2022-11-18 Joonbum Kowl_egl: Apply pause and wait_idle at buffer clear 13/284513/1
2022-11-18 Joonbum Koutils_gthread: Add new functions to pause/continue... 12/284512/1
2022-11-11 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.9.11 56/284156/3 accepted/tizen/unified/20221118.164206
2022-11-11 Joonbum Kowl_egl: Print additional INFO logs at buffer_clear 55/284155/3
2022-11-10 Joonbum Kowl_egl: Set timeout for buffer_clear to 500ms 53/284153/1
2022-10-28 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.9.10 03/283503/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20221102.085201
2022-10-28 Joonbum Kowl_egl: Add defense code for fake signal in buffer_clear 02/283502/1
2022-10-28 Joonbum Kowl_vk: Add missed flag setting when surface_init 01/283501/1
2022-10-19 jinbong, LeeRemove unused int64, int32 hash key for fixing Svace... 67/283167/1
2022-10-05 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.9.9 15/282515/1 accepted/tizen_7.0_unified_hotfix tizen_7.0_hotfix accepted/tizen/7.0/unified/20221110.062136 accepted/tizen/7.0/unified/hotfix/20221116.110149 accepted/tizen/unified/20221006.151841 tizen_7.0_m2_release
2022-10-05 Joonbum KoAdd null checking before calling tpl_gsource_destroy. 14/282514/1
2022-10-05 Joonbum KoRemove unncessary header 13/282513/1
2022-09-30 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.9.8 61/282361/1
2022-09-30 Joonbum KoModified to call tpl_gsource_destroy only once. 60/282360/1
2022-09-30 Joonbum KoChanged the order of lock/unlock at buffer_clear. 59/282359/1
2022-09-29 Joonbum KoDelete wrong g_main_context_unref 04/282304/1
2022-09-29 Joonbum KoChanged the function name properly. 03/282303/1
2022-09-29 Joonbum KoModified the codes related to call tpl_gcond_wait. 02/282302/1
2022-09-28 Joonbum KoDelete g_cond_wait from tpl_gsource_destroy. 01/282301/1
2022-08-10 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.9.7 87/276087/3 accepted/tizen/unified/20220824.135624 submit/tizen/20220818.082356 submit/tizen/20220819.072630
2022-08-10 Joonbum KoFixed to prevent page fault via invalid address. 86/276086/3
2022-08-10 Joonbum KoAdded internal function to check buffer is validate 85/276085/3
2022-07-18 JinbongFix pointer to int cast warning 48/278248/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220722.031005 submit/tizen/20220718.063229 submit/tizen/20220721.050405
2022-07-18 JinbongRevert "Remove compile warning about casting to pointer...
2022-07-18 JinbongRemove compile warning about casting to pointer from... submit/tizen/20220718.053106
2022-06-08 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.9.6 09/276009/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220610.134831 submit/tizen/20220607.045230 submit/tizen/20220609.070600 submit/tizen/20220609.091423 submit/tizen/20220613.104856 submit/tizen/20220715.101112 submit/tizen/20220715.101409 submit/tizen/20220715.102057 submit/tizen/20220715.104026
2022-06-08 Joonbum KoFix to follow 64bit build guideline 08/276008/1
2022-04-19 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.9.5 69/273969/1 submit/tizen/20220420.061219 submit/tizen/20220607.074731
2022-04-15 Xuelian BaiFix issue when reset 39/273639/2
2022-04-05 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.9.4 56/273356/2
2022-04-05 Joonbum Kofix 64bits build-errors 55/273355/2
2022-04-05 Joonbum KoAdd missed initializing to trace tpl_surface. 54/273354/1
2022-02-22 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.9.3 17/271517/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220224.125740 submit/tizen/20220223.080743
2022-02-22 Joonbum KoFix space trim issue at 16/271516/1
2022-02-15 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.9.2 69/271069/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20220217.153425 submit/tizen/20220215.070726
2022-02-15 Joonbum KoMake clear about use_explicit_sync feature flag. 66/271066/3
2022-01-26 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.9.1 76/270176/1 submit/tizen/20220126.091620 submit/tizen/20220215.005041
2022-01-26 Joonbum KoInitialize last_enq_buffer to null when it committed. 75/270175/1
2022-01-26 Joonbum KoPrevents the incorrect signal on gcond of wl_egl_buffer. 74/270174/1
2022-01-18 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.23 62/269562/1 submit/tizen/20220118.102333
2022-01-18 Joonbum KoChange the handle of last_enq_buffer to tbm_surface_h 61/269561/1
2022-01-14 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.22 97/269197/2
2022-01-14 Joonbum KoFixed to use last_enq_buffer instead of last_deq_buffer. 21/269421/1
2022-01-14 Joonbum KoMove unref to outside from buffer mutex. 20/269420/1
2022-01-14 Joonbum KoCall dispatch cb for disposable source when IO error... 96/269196/2
2022-01-05 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.21 61/268961/1
2022-01-05 Joonbum KoRemove finalizer source to before cond_signal 60/268960/1
2021-12-30 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.20 19/268719/1
2021-12-30 Joonbum KoClear all cached buffer when queue_force_flush 18/268718/1
