet/corefx...
2019-04-26 Jim DemisFixes relative path at configSource on linux (dotnet...
2019-04-26 Charles StonerPort Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileSystem (dotnet/corefx...
2019-04-26 Steve MacLeanReenable tests (dotnet/corefx#37081)
2019-04-26 Steve HarterAdd serializer support for IDictionary non-primitive...
2019-04-26 Tomas Weinfurtdeal with empty response headers for HTTP2 (dotnet...
2019-04-26 Tomas Weinfurtupdate GatewayAddresses() to return IPv6 address on...
2019-04-26 Tomas Weinfurtdeal with dualmode sockets (dotnet/corefx#37194)
2019-04-26 Layomi AkinrinadeFix DateTime(Offset) formatting bugs in Utf8JsonWriter...
2019-04-26 David ShulmanAllow uppercase HTTP_PROXY and NO_PROXY variables ...
2019-04-26 Eric StJohnAdd System.Resources.Extensions (dotnet/corefx#36906)
2019-04-25 Eric StJohnPick up last build runtime.native.System.IO.Ports durin...
2019-04-25 Anirudh Agnihotryimproving error message for non-windows platform (dotne...
2019-04-25 David ShulmanFix SocketsHttpHandler system proxy usage logic (dotnet...
2019-04-25 Afsaneh RafighiMerge pull request dotnet/corefx#36678 from Wraith2...
2019-04-25 Jim DemisFixes compression method override of zero-length files...
2019-04-25 Tom DeseynLinux: determine ProcessName using /proc cmdline to...
2019-04-25 Viktor HoferEnable CoreLib coverage (dotnet/corefx#37172)
2019-04-25 Eric StJohnUse Coreclr transport packages (dotnet/corefx#37163)
2019-04-25 Devendar Reddy... Embedded resources may not have extension in the name...
2019-04-25 Jan KotasUnify WIN32_FIND_DATA (dotnet/corefx#37158)
2019-04-24 Steve HarterFix JSON deserializer property name escaping and addres...
2019-04-24 Zachary DanzFix link to Preview SDKs (dotnet/corefx#37150)
2019-04-24 dotnet-maestro... [master] Update dependencies from dotnet/coreclr (dotne...
2019-04-24 Jan KotasFix CPINFOEXW definition (dotnet/corefx#37131)
2019-04-24 StefanAdd missing 'if' in summary comment (dotnet/corefx...
2019-04-24 Tomas Weinfurtfix ReadAtLeastAsync (dotnet/corefx#37130)
2019-04-24 Karel ZikmundUpdate System.IO* areas ownership
2019-04-24 Viktor HoferFix test asset publishing when retrying (dotnet/corefx...
2019-04-24 Charles StonerPort remaining members of Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings...
2019-04-23 Ludovic HenryMake GC.GetGCMemoryInfo public (dotnet/corefx#37092)
2019-04-23 JimFixes an issue with some characters not recognized...
2019-04-23 Carlos Sanchez... Directory.Move behaves differently on Unix vs. Windows...
2019-04-23 Tanner GoodingRegenerating reference sources in order to reorder...
2019-04-23 Jose Perez... Adding a few serialization attributes back to the refer...
2019-04-23 William GodbeMerge pull request dotnet/corefx#37059 from dotnet...
2019-04-23 Wraith2special case bytes in udt parameter write
2019-04-23 wtgodbeUpdate APICompat baseline