2021-12-30 Joonbum KoAdd mutex protection when gsource_destroy 17/268717/1
2021-12-30 Joonbum KoAdd log to check when the transform changed 16/268716/1
2021-12-24 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.19 08/268508/1 submit/tizen/20211227.044152
2021-12-24 Joonbum KoInitialize last_deq_buffer to NULL when it free. 07/268507/1
2021-12-23 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.18 36/268436/1
2021-12-23 Joonbum KoAdded mutex for protecting vblank resources. 35/268435/1
2021-12-23 Joonbum KoChanged to do roundtrip_queue before display_fini. 34/268434/1
2021-12-23 Joonbum KoRemove wl_egl_buffer from vblank list when it freed. 33/268433/1
2021-12-23 Joonbum KoModified the new buffer allocation in the RESET situation 32/268432/1
2021-12-14 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.17 74/267974/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20211217.122040 submit/tizen/20211214.052148
2021-12-14 Changyeon LeeSend transform of window and buffer since wl_surface... 73/267973/1
2021-12-14 Changyeon LeeSend transform of window and buffer to server after... 72/267972/1
2021-12-14 Joonbum KoInitialize wl_egl_buffer->waiting_source in mutex prote... 71/267971/1
2021-11-17 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.16 73/266673/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20211126.111807 submit/tizen/20211124.073616
2021-11-17 Joonbum KoFlush vblank waiting buffers when tdm error occured. 72/266672/1
2021-10-21 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.15 36/265536/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20211029.132555 submit/tizen/20211028.011250
2021-10-21 Joonbum KoChange the timeout limit to 200ms. 35/265535/1
2021-10-21 Joonbum KoModified to create wl_buffer only just before surface... 34/265534/1
2021-10-05 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.14 10/264910/1
2021-09-28 Joonbum Kowayland_egl_tizen: Move tizen_private_create() to each... 92/264692/1
2021-09-28 Joonbum Kowayland-egl-tizen: Modified to do not create tizen_private. 91/264691/1
2021-09-06 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.13 23/263523/1 accepted/tizen/6.5/unified/20211028.121408 accepted/tizen/unified/20210907.121933 submit/tizen/20210906.014744 submit/tizen_6.5/20211028.163101 tizen_6.5.m2_release
2021-09-06 Joonbum KoMove assert checking to before add listener of wl_buffer 22/263522/1
2021-09-02 Joonbum KoModified build error when TIZEN_FEATURE disabled. 31/263431/1 linux_yocto
2021-08-27 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.12 54/263154/3 accepted/tizen/unified/20210830.103935 submit/tizen/20210827.024157
2021-08-27 Joonbum KoFixed a problem than adds duplicate listener to wl_buffer. 53/263153/3
2021-08-27 Joonbum KoChanged log printing for wl_buffer creation to TPL_INFO. 52/263152/3
2021-08-27 Joonbum KoAdd null checking to prevent problem. 51/263151/3
2021-08-27 Joonbum KoAdd build flags to separate tizen specific feature. 50/263150/3
2021-08-27 Joonbum KoRemove dependency releated wayland-vulkan-protocol 57/263157/1
2021-08-27 Joonbum KoMove unusing files to unused and remove from makefile. 56/263156/1
2021-08-27 Joonbum Kowayland-egl-tizen: Add a log output option. 55/263155/1
2021-07-26 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.11 68/261768/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20210802.135714 submit/tizen/20210727.093930 submit/tizen/20210802.011415
2021-07-21 Joonbum KoRemove unnecessary surf_mutex locking 64/261564/1
2021-06-21 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.10 25/260125/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20210622.125833 submit/tizen/20210621.073348
2021-06-21 Joonbum KoFix missing use of num_buffers when create tbm_queue. 24/260124/1
2021-06-10 Joonbum KoFix incorrect use of can_dequeue return value. 23/260123/1
2021-06-09 Joonbum KoResolve build warning related to backend init functions. 36/259536/1
2021-06-08 Joonbum KoAdd magic check to confirm WL_EGL_TIZEN private. 35/259535/1
2021-06-04 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.9 14/259314/1 accepted/tizen/unified/20210609.140524 submit/tizen/20210604.110910 submit/tizen/20210607.072910
2021-06-04 Joonbum Ko Remove duplicate initialize. 13/259313/1
2021-06-04 Joonbum KoAdd null checking to prevent problem. 12/259312/1
2021-06-04 Joonbum KoClarified thread message and corrected some bugs. 11/259311/1
2021-06-04 Tianhao NiFix ws-testcase build issue: 04/259304/1
2021-05-20 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.8 51/258551/1
2021-05-20 Joonbum KoExpand the condition of need_to_wait in buffer_clear. 50/258550/1
2021-05-20 Joonbum KoEnhanced protection against fence waiting buffers. 49/258549/1
2021-05-20 Joonbum KoAdded surface_vblanks list for safe destroy. 48/258548/1
2021-05-20 Joonbum KoAdd tpl_surface_vblank_t to manage vblank object 47/258547/1
2021-05-11 Joonbum KoPackage version up to 1.8.7 17/258117/2 submit/tizen/20210511.063731
2021-05-11 Joonbum KoFix to prevent thread conflict. 38/258138/